da haben wir den salat. hab schon antwort. leider alles auf englisch. verstehe kein wort. ich weiss nicht was die von mir wollen. Thank you for contacting Cloud Imperium Games Support! This email is confirmation that we have received your request (#69853) and a Customer Support agent will be working to get back to you with an answer as soon as possible. We make every effort to get back to you as quickly as possible and most queries are answered within 48 hours. If your response requires additional research or is submitted over the weekend the response time may go up. Though we will do our best to respond to you as quickly as possible, sometimes the best way to get immediate answers is to search our FAQ’s which are available at: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/faq. There you will find answers to commonly asked questions such as: • Why don’t I receive an email after using Account Recovery? • How do I change my handle? • How do I use store credit? • Why didn’t I receive the UEC from my package? • What are the minimum specs required to play at this time? • How do I set up XMPP chat? • What are subscriptions? • How will I know when my physical item ordered has shipped? And much more! We hope this is helpful and again, thank you for contacting us. We’ll be getting back to you as soon as possible! In the meantime, if you have any additional information you would like to add to your request simply reply to this email, or click the link below. Please note that creating a Zendesk account is completely optional and is not required to contact support. Sincerely, CIG Customer Support