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Star Citizen - 1.0.2 patch notes (in Entwicklung)


Empfohlene Beiträge

Star Citizen Patch v1.0.2


• Added audio to several usable locations in the Redeemer

• Players are now notified when being removed from a match due to attacking allies

• Added a ‘shields’ section to the holotable


• Mustang Gamma and Omega have had their handling improved to reduce their drift

• Tweaked Rattler Cluster missile so that second stage rockets will detonate at separate time intervals if they miss


• 350r is able to have a Talon Stalker Twin Rack mounted on it in the holotable

• Fixed some of the issues that causes Hornets to leave their landing gear down

• Hornet Canard Turret texture no longer pops in and out with distance

• Entering the seat of the Gladiator will no longer swap to the rear view camera

• Fixed an issue that was preventing the system from kicking players persistently attacking allies

• Fixed an issue where using HOMAS or TrackIR whilst using Target Focus causes the players head to shake and move uncontrollably

• Fixed an instance where the repsawn widow would overlay the scoreboard at the end of a race

• Updated keyboard control image to remove zoom from bracket [] keys

• Fixed an issue that would prevent preset controls from appearing in the control list

• Kicking a player from the lobby will no longer cause lobby errors

• Fixed an issue that would cause character names to duplicate when moving around and readying up in a lobby

• Deluxe hangar ceiling fans will no longer flicker when viewed from ground level

• Fixed some graphical flickering in the Self Land hangar

Known Issues:

• 350r will sometimes spawn with damaged components

• Avenger maneuvering effects are green

• Avenger decelerates much faster than it accelerates

• Mustang Beta can have one of the doors in the cabin float above it if it’s used

• Back seat of the Super Hornet cannot be exited

• All ships aside from the Hornet are missing ship trails when carrying a Core

• Several ships are having radar visibility issues due to the helmet blocking the view

• Freelancer loading ramp has no collision

• Defeating another players ship will cause Capture the Core matches to end

• Rattler Cluster missile second stage rockets will all use the same trajectory

• User folder issues can cause weapon ammunition to go missing as well as other ship component malfunctions

• Missiles have a small portion of the ship targeting UI on them after being launched

• Character will sometimes spawn with the helmet on backwards

• Paint objects in the holotable are placeholder

• Multiple players persistently moving around in a lobby will cause their ship selections to overlap

• Loading back into a lobby will reset the ship selection to its default (sometimes this doesn’t happen visually but still happens on the backend)

• Ship selection resets to default the 2nd time a player loads into a game mode in the same lobby

PTU ist zum testen des Patches wieder Online......

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