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    Constellation Andromeda
    Cutlass Red

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About Me

Oscar Kling was born 2908 as 2nd child of Lilo Kling in an hospital of Hyperion, Fora. Oscar`s father, Karl Kling, disappeared without a trace, while Lilo was pregnant with Oscar in the 6 month.
Oscars brother, Otto Kling, being 3 years older than Oscar and born in 2905 faced a short childhood, having to help out his mother, keeping the small family fed and out of harms way in the rough life in Sohel.

Oscar and Otto had to learn fast and the hard way, while earning some credits giving the local bootleggers of Fora a hand with loading and unloading at Sohel. So they grew up in the dust of Sohel Space Port. Being 10 years old Oscar, he had to take care of himself and his mother, when Otto, his brother, got a job on board of an old Constellation commuting along the Banu-Border and  and was rarely seen since then.  

In 2924 Lilo got killed in a Hyper Clay Storm and Oscar decided to leave Fora and enlist in the UEE Navy. After 2 years of UEE Marine drill on Corin, Killian, LCpl Oscar Kling was chosen for an NCO program at McArthur and after 4 years of training finally became a UEE Navy Pilot. Starting as F-7C pilot, Oscar was soon transferred to an unit specialised in Deep-Space Reconnaissance Patrols (DSRP) flying Navy Retaliators along the Perry Line, Gliese and Kellog.

In 2936 Otto became the owner of an old RSI Constellation - the "SS Atacama" - by the last will of its previous owner and master. It was the same vessel he was the crew chief of for the last 18 years. Otto asked Oscar to join his new venture and so Oscar left the active service in the UEE Navy after 12 years and became formally Citizen of the UEE and a reservist of the UEE Navy. In the years that followed Oscar and Oscar conducted salvage, towing and rescue services in the Corel system. The two brothers managed to cover their costs of  CSTARS Ltd. - Corel Salvage, Towing And Rescue Services - how they called their two man venture.

In 2938 they found the wreckage of an abandoned F7C-M and claimed the remains as their property. Partly using the cargo hold of the "Atacama" they refitted the Super-Hornet and christened it "Jonas".

In 2939 they had enough money and spare parts organised to get "Jonas" flying again. On that maiden flight - the Super Hornet was unarmed and not fully checked out yet - they got into a developing situation between the UEE militia patrol consisting out of 2 Cutlass and a lone Drake Caterpillar. The suspect Caterpillar managed to disable one of the Cutlass and fled into an asteroid field, just where Otto and Oscar were testing their freshly refitted F7C-M. The militia Cutlass followed the Caterpillar into its hideout, which seemed to be an abandoned ore mine inside an asteroid. After a while the Caterpillar reappeared and left the asteroid field unmolested.
Otto and Oscar got curious and wanted to find out what happened to the militia Cutlass and landed inside the asteroid hanger, in which they saw the Cutlass disappearing. That's where they discovered the dead bodies of the 2 militia pilots lying beside their undamaged Cutlass. They decided to burry the 2 unlucky fellows and explore the old mine for other inhabitants. They found none and since the hanger seemed to be abandoned long time ago they decided to not tell anybody and to rebuilt the systems and installations to a useable degree, so they could use it as their companys base.
So they got settled and now had a good base for their "Atacama" (RSI Constellation), "Jonas" (Anvil Aerospace F7C-M Super-Hornet) and "Lucille" (Drake Cutlass) from, which they could conduct their business without having to worry about fees for storage and hanger space.

In 2941 a customer of CSTARS, who sent out a PanPanPan distress call, which was promptly answered by CSTARS, turned out to be an Advocacy Agent, which accused the 2 brothers for treason and murderer of 4 Advocacy Agents .The 4 Agents were said to have conducted under-cover operations in the Fora system militia in 2939, when they disappeared while a chase of a suspected Caterpillar. The Agent forced Otto to confirm the existence of the asteroid hangar, by threatening to execute Oscar. Since the Cutlass was still registered as UEE property and the two couldn´t fully back up their story with their sensor and flight logs of "Jonas" - the systems where not fully operational yet - the Agent was only prepared to cut a deal, when Otto accompanied him to identify the suspected smugglers vessel in the Advocacy Hardware Storage on Ellis VII.
When Otto was not able to identify the shown Caterpillar wreckage as the Caterpillar they observed leaving the asteroid hangar after the fight with the 2 Cutlass, the Advocacy broke the deal and faced Otto with 2 choices. Since Otto was no UEE citizen, he would either be accused of aiding in a murder and be executed right away or he could volunteer for the UEE Navy Recon Wing and paying back his debt by putting his life on the line.
Otto decided for the second...

Since his brother left to fight for the UEE, Oscar had to keep CSTARS in business and focused, Oscar decided that CSTARS does not have the resources and needs to maintain the Super-Hornet "Jonas" and sold the ship to a former client in Cathcard.

CSTARS now mainly depends on "Lucille" the trusty Cutlass, to do the SAR/Salvaging and keep CSTARS and Oscar alive, while the "Atacama" is acting as his home and office...

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