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Beiträge von Zenturio

  1. Was sagt man zu jemanden, der so einen Kommentar abgibt ... ahhhh, ich weiß es wieder ... Vollpfosten!



    Edit: Manche Leute glauben echt, sie könnten alles Schreiben so lange sie nur einen Smiley setzen. Wenn Du Dich dadurch besser fühlst, kann Du Dir also gerne vorstellen, ich hätte 1001 Smileys benutzt. Ich meine es allerdings genau so, wie ich es geschrieben habe.


    rate mal für was Smileys erfunden wurden. Da über das geschriebene Wort so viele Missverständnisse passieren, benutzt man die Smileys um die Sätze besser verständlicher zu machen... Sonst verstehen einige Leute keine Ironie, Sarkasmus und so weiter.  Und seh das ganze doch einfach positiv. Sich drüber aufzuregen hilft keinem weiter... :happy:  

    • Upvote 3
  2. Ich bin dabei... Battlefield 3 ist am Start... Zeit hab ich am besten am Wochenende Abends... Unter der Woche hab ich Abends auch oft Zeit aber da kann ich leider keine Garantie geben... wenn wir uns unter der Woche auf ein Tag einigen versuch ich natürlich zu kommen :) 

  3. der SSD-Stammtisch findet immer Dienstag ab ca 19-20 Uhr statt... 


    *diese Angaben sind ohne Gewähr und können jederzeit durch eine intensive Line-Diskussion geändert werden* 

    *falls eine Änderung zustande kommt, hoffen wir natürlich daran zu denken es hier ins Forum zu schreiben*  



  4. Ich gehöre eindeutig zu den Arcade-Spielern...

    Der Arena Commander von Star Citizen spiel ich jetzt schon seit dem ersten Release jede Woche und bin immer noch so begeistert wie am Anfang... 

    Elite Dangerous hab ich vor ein paar Monaten gespielt und fand es nach einer Woche so tod-langweilig, dass ich es bis heute nicht mehr angefasst habe... 

    400 Milliarden Sonnensystem vs 8km^3 und ausgerechnet die 8km^3 aka AC sind viel spannender als Elite... 

    versteht mich nicht falsch, ich finde Elite ein sehr gutes Spiel aber den Spielspaß sucht man vergeblich. 

    Der Realismus in Elite ist dagegen ziemlich gut... Freu mich schon das ganze mit der Oculus auszuprobieren ;-)

  5. also wenn 100 Millionen zusätzlich für das Projekt bereitgestellt werden dann ist das sehr gut... Falls Chris Roberts 100 Millionen für sein Spiel braucht, dann ist das nichts neues... 

    wie dem auch sei... die 100 Millionen werden Ende nächsten Jahres erreicht sein, wenn das so weitergeht... Bin mal gespannt ob Chris Roberts zu dem Artikel Stellung nehmen wird. Vill hat er sich ja nur versprochen oder es wurde falsch interpretiert.

    Aber Investoren wie EA sind da nicht dabei... Da muss die Hölle zufrieren... Chris würde sowas nie annehmen und der Wingman hat mal in irgendeinem Wingamns Hangout erwähnt, dass sie gerade nen Typen aus dem Office "rausgeworfen" haben, der zu dem Zeitpunkt 20 Millionen in Star Citizen investieren wollte... und das war zu einem Zeitpunkt wo sie das Geld noch gebraucht hätten ;) 

  6. folgendes hat Wingman im Livestream über sein neues Spiel gesagt:



    He says the company is made up completely of ex-CIG employees so far, including Mike Morlan.
    Jason Spangler and Chris Olivia are both part of the team
    300 Years into the future. Players take the role of Resource Agents, trying to get our hands on resources to make money.
    Game-play and mechanics will be similar to the classic game Descent. 6 DOF. Fly around tight spaces and through tunnels.
    4-5 Ships to fly at launch. (Stealth Ships, repair/support ships, gun play, mining ships)
    Several game modes. Create your own Corporation, play single player or multiplayer.
    Burrow through the ground in order to find secrets and upgrade your ships.
    Will be crowd-funded and community made. Looking for people to help make the game and be people like community managers. Not looking for money yet.
    Still figuring out which engine to use. Looking at unreal 4, and leaning in that direction.
    Looking to Ship the first version of the game withing ONE YEAR. Company started just two days ago. Already have a ship flying around on screen.
    Have a hangar or garage, such as World of Tanks, to upgrade weapons and engines and other parts. More arcade like and less hardcore of a flight model.
    Have a name in mind for company, but are looking for ideas from the community.
    New show like Wingman's Hangar will be coming out for this game. Called something like Wingman's Basement.
    Mod tools will be available as soon as game is released
    Will sell map-packs after game is released.
    Looking to make a companion App for the game as well, which would allow you to map out areas and find things.
    Voxel-based mining system
    Track-IR and Oculus rift will be supported.
    Looking at have 60 people or so playing at once in a game.
  7. Hey guys,


    I'm sorry for interrupting the goodbyes, but I wanted to stop back and address one thing that has been coming up: what's going on with Austin?


    The short answer is that we are NOT closing the studio. CIG Austin will remain at the Bee Cave location for the foreseeable future. 


    If anything, the recent reorganization has given the team Austin a much clearer purpose: to make the Persistent Universe a reality. Designers, artists and engineers are working hard there right now... and, in fact, we're hiring more. Austin continues to house our platform and QA teams, who are absolutely essential to every aspect of Star Citizen (although their jobs are less sexy.) Without those teams, everything from the website to Arena Commander simply wouldn't happen.


    We have full confidence in the team there... they have done and continue to do some outstanding work. Austin was responsible for the recent Persistent Universe demo at CitizenCon, which blew away everyone in the company (when we first got the build we had it set up on a big TV for people to just stare at in the office here.)


    More to the point, though: who's running the boat? As several of you have mentioned, Tony Zurovec is responsible for the Persistent Universe aspect of the project. Tony is a consumate designer and project manager, and his work is very exciting... he has simultaneously managed to organize an incredibly complex beast AND figure out some amazing new features to add without breaking the long range plan. More on that soon!


    The general manager of the Austin studio is John Erskine, who has been with the project since very early. Until Eric left, John managed Cloud Imperiums' operations (QA, platform, etc.) and he is now handling the day to day of managing the Austin studio. John is a genuine talent and just a good guy in general. He's a lot quieter than Wingman, but he's very good at what he does. John lead the team through the push to get the PU demo finished, and I've only heard good things from the team about the atmosphere there.


    You'll see more of Austin in the near future. I'm going to see about getting the AtV crew out there to shoot material and maybe host a couple of episodes from the office. It'll be good to let people see that life goes on and it'll be good to celebrate some of the hard work of the guys in the trenches there... but there's also a lot of cool stuff coming for Tony and the PU team to start talking about!




    Das verwirrt mich jetzt aber ein wenig... Wenn es jetzt einen neuen Studio Direktor in Austin gibt, warum hat der Wingman nicht einfach als Studio Direktor weitergemacht? Obwohl ich weiß dass es uns nichts angeht, was bei denen hinter der Bühne abgeht, bin ich mir sicher, dass das was der Wingman im Forum geschrieben hat, nicht der ganzen Wahrheit entspricht... (Ist aber immer so wenn jemand eine Firma verlässt. Die wahren Gründe werden nicht öffentlich gemacht)

  8. aber da in Austin 80 % des Studios am PU arbeiten kann man sagen, dass Tony der neue "Chef" in Austin ist... und die restlichen 20 % bekommen ihre Anweisungen per Email und Skype... 

    Würde mich auf jeden Fall wundern wenn sie nach einem neuen Studio Direktor suchen werden. 

  9. Hello fellow citizens!


    There have been a lot of rumors going around about me lately, as it seems you can’t fly a ship in the verse without someone floating a new “Where’s Wingman” conspiracy theory. I have had a good time following along with some of those, many of them very inventive, but that is not why I am here talking with everyone today.


    When Chris, myself and a few others sat down to discuss Star Citizen there was a plan of having the bulk of the team in Austin and a strike team in LA. However, it became quite the burden on Chris to travel back and forth to Austin every month, especially when we grew our plans and added extra studios and people. Frankly, it became an impossible task for Chris to manage his time and all the studios efficiently. So it was decided that for the good of the project we would need to consolidate the senior leads around Chris in the LA office.


    Which brings us to here. The situation was pretty obvious, my position would need to be in the LA office. 


    Now, this is not a simple decision for me. I love this game, and I love all of you as you have made Star Citizen what it is to date, you are like my second family, a community that feels as passionately about this game as I do and that is a wonderful thing, for which I am truly grateful. However, my family (Hotwing, SixWing and Winglet) are rooted in Austin and they are clearly my top priority in any major decision. So, as I pondered the choice it became increasingly clear that the right one was for me to step aside from my role at CIG.


    I have enjoyed more than anything being part of this adventure, from the early days of the campaign to doing Wingman’s hangar live in the basement to watching our team and the game grow with the passion of all the Citizens. Truly a mind blowing adventure, and one I have been proud to have been a small part of, but now I must be taking up my new role as cheerleader and dedicated (Golden ticket holding – oh yeah baby) backer. 


    I will still be around in the forums and in the chat roll with my fellow chatrollians – I will be right there alongside everyone else flying our ships, and enjoying the ride as Star Citizen and Squadron 42 continue to change the world of development.


    I thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart for supporting me along the way. I have had the best time of my life meeting folks at events, in coffee shops, biergartens, conferences, airports, heck all over really – if you happen to see me somewhere, please stop by to say hello, as it is a thrill every time I get to meet other Citizens in person and share stories, or anecdotes about development, the game or (REDACTED). :) And I will still pop into some events when I have some time. 


    And, if you want to see what I am up to next, please come join my new forums at: http://peezocker.com/ A temporary name for sure.


    So, before I start to cry, there is really only one things left to say…..


    See you all “in the verse”


    Eric “Wingman” Peterson





    :fullcry:  :fullcry:  

    • Upvote 3
  10. Ich vermisse die Zeit als solche Beiträge noch nicht an der Tagesordnung waren... HQ 2013 wo bist du blos geblieben....

    Einige Leute hier provozieren aber auch ziemlich gewaltig... jede Meinung die ihnen nicht passt wird kommentiert und dann ist es nur ne Frage der Zeit bis einem der Kragen platzt.... seid doch einfach mal einig, dass ihr uneinig seid....





    Dann fordere ich hiermit einen Drachen-Planeten auf dem man landen kann und sich dann mit Ohne-Zahn in die Lüfte schwingen kann ;) und wehe es fehlt eine Schuppe des Drachens.... und Saphira aus Eragon will ich auch...


    just my personal 0.02 Cent..... ( das mit dem Cent kommt richtig in Mode )


    :-D  :-D  :-D  

    • Upvote 1
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