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Comm-Link Schedule - Week of March 2nd.


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CIG Ben Lesnick:


Hey guys!

Please consider this schedule preliminary. As you may have guessed, we're working hard on Star Citizen 1.1. We aren't ready to give a release date yet, but if it happens this week then we'll have some additional content surrounding it (including one ship brochure.)

PAX East is Saturday evening. We are not able to livestream the event, but we will bring the footage back and have it posted by Monday. Several smaller videos (and a design post) will go live during the event.

You may also have noticed that we now have a Saturday 'round up' update. That's right, the Comm-Link is six days a week now!

Monday March 2nd
- 10 For the Chairman (now featuring an art sneak peak!)

Tuesday March 3rd
- Meet the Devs w/ Community Team

Wednesday March 4th
- Vault Update
- Fan Spotlight: LEGO Creations

Thursday March 5th
- Around the Verse
- Reverse the Verse

Friday Match 6th
- Monthly Report
- Design: Hardpoint Changes

Saturday, March 7th
- PAX East Event
- Weekly Roundup
- Design: Damage System

Fan Podcast Schedule

Monday -
• Star Signal - https://soundcloud.com/starsignal
• Innside the Verse - http://imperialnews.network/category/podcast/
Tuesday – 
• Guard Frequency - http://guardfrequency.com/
• Conversaciones en el Espectro (Chats in the Spectrum) http://www.ciudadanoestelar.com/j30/index.php/multimedia-mn/2013-09-23-11-49-56/podcast-mn-pag-3 

Wednesday – 
• Star Citizen Addicts Anonymous - http://youtube.com/StarCitizenAA
• Fortnightly Frontier - http://www.youtube.com/FortnightlyFrontier

Thursday -
• Weekly BadNewsGaming Multi-Stream - http://twitch.tv/badnewsbaron

Friday - 
• The Base Friday Show - http://radio.starcitizenbase.com/
• Starcast - http://www.twitch.tv/geekdomo
• Galactic Inquiry - http://www.twitch.tv/galacticinquiry

• Doctor Hawk Show - https://www.youtube.com/user/WraithAscendant
• Beyond the Horizon - http://www.beyondthehorizonradio.com/
• Star Citizen Report - http://www.twitch.tv/grievance (every other Saturday.)

• Tales of Citizens - http://www.twitch.tv/bridger15 (every other Sunday)



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