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Around the Verse 35


Empfohlene Beiträge

  • Empire Report:
    • Death tolls rise in Charon III Civil War.
      • Is it time for the navy to step in?
    • Should Consumer ships be allowed to carry military weapons?
    • Citizen Day celebrations start earlier every year.
  • Around the ‘Verse 34:
    • Cutlass Free-Fly week is almost over
      • Cutlass black available through end of the day Friday
    • Orion mini-game
      • Can you earn the prospector badge?
      • The game broke Ben’s legs.  He did not earn the badge.
    • Started a weekly rundown – Spectrum Dispatch Weekly Rundown
      • New comm-link every Saturday.  6 days a week of news, baby!
  • News from Around the ‘Verse!
  • Santa Monica – Travis and Darian
    • P52 Merlin
      • Undergoing its model update.  During the Constellation rework, one of the things for the Merlin, it was designed before any of the interior components were (powerplants, shield generators, etc…)
      • Rework to improve the looks of the ship, how it fits inside the Constellation, as well as how it docks with the constellation.
      • Should be a very cool ship.
    • Sizes and metrics for things!  Same guy working on the Merlin is working on standardizing all the weapons and weapon mounts.
      • That means creating a standardized system that each class of weapon and mount can fit into.
      • If a size 2 gun can hypothetically fit on a 5×5 foot surface area on the ship wing, the concept artists will know that, when they’re designing these ships, if it’s going to have a size 2 weapon mount, to leave that much clearance.
      • That means some items already in size parameters may have to be remodeleled to fit the new standards
      • Makes it easier to create weapons for all 11 sizes.
        • Same thing with weapon mounts.
        • All weapon mounts will have particular sizes for their ranks.  Standardization and uniformity for artists and developers and designers to create ships much more easily.
        • Also easier for players to recognize what will fit where.
      • Started with weapons, going to migrate these ideas to all areas of the ships.
      • These kinds of standards and guidelines are very important for the game.
        • If they had to redesign every weapon for every ship every time there was a new ship, it’d be ridiculous.
        • Think car tires.  All car tires of a certain size will fit all cars that… need that size wheel.
    • Vanguard!
      • Formerly known as Bulldog, formerly known as P-Diddy.
      • Concept model phase.  Gurmukh is doing the 3D model for the ship.
      • Fulfils a unique role that hasn’t existed before.
      • First to fight.
      • Variants revolve around ‘you’re the first to arrive at a battle scene’
        • Do you break the line, communicate back to your troops, etc…
      • Already benefiting from the new standards that are being developped.
    • There’s a lot more going on than just the 3 things they talk about every week, they’re limited in time about what they can mention.
  • Austin
    • Jake Ross and Ryan Archer
      • Art team has been working on props again
        • Ted Beargeon is working on a giant radar prop for radars that you’ll encounter in the PU.  Massive scale radars.
        • Bartender is off to skinning, looking ‘nice’.  He’s got a vest.
        • Be seeing him serving drinks soon
      • Events!
        • PAX East & SXSW
          • All hands on deck in Austin and LA for that.
          • Lots of cool stuff going there, sponsoring a party if you’re in Austin for SXSW
      • Alien languages
        • David Ladyman – got a whole team of linguists working on different languages.
          • Ryan Archer has heard him speak ‘A’ alien language.
            • Sounded like he was choking on something.
  • CIG UK
    • Ashley Canning – Gameplay/Tools Programmer.
      • Tool he’s working on right now is a big tool.  ‘Data Forge’
      • Contains all the game’s data.
      • Everything in CryEngine is contained in an XML file.  Presents some problems.
      • Complexity of vehicles increased 10 fold.  Chris wants ships very detailed, so ship XML data quickly got out of hand.
        • They’ve been looking at ways to approach the complexity of the ships and how the data is stored.
      • There’ll be 100’s of thousands of XML files scattered everywhere.
        • Data Forge should help programmers artists and designers organize better.
        • Now you create a Schema, which describes how data is created in the game.
        • Want to be able to run the game outside the CryEngine Editor and modify data at runtime.
        • Could have 10 designers playing the game, while one designer says ‘can you increase the fire rate’, and that would just happen.  It would automatically propagate.
        • Huge benefit for ship and item balance.
  • Illfonic
    • David Langeliers and Rodney Houle
      • Started putting together the initial plan for FPS meta-game
        • Unlock armour and weapons and attachments and ammo types etc… as you play the FPS.
        • Planning leaderboards – track kills, deaths, KDR, matches won and lost, etc…
        • Running REC in FPS same way as in AC.
      • Killing a lot of bugs for PAX.  Getting a good state for it, they think it’ll be good.
      • Zero-G focused environment will be shown at PAX.
  • MVP
    • This week’s MVP goes to Crash for a thread and android app listing all the ships, screenshots, and stats for ships etc…
    • Another Org highlight.
      • ‘Musicians’
      • They’re doing a fan soundtrack.
  • Interview: James and Justin Binford – QA Manager
    • Directs QA operations, primarily in the Austin studio.  Finds and smashes bugs and such.
    • You guys work really, hard, and we really respect the work you do, and want everyone to see more of what you do
      • Yeah, when we’re coming up on a release, we start crunching, because there’s a lot of quick turnaround with the builds, and we just have to check everything.  Primarily when coming up on a release, we’ll be working some late nights.
    • Even over holidays for 1.0?
      • Yeah, that build came in really hot, and when we pushed it out at the last possible second, we inevitably had some issues we had to work through.  But yeah, we had to keep working, but that comes with the territory.
    • You guys were machines.  Constant emails the entire break.
      • Yeah, my team is just so amazing.  Each individual person is a complete badass.
      • Some of them will transition into development eventually, but they’re really on top of everything.  They’re great.
    • Another thing interesting about our QA specifically is how we take the Community’s help when looking into bugs.  Does that make it easier for you or?
      • It definitely helps.  As a whole, our QA team is relatively small, so we definitely leverage the community when we can, and it’s been extremely helpful.  Right now they post issues on the forums, they tell us in chat, or through the customer service ticket system, but yeah, it’s definitely a huge help
      • And we plan on expanding on that with a custom bug-tracking solution that’ll be implemented into the website, which will help tremendously
      • We also have community helpers, ‘bug mods’, and they’ve been super helpful.  Categorizing issues and such.
    • Yeah, it’s another special thing about this project, just, how much the community helps
      • Yeah, lots of community helpers, everyone’s just super excited about the game.  We’re all fans, and we just want to make sure it’s the best game possible.
    • So how has the introduction of the PTU changed a little bit how you operate
      • I think it’ll be a lifesaver for us.  We’re just in the beginning, but some of the things we’re not able to test because we just don’t have enough people, and when we do release a build, it’ll get hammered by the public, so using the PTU will help us iron out those issues and have a smoother ‘official’ release.
    • Is there anything about this project, there’re little tricks of the trade for QA, but is there anything that just makes it different for Star Citizen?
      • I think, primarily, with the engine we’re using, we’ve learned that if you make a change in one system, it can affect an entirely different system.  We’ve learned that the hard way, so we basically need to check everything for every release.  Our checklist has grown pretty huge.
      • Luckily we have the UK QA team, and they’ll start early, start a checklist, and then hand it over to us.
      • Also, with the way we’re doing development, with multiple studios around the world, sometimes some changes that happen at one studio can break things from another studio.  But so far it’s going pretty good.
    • This is the first time I’ve seen your team, and it’s just, not the biggest team, and you guys are doing great.
      • Yeah, and they’re all just super excited.  They’re so happy to work here, and every time we do crunch, I stress that it’s voluntary, but they’re so passionate, that, we’re the first and last line of defense, and everyone is definitely taking an ownership to it.
      • We want to make sure the game is good.
    • You’ve been here for a long time
      • Yeah, we were in a basement of a house down by UT campus, and there were like 30 of us.  We all were so packed in there, later that year we had our christmas party and everyone was sick
      • We’ve got more space now though.
    • That’s why we moved to a new space, so we all wouldn’t be sick at the same time
    • I just want everyone to know, QA are the unsung heroes, and This is the man who’s working so hard to make sure the game’s not as broken as it could be
      • And we appreciate it.  We get a lot of love from the community, and it only energizes us more.
  • Sandi Training School
    • Starting with a … cooking montage?
      • Cutting up vegetables and crushing nuts and putting them in a… food processor?
      • ‘Always juice before you fly’
    • Flying a SuperHornet, teaching secrets to targeting.
      • Radar auto-scans all targets that you can see on the radar.
      • Includes friendly and hostile.
    • Crosshair shows where your nose is pointing, but the ‘hit predictors’ that come out of the crosshair predicts where your shots will actually be hitting.
      • So, get that pip over your target and shoot then, and you’ll hit it.
    • Much more, but… didn’t transcribe it all.
  • Back to Sandi and Ben!
    • Working hard on 1.1
      • Hoping to have something very soon, possibly as soon as later today.
      • Cool content once 1.1 launches including a brochure and new ships.
    • PAX East
      • Hopefully they’ll get going on time
        • They almost have this thing down.
      • Not livestreamed, but there will be video on Monday, and some content as Chris presents it will be available on Saturday, including a design piece on Damage
    • Monthly Report
      • And two design peices also drop this weekend – weapons mount revamp in 1.1
      • On Saturday a piece from the UK on the new damage system
    • Art Sneak Peek
      • Looks like the mobiGlas?
    • And that’s it!

Quelle: http://imperialnews.network/2015/03/around-verse-episode-34-including-transcript/

Bearbeitet von MarcelSchoenfeldt
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