Hallo Citizens, Es wurde oft darueber diskutiert ob man im Dogfighting Module v1 mit freunden Spielen kann? Ich habe da im RSI Forum einen netten "Offiziellen" Thread gefunden, wo besteatigt wird dass mann doch mit Freunden Spielen kann. Ps: Maitai mach dich auf was gefasst...... muhahhahaha (freu ) Link zum Thread: https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/comment/2035353/#Comment_2035353 Travis DayMightyMonkey Posted: 6:34AM Sid "Buddha" G. | SidG said: » show previous quotesHi Travis, Are you saying DFM v1 will not have any way to play with friends, that everyone will just be thrown into a match with totally random people? If so, how long will we have to wait until it becomes possible?You should be able to play with friends it just won't be as slick as it will be once we have the full integration of the organization, friends, and lobby systems. Where you can all pal around in your hangar and get into ships together.