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Hallo Star Citizens, Wie man unter https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/15025-Star-Citizen-Alpha-13-Availablenachlesen kann ist jetzt 1.3 Live. Viel Spaß beim downloaden. Weiß nicht ob es nur beim mir so ist oder ob auch andere das Phenomen haben, als ich den Client gestartet habe stand er für 30 Sekunden bei Ready to Launch bevor das Update gestartet worden ist. Außerdem wird keine Downloadgröße angezeigt sagt aber es dauert eine gute Stunde. So noch das Patchnote nachgereicht. Patch 1.3 is now available on Live! This patch includes a large expansion to the ArcCorp’s Area 18. It adds the under-construction Galleria area, an overhaul of the social interface, new emotes and the addition of Greycat buggies around the zone that can be driven and crashed. We have also introduced some balance changes to both ship health and weapon damage, as well as a number of bug fixes to the game. Please fully restart your client and launcher to ensure your client is updated. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if they start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. Please review our current list of 1.3 Known Issues, and take full advantage of our new Issue Council area of the Community site to report any bugs you encounter, as well as contribute to other players submissions. 1.3 Feedback is also now open for suggestions, feedback and non-bug reports. A few important call-outs: Allied players are sometimes showing up as enemies on Vanduul Swarm Coop. It is possible in some situations to load into matches with the incorrect ships. We are currently investigating these issues to have a fix as soon as possible. “CTRL+F” is the new keybinding for disembarking ships, not “F”. This is not a bug. Issues marked in the patch notes with a #hashtag were reported to CIG via Issue Council reports and contributions. Thank you all! Contents:HangarAdditionsBalance/TweaksFixesArena CommanderAdditionsBalance/TweaksFixesSocial ModuleAdditionsBalance/TweaksFixesHangar Module Additions: Environment The Greycat Buggy has received an appearance, animation and handling overhaul.The fish tank in all current Hangars has received appearance updates.The elevator to Area 18 will now show all available instances of ArcCorp, how many people are present in each one, and how many people from your contact list are present.There is now a “Loadout Selector” located in all player hangar’s that will allow players to select what load out they will move around the Hangar and ArcCorp with.This replaces the random loadout functionality that could be cycled through on “F6”.Aeroview – Loadout Selector is in the main hangar, against the wall behind you and to the right side as you spawn.Selfland – Loadout Selector is to the platform to the right of your character when you spawn, next to the Electronic Access pod.VFG Industrial – Loadout Selector is to the left of your characters when they spawn, across from the elevator to the overlook.Revel & York – Loadout Selector is to the left of your characters when they spawn, next to the Holotable.Balance/Tweaks: Environment The Selfland Hangar is in the process of receiving a full relighting pass to improve the overall look and atmosphere. User Interface The old default function of “F11” (maximize HUD) no longer has a function in game and has been removed.“F6” key no longer provides in-game characters with a random loadout in the Hangar.Camera free look can now be activated by “Shift+G”.“Ctrl+F” is now the hotkey to disembark a ship.This applies to all game-modes.Fixes: Ships Fixed an issue where characters would not be properly aligned in the Retaliator when attempting to sit in the Retaliator pilot chair.Fixed an issue where characters would appear outside of the Gladiator when attempting to sit down in the Gladiator pilot chair.Fixed an issue where the pilot of a Vanduul Scythe would experience unusual camera shaking when looking around in-game. Environment Fixed an issue where the Revel & York hangar doors would sometimes snap back open without animation if repeatedly triggered.Fixed several texture conflict issues in the Selfland Hangar.Fixed an issue where character hands would appear to be broken when driving the Greycat buggy. User Interface Fixed an issue where client framerate would drop when the cursor hovered over scrolling text.Fixed an issue where rapidly switching between different sections in the game menu would sometimes lock out access to device cycling.Arena Commander Module: Additions: Gameplay The groundwork for Interior physics grids has gone live!The Avenger, 300 series, Auroras (all Variants) and Non-Racer Mustangs will allow you to exit your seat while in flight as a result.However because the full mechanics are not yet in place, your character may clip out of your ship or be in zero-G while on the ship. Components The Behring C-788 Ballistic Cannon has been added to the game.This gun uses a S4 mount and fires at 2.2 shots per second.Size 4 fixed mounts that can replace the Hornet and Cutlass Turrets have been added to accommodate the Ballistic Cannon.The Size 4 fixed mount replaces the existing gimbal turret.Apocalypse Arms WarSeries SZ4 Mass Driver has been added to the game on Voyager Direct.This gun uses a S2 mount and fires at 0.7 shots per second.Balance/Tweaks: Gameplay Missile explosions and impact have received minor adjustments to improve both look and feel.Increased the health of all ships.Increased overall shield strength of all ships to reduce alpha damage and bring up survival.Missile damage has been increased slightly to keep pace with health and improve effectiveness.Missile lock time has been adjusted.Energy weapon velocities have been increased across the board to be faster then ballistics.Damage of energy weapons has been reduced slightly to compensate.Our philosophy here is that as energy weapons do no damage until shields are down, it takes more hits by energy weapons to do real damage and accuracy is thus more important.Ballistic weapons have received a corresponding buff to their potential range so that they can potentially hit targets that are farther away.Shield penetration for Ballistic weapons reduced from 70% to 60%.Overall missile tracking has been decreased slightly. Components Plasma bolt range decreased by 30% for the Vanduul “Wrath” Plasma Cannon.Neutron bolt speed increased by 20% for the Vanduul “War” Neutron Cannon.The effectiveness of the chaff countermeasure has been increased.Reduced the power plant of the F7C-M Super Hornet by 25% to make the selection and use of weapons with high power drain more meaningful.The “Wrath” Plasma cannon has had damage increased, heat pool increased and coolant increased.Reduced rate of fire for the Tarantula GT-870.Damage for 20mm ballistic ammo has been reduced by 3.Damage for 60mm ballistic ammo has been increased by 20. Ships The Cutlass has received a minor tweak to its thruster gimbals to improve maneuverability.The following ships and all variants have received an update to their shield meshes and animations to better align with their ship models.Avenger, Gladius, Mustang, Cutlass, 300 Series, M50, Gladiator, Glaive.Increased the power draw of the M50’s engine.Decreased the strength of the M50’s power plant.These two changes are to ensure that the choice of mounting a weapon with high power drain vs one with low power drain on the m50 will have a meaningful impact on performance and speed.Interacting character animations have been updated for all flight-ready ships.Rotational acceleration and boost have both been increased on the Cutlass. Environment The following ships and all variants have received tweaks to their thruster audio:Avenger, Gladius, Hornet, 300 series, M50, Glaive, Scythe User Interface “Look Ahead” mode is now turned on by default. It can be toggled on and off by “Right-ALT+M”.The Weapon Gimbal Lock is now on “Left-CTRL+G”.Fixes: Gameplay Fixed an issue where players would not be removed Arena Commander for being idle unless all players in the match were idle.Fixed an issue during the Tutorial – Chapter 3, where the missiles would sometimes not track the target correctly, particularly when firing all missiles simultaneously.Fixed an issue where weapons fire could appear offset from the weapon muzzle, when the ship was firing while moving.Fixed an issue where a ships target could be lost when increasing distance from target, despite target still being in sensor range.# Components Fixed an issue where projectiles fired from ship weapons would sometimes remain protruding out of the weapon they had been shot from or otherwise collide with the firing weapon, causing damage or display issues.Fixed an issue where gimbaled thrusters were not always rotating visually.The “War” Plasma Cannon for the Vanduul Scythe is now correctly designated by the in-game Hangar HUD as the “Wrath” Plasma Cannon. Ships Fixed an issue with one of the third-person camera views for the Aurora (all variations) where it would sometimes be clipped inside the hull of the ship.There should no longer be a visible gap between the bottom of the rear door and the floor of the Cutlass (all variants).Fixed an animation problem where character hands would sometimes clip through the turret controls for the Gladiator when sitting down.Fixed an issue where the Vanduul Glaive would occasionally land with the front of the ship pointed upward.Fixed an issue with the Vanduul Glaive, where the boost would not work due to it having no fuel.The pilot seat for the Avenger is no longer missing textures.Fixed an issue where the 300 series, Avenger and Hornet (all variations) would sometimes tilt backwards when landing.#Fixed an issue where the Aurora LN was missing green paint on the side and upper intakes.Fixed an issue where the Hornet engine audio, for both acceleration and boost, was sub-audible at most volumes.The Vanduul Glaive name no longer appears as “@vehicle_NameVNCL_Scythe_Glaive” in Arena Commander, and instead shows the proper label.The M50 no longer jerks erratically to the left or right when boosting.Fixed an issue where the Mustang Beta could not enter landing mode. Technical Fixed a black screen that would occur when joining a Lobby while GIM services were down.Added the ability for the Lobby to return an error if a client attempts to join while GIM is down.Fixed an issue where clients would sometimes get stuck on a loading screen, if they are connecting to an instance that no longer exists.Fixed an issue where pressing X to respawn in Arena Commander would sometimes cause the client to crash if the character died by colliding with an asteroid.Fixed an issue where the client could black screen if the lobby service was not able to communicate with the instance manager.Fixed one lobby issue where the player Host would see a different map and rule for a match in the UI then the players would.#This would happen when a host created a game, left, and entered or created a new lobby.Fixed an issue where players would complete a match, return to lobby, and be unable to ready-up for a new match.#This was due to the players in the group remaining in a “in match” state in GIM. User Interface Fixed an issue where players would be unable to trigger respawn if they died while interacting with the HUD.Missiles no longer have a graphical glitch where they retain a small portion of the firing ships interface.The ship HUD will no longer sometimes detach from the helmet upon initial spawn or after colliding with an object.The character helmet will no longer separate from the rest of the character due to inertia, causing issues with the ship HUD. h1. Social Module: Additions: Gameplay ArcCorp, Area 18 is expanding.The new Galleria area is currently under construction, but available for exploration.New emotes have been added to the game./agree, /angry(1-3), /attention, /blah(1-2), /bored (2), /bow(1-6), /burp, /cheer(1-8), /chicken, /clap (5-7 are new), /come(1-4), /cry, /dance(1-6), /disagree(1-3), /failure, /flex(1-3), /flirt, /gasp(1-5), /gloat(1-4), /greet, /laugh(1-3), /point(1-4), /rude(1-3), /salute(1-2), /sit, /sleep, /smell(1-2), /threaten(1-2), /wait(1-2), /wave(1-2), /whistle(1-2)Some new and existing emotes now include (temporary) audio dialog.The maximum character capacity for Area 18 has been increased to 36.The limit will expand up to 40, if you are attempting to join an instance with players from your contact list.Fully functional Greycat Buggies have been added around ArcCorp.The Greycat Buggies in ArcCorp can explode and be destroyed when they impact at high speed.Both drivers and passengers of Greycat Buggies in ArcCorp can be killed if the buggy is destroyed due to high speed impact.Killed characters will be revived by our highly-trained staff at the Area 18 Medical Unit.Players will now be removed from Area 18 due to inactivity after 15 minutes.An inactivity warning will be displayed 1 minute prior to removal.Falling out of the terrain will now kill players, and revive them in the Area 18 Medical Unit. Character Character rigs and animations have all been updated. User Interface There is a new loading screen when taking the elevator from the Hangar to ArcCorp’s Area 18.The chat UI has received a graphical overhaul.New features for the chat interface include multiple tabs for conversation management, private conversations, and a contacts list that can be extended or retracted into the UI.Owners of a private conversation can kick players from their conversations.Chat setting buttons have been added to the chat interface, but are not currently active.Contacts must still be added or removed via the Contacts List (Hotkey – “F11”).Players can now both copy chat from the chat roll, and copy/paste into the chat UI.Using the “Up” arrow key while the chat entry field is in focus will now display your previous message.The new default hotkey for the contact list is now “F11”.When using Augmented Reality, shop items will now have a blue highlight when targeted.“Left-ALT+Space” key now enables use of the Mouse and locks the character in place, allowing use of buttons, tabs and other in-game functionality.Balance/Tweaks: Gameplay /stand has been changed to /atease. Environment The G~Loc liquor cabinets have been updated to have bottles from in-universe brands.There are new commercials scattered through the billboards and screens in ArcCorp.The following shops in Area 18 have received updates to their facades and external appearance: Casaba Outlet, TDD Jobwell, Cubby Blast, AstroArmada.Characters can no longer climb over the bar at G~Loc. User Interface Augmented Reality has received some minor adjustments to its animations and appearance.Augmented Reality has been moved to the “F10” hotkey.The “L” key no longer opens the contact list. The new default hotkey is “F11”.Character names in Augmented Reality will now transition in and out of view based on range at a smoother, more gradual rate.Fixes: Environment Several spelling errors on the “Shooting Range” sign in Cubby Blast have been fixed.Fixed a number of texture conflicts and lighting bugs in ArcCorp.The “Exit” sign in Cubby Blast has been fixed so it overall more visible and no longer disappears on low graphic settings.A number of collision problems around ArcCorp have been fixed, around AstroArmada, G~Loc, Dumper’s Depot and the Medical Unit.Fixed an issue with the incinerator fan behind Casaba having detail and graphical errors on low graphics settings.Fixed an issue with some of the posters in G~Loc clipping through the wall.Fixed several issues with the collision of the railings in the Area 18 Jobwell.Characters should no longer pop through the railings by running against them.The arms of characters should no longer clip through the railing.Fixed an issue with one of the Medical Unit desks lacking collision. Technical Fixed an issue where clients would crash on entering ArcCorp if SLI was enabled.Fixed an issue where players could end up in a phantom lobby after the original host departed, and never receive additional players. User Interface Entering an invalid command in chat will now display an error – “Command Invalid, type /help for list of valid commands.”Using the up arrow while the chat entry field is in-focus will no longer take away focus.Updated the advanced keybinding options and keyboard keymap image in the game menu to now show the Social Module features.
Dralthi zum Supersonderverkauf bei RSI !!!
Kalimthor antwortete auf Kalimthor's Thema in News zu Verschiedenem
Passend zum Fischhangar kann man sich gleich auch ein paar Fische direkt in den Hangar stellen wie diesen hier. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ships/pisces/Pisces-Labroides oder die Krabbe https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ships/pisces/Pisces-Major -
Hallo Leute schaut mal hier rein, hier muß man sofort zu schlagen P.S. nur solange der Vorrat reicht! https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ships/pisces/Pisces-Dralthi Falls jemand Probleme mit Fischen im Hangar hat, gibt es auch gleich eine Abhilfe zum versenken dieser Plage, unter diesem Angebot. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ships/pisces/Pisces-Croceus Na dann Petri Heil.
Trauer, Vater ist mit 65 Jahren am Herzstillstand am Donnerstag gestorben.
- Vorherige Kommentare anzeigen 8weitere
mein Beileid ... bei mir ist ein Kumpel von uns gegangen, hatte wohl kein Bock mehr auf das Leben und so ... :(
Die 48 Millionen sind gerade voll geworden, dafür gibt es dann: Retaliator Commercial It was a close race but The Retaliator pulled ahead. The Avenger was a close second. The symbol of the United Empire of Earth’s power is the next ship to receive a slick commercial. Aegis Dynamics is in dire need of good publicity since the end of the of the Messer era. We currently have the Cutlass and the Constellation commercials in production and now the Retaliator will be added to that list. Dann geht es jetzt zu zum 42 Millionen Stretch-Goal da gibt es dann: Xi’An Space Plant Similar to a bonsai tree, the Centennial Bloom is a very famous Xi’An plant indigenous to Eealus III that blossoms for one night every one hundred years. They sell the plants in sealed terrariums to traders. Ever since their introduction to the UEE, Humanity has been fascinated by these beautiful plants and the wait for them to bloom. So nun heißt es wieder warten auf den Letter from the Chairman und die tolle und schnell Übersetzung vom SNCR-Team unter http://www.star-citizen-news-radio.de/
Hallo, wollte nur bekannt geben unter https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/14010-Dogtags-Available gibt es SC-Schlüsselanhänger zum vorbestellen. Schnell sein!! Die Aktion ist momentan auf 3000 Stück begrenzt. Update: Limited Edition Keyring nur noch 1699 übrig Die gehen weg wie warme Semmel
Die 41 Millionen sind gerade voll geworden, dafür gibt es dann: Procedural Generation R&D Team – This stretch goal will allocate funding for Cloud Imperium to develop procedural generation technology for future iterations of Star Citizen. Advanced procedural generation will be necessary for creating entire planets worth of exploration and development content. A special strike team of procedural generation-oriented developers will be assembled to make this technology a reality. Übersetzung von SCNR: Mit diesem Stretch Goal werden die Mittel für die Entwicklung einer Technologie für Prozedurale Generation von CIG bereitgestellt. Die Prozedurale Generation ist notwendig um ganze Planeten zu erstellen die es wert sind erforscht zu werden. Wir werden ein spezielles Team von Entwicklern zusammenstellen, die für uns genau diese Technologie entwickeln. Dann geht es jetzt zu zum 42 Millionen Stretch-Goal da gibt es dann: Updated Observist Guide – Additional funding from the $42 million level will go to expanding the website area of the Galactapedia: expect to see holographic ships, items and navigation interface in 3D! Imagine admiring your ships or planning your loadouts right here at the RSI website.Explorer-class mobiGlas Rig – Every player who backs before we hit $42 million will start the game with their own, visually distinctive mobiGlas “ExoGlas” rig which can be used to access the Observist at any time. I’ve charged the mobiGlas team with a very difficult task: creating a realistic interface that will help keep your affairs in order in an expansive galaxy that we hope players will expand in unknown directions. It’s almost like building our own in fiction operating system for an imagined future, and it’s very different task than building spaceships. This backer-exclusive mobiGlas kit will come pre-loaded with additional galactic information that new players would ordinarily need to explore or barter to fill out; it’s our way of honoring the information you’ve collected about the Star Citizen universe through the RSI site and community over the past year!Gladius – The Squadron 42 team will develop an additional fighter for the game, the Aegis Dynamics Gladius-class light fighter. The Gladius will be the first fighter built entirely from concept to CryEngine in the UK! Here’s the official description: The Aegis Gladius is the UEE’s reigning light short-range patrol fighter. A single-seat ship with no room for expansion, the Gladius is fast, maneuverable and capable of punching far above its weight. The main advantage to the design is simplicity: cheap to produce, easy to repair and outfit and quick to train new pilots on. The Gladius is an aging design nearing the end of its life-cycle, although iterative updates have kept it the most nimble fighter in the active fleet.Towel – And of course, everyone who backs before we hit $42 million will also receive a towel for their hangar. Don’t explore the galaxy without it!Übersetzung von SCNR: Aktualisierung für den Observist Guide. Mit den zusätzlichen Mitteln aus dem 42 Millionen Dollar Stretch Goal werden wir die Webseite im Bereich der Galactipedia ausbauen. Freut euch auf holographische Schiffe, Gegenstände und das gesamte Navigations-Interface in 3 D. Du kannst deine Schiffe direkt auf der RSI Seit ausrüsten und bewundern. Explorer Mobiglas Jeder Backer der vor dem 42 Millionen Stretch Goal dabei war kann Star Citizen mit seinem eigenen, unverwechselbaren visuellem MobGlas in der „ExoGlas“ Version beginnen, mit ihm hast du jederzeit zugriff auf den Observist. Ich habe dem MobiGlas Team eine sehr schwierige Aufgabe gegeben: Sie sollen für euch Spieler ein realistisches Interface geben mit dem es möglich sein wird in einer expandierenden Galaxie eure Angelegenheiten in Ordnung zu halten. Es ist schon fast wie der Aufbau eines neuen zukünftigen Betriebssystems und es ist völlig anders als das Entwickeln neuer Raumschiffe. Dieses Backer Exklusive MobiGlas wird zusätzliche Galaktische Informationen enthalten die neue welche neue Spieler normalerweise erst erkunden oder tauschen bzw. handeln müssten. Es ist unsere Art euch dafür zu danken das ihr das ganze letzte Jahr über Informationen zum Star Citizen Universum auf der RSI Seite und in der Community gesammelt habt. Gladius Das Squadron 42 -Team wird einen zusätzliche Jäger für das Spiel entwickeln, den Aegis Dynamics Gladius, einen leichten Jäger. Die Gladius wird das erste Schiff sein das von der Konzeptphase bis hin zur Integration in die Cry Engine ganz in Großbritannien entwickelt wird. Hier ist die offizielle Beschreibung: Die Aegis Gladius ist ein leichter Kurzstrecken Patrouillen Jäger der UEE. Sie ist ein Einsitzer und ist nicht erweiterbar. Das Schiff ist sehr schnell und wendig und seine Schlagkraft liegt weit über seinem Gewicht. Die Hauptvorteile dieser Konstruktionsweise ist das es billig in der Herstellung, leicht zu reparieren ist und das man neue Piloten schnell darauf ausbilden kann. Die Gladius ist schon ein älteres Design und nähert sich dem Ende seines Lebenszyklus, wird aber mit neuen Upgrades immer noch als ein flinker Kämpfer in der Flotte geschätzt. Handtuch Außerdem bekommt jeder Backer der vor dem erreichen des 42 Millionen Dollar Stretch Goal dabei war ein Handtuch für seinen Hangar. Erforscht die Galaxie nicht ohne euer Handtuch! Denkt bitte daran, dass die Stretch Goals nur als Beispiel für das dienen was wir mit den zusätzlichen Mitteln für Star Citizen bewirken können. Mit diesen zusätzlichen Geldmitteln wird das ganze Projekt finanziert. Wir beschäftigen mittlerweile über 200 Mitarbeiter und jeder zusätzliche Dollar erlaubt es uns dieses große Team zu unterstützen und Star Citizen größer und besser werden zu lassen. So nun heißt es wieder warten auf den Letter from the Chairman und die tolle und schnell Übersetzung vom SNCR-Team unter http://www.star-citizen-news-radio.de/
Hallo Leute das Organisations System wurde gestartet. Infos gibt es dazu hier: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/13488-Organization-System-Launch momentan natürlich noch in englisch, aber sowie ich Star Citizen News Radio kenne, wird es nicht lange dauern dann ist es übersetzt. So als kleiner Nachtrag, zum loslegen im Account einloggen und unter "My RSI" gibt es den neuen Link "Organization", da kann man dann Search and join wählen oder Create. So nun viel Spaß damit
Hallo, zur Info die 35 Millionengrenze wurde über schritten. Unter dem Link https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/13449-Letter-From-The-Chairman-35-Million gibt es den "Letter from the Chairman" und somit auch den nächsten Vote für "What location would you like to see in Star Citizen?"
Hi an alle, der nächste Patch ist da. Info unter https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/13439-Hangar-Patch-10-Available zu finden. Viel Spaß mit dem runterladen und ausprobieren. Bin gerade beim laden. So noch als Nachtrag die Liste der neuen Features und Fixes. NEW FEATURESNEW FEATURE – Updated AvengerNEW FEATURE – Added Holiday WreathNEW FEATURE – Added Firing RangeNEW FEATURE – CutlassNEW FEATURE – New fishtank decorationsCleaner FishSchool of JellyfishCute Space CrabRibbon FishNEW FEATURE – FootlockerKNOWN ISSUESKNOW ISSUE – Firing Range has limit selection of weaponsKNOW ISSUE – Weapon impact decals missing from firing rangeKNOW ISSUE – Jump graphic is offsetKNOW ISSUE – Avenger and Cutlass must be entered through the rearKNOW ISSUE – P52 missing from Constellation hangarBUG FIXESBUG FIX – Missing DLL in some versions of Windows VistaBUG FIX – Various improvements to collision physicsBUG FIX – Cockpit in 325a has been fixedBUG FIX – Lighting in the Hangar and ships has been improved
Hallo Seit Heute ist der neue Hangar Patch verfügbar. Sind eher kleine Änderungen. Zum nachlesen, hier der Link https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link//13426-Hangar-Patch-9-Released Und die Liste der Änderungen New feature: Client side persistenceNew feature: Trophy CaseNew feature: New fishtank decorationsHelmetCoralSpace crab grottoNew feature: Golden Ticket plaqueBUG FIX: Fixed a crash that could happen when using the outfit changerBUG FIX: Various camera and collision fixes for both third and first person viewsBUG FIX: Third person camera jitter reducedBUG FIX: Added support for 2560×1440BUG FIX: Holotable: tab key now togglesBUG FIX: Deluxe Hangar floor fixesBUG FIX: Fixed mis-labeled weaponsBUG FIX: Fixed a rare particle crashBUG FIX: Fixes and updates to Hangar lighting, 300i and Hornet lighting will show up again nowBUG FIX: Fixed flipped decals inside the 300iBUG FIX: Fixed flipped decals on a 325a engineBUG FIX: Fixed flipped decals on the 350r engineBUG FIX: Hornet F7c has the proper loadout nowBUG FIX: Fixed some items not showing up in the HangarBUG FIX: Fixed a rare crash due to left over debug codeBUG FIX: Fixed particle effects in the fish tankBUG FIX: Fixed some character IK issues with the F7cBUG FIX: Fixed various character collision issuesBUG FIX: Various other small fixes to the Hangars and shipsKNOWN ISSUE: 325a cockpit seat does not animateKNOWN ISSUE: Crash can occur while using the holotable and aggressively mousing over shipsKNOWN ISSUE: Pilot left hand not properly attached to Hornet and variant throttleKNOWN ISSUE: Hands not properly attached to Constellation turret joysticksKNOWN ISSUE: Super Hornet first person free look is sluggishKNOWN ISSUE: Aurora joystick and pedals move simultaneouslyKNOWN ISSUE: Lights seen through glass do not distort properlyKNOWN ISSUE: Buggy first person camera is stationaryKNOWN ISSUE: Camera can snap to an opposite direction following an animationKNOWN ISSUE: Unable to look left when sitting on the Constellation toiletKNOWN ISSUE: Privateer outfit hands remain after switching back to default outfitKNOWN ISSUE: Some ship items are able to be attached to an unrelated shipKNOWN ISSUE: Freelancer controls remain extended after standing from pilot seat
Die 25 Millionen $-Marke ist erreicht
Kalimthor antwortete auf Kalimthor's Thema in News zu Verschiedenem
Der Letter from The Chairman ist online -
Hallo, Die 25 Millionen sind voll und somit die Enhanced Alpha erreicht und somit geht es jetzt weiter zum nächsten Stretch Goal Enhanced Capital Ship Systems. Nun heißt es mal wieder warten auf den "Letter from the Chairman" und das nächste Stretch Goal.
Hallo, es werden ein paar Fragen über die Hornet-Aktion erklärt, hier der Link https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/13340-Hornet-FAQ zur Zeit in englisch aber ich schätze mal, daß die News bald auf http://www.star-citizen-news-radio.de/ übersetzt erscheint.
Tja, jetzt heißt es erstmal Platz schaffen im Hangar, ich werde dann mal anbauen
Hallo, wie man wieder auf der Haupseite https://robertsspaceindustries.com/ sehen kann, wurde die 22 Millionen Marke erreicht. Dann warten wir mal auf den nächsten "Letter of the Chairman", bin mal gespannt ob es noch ein weiters Stretch-Goal geben wird, so weit ich noch weiß solltes ja dann bei 23 Millionen aufhören. Der Counter sollte aber weiter laufen. Jetzt heißt es wohl abwarten und Tee trinken (oder besser einen Kaffe)
Hallo werte SC-Fans, wie man auf der Hauptseite https://robertsspaceindustries.com/ sehen kann, oder zur Zeit auch nicht wurde das 21 Millionenziel erreicht. Dabei hat wohl der letzte Spender zuviel Geld reingestopft und der Counter ist geplatzt. Hoffe mal das es schnell behoben wird. Und jetzt heißt es warten auf das nächste Stretch-Goal und den "Letter of the Chairman"