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Citizen Magazine - Issue #1 veröffentlicht! Suche für Unterstützer.


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Citizen Magazine is an in-fiction publication distributed throughout the United Earth Empire. Established in 2884, it has continued to grow to what is now one of the most iconic brands in the industry. While the printed newspaper is a thing of the past, the magazine is very successful in the digital market, and there is also a printed collector's edition available primarily on the core worlds.

The magazine's creation has been inspired by the lore stories published in the Spectrum Dispatch section of the RSI website. These often come in the form of excerpts from broadcast shows, such as the Showdown, Plain Truth or Empire Report, providing snippets of information about the Star Citizen universe. Individually they are limited in scope and details, but collectively they add up to flesh out a compelling "living, breathing universe". I urge you to check them out if you haven't already. Citizen Magazine aims to complement the lore with fan created articles, written and collected in a magazine format.

This first issue contains primarily information I have collected from the RSI website and arranged in a magazine layout. I am using it as a model to gauge the interest of the community, both readers and contributors, towards such a project. Having seen the creative force of the Star Citizen fan base, it is my hope that some of you will show interest in contributing written articles for the magazine, to the point where it can be filled with fan-created content. You would only need to worry about the text content, I would handle the design process of integrating it into the magazine. If you are interested in contributing, please see the Contributors section of the Citizen Magazine website for guidelines. Looking forward to hearing your stories!

Critique is welcome and please let me know if there are any issues opening / reading the magazine. Thanks

Quelle: RSI



LINK zum Magazin: http://citizen.thecomic.ninja/2016/02/11/citizen-magazine-issue-1/


PS: kann jemand das vielleicht übersetzen habe momentan leider keine Zeit.


PPS: ist auch auf Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/45f9h3/citizen_magazine_issue_1_released_looking_for/

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