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[Info] Versicherungen in SC (LTI) [NewsCrash '10]

(CRASH) Sawyer


In Star Citizen, genau wie bei anderen MMORPGs, nimmt die Versicherung Eurer Schiffe und Gegenstände einen wichtigen Stellenwert ein. Wir versuchen mit dieser NewsCrash Episode ein wenig Licht ins Dunkel der Versicherungsbedingungen zu bringen und möchten insbesonder Neueinsteigern helfen, das Kleingedruckte bei den verschiedenen Arten und Laufzeiten des Versicherungsschutzes zu verstehen.


Viel Spaß! C U on the Flight Deck!


Sawyer, Weezen und DoZer



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11 Antworten auf diese Frage

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Gut gemacht.


3 Anmerkungen von mir:


- Imo muss es heissen: "Totalverlust" als Voraussetzung für einen Schiffstersatz. Nicht "total Zerstört". Denn wenn dein Schiff gekapert wird (und du von Bord geworfen), dann zahlt die Versicherung (so mein Kenntnisstand) auch. Versicherungsbetrug als Ingame-Beruf? RSI hat angekündigt, dagegen vorzugehen. Lassen wir uns überraschen.


- Das mit der Laufzeit der Versicherung ist imo noch nicht 100%ig geklärt. Es gilt die Spielzeit. Aber wie die nun gezählt wird, wurde nach meinem Kenntnisstand noch von keinem Dev exakt erläutert. Geht es um die ingame-Time (die ja schneller läuft)? Oder zählt die RL-Zeit, die ich online bin?


- Es gab die Ansage, dass bei bestimmten, umfangreichen ingame-Upgrades auf die Schiffshülle (wenn also eine komplett neue Version des Schiffes verfügbar ist), die LTI nicht mehr mitgenommen werden kann. Man muss sich dann entscheiden: LTI lassen (und irgendwann einen "Oldtimer" fliegen), oder auf die "bessere Hülle" (neues Schiff) upgraden - und LTI verlieren. So soll erreicht werden, dass nach und nach immer weniger LTI-Schiffe unterwegs sind. Es ist dann nicht wie WinXP, das überhaupt keinen Support mehr bekommt, sondern eher wie die Kollektion aus dem letzten Jahr: alle wollen das Neue.


Ach so, ich mache den Beitrag mal sticky. Der ist gut für alle Neueinsteiger-Fragen zu diesem Thema.

Bearbeitet von MadMag
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Ja sehr gutes Vid. Mich würd mal n Themenvideo zu explortion sehr interessieren. Halt was es bisher zu diesem Thema von Seite RSI gesagt und zugesprochen wurde.


Zum Thema erkunden gab es bis jetzt eigentlich nur das Carrak minigame und ein paar infos aber mehr nicht.

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Ich denke schon, dass das aufgehen wird, wenn die ingame-Versicherung nicht zu hoch ist. Was ja von CR immer behauptet wird/wurde.

Ansonsten magst du recht haben.

Dann geht es aber für CIG erst recht auf, denn nach deinem Beispiel legen sich alle noch ein Zweitschiff zum "LTI-Bestand" zu.

Und die LTI-Schüssel bleibt im Hangar (?)


So oder so verschwinden die LTI-Boote damit aus dem All (und verstauben bei den Sammlern :-D)


Trotzdem nicht zu vergessen: jedes später eingebaute Modul (oder die schicke neue Superwaffe) ist nicht in der LTI mitversichert.

Irgendwann wird es ggf. egal sein (je nachdem, wie sehr man sein Schiff aufgemotzt hat), ob man noch LTI hat.

Oder aber man fliegt die Schüssel halt "stock" (also "wie geliefert").


Vor allem aber nicht vergessen: das ist nur der bisherige (Kenntnis-) Stand. Kann sich auch alles noch ändern.

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Anscheinend hat Ben durchsickern lassen dass sie eine Abstimmung über zukünftige LTIs Verkäufe machen lassen wollen.

Ich bin mir nicht sicher was ich davon halten soll..


Hier der Link: https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/comment/5007740/#Comment_5007740


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Hey guys,

I’m happy to join this discussion as best I can. To those who are genuinely upset about the Starfarer Gemini, I will do my best to explain our thinking. I’m truly sorry to upset anyone, and if anyone believes this means that early backers aren’t important to us or whatever other rhetoric is being thrown around I can’t repeat enough that it is not the case. No one has ever sat down in a marketing meeting and tried to plan a way to make anyone angry, or to cause any problem like this. We would not be here without early backers, and no perception of a sale or how you think we understand what you want out of the control schemes changes that. (To those who simply enjoy egging on such debates—and you do exist!--: go suck an asymmetrical Herald.)

I’ve spoken a little about the decision to give the Starfarer Gemini LTI, but I’ll reiterate here. Our feeling was that the Gemini is not something we ever offered or promised before, it was a ship in the concept phase and it was something backers had been asking for but they didn’t know would ever be available. It boiled down to a choice between never offer the Gemini with LTI for anyone or let everyone have a shot at it. And to be honest, that didn’t seem like much of a choice: make it available just like all our other concept ships have been for the past year and avoid the inevitable firestorm of CS tickets demanding we add LTI to early backers’ Geminis.

Some people have asked why we didn’t offer earlier variants with LTI; say, the Constellation Phoenix. The answer is actually pretty simple: one, we didn’t feel right doing that as we’d messaged to many early backers how many variants they could expect in case they wanted to purchase base hulls and upgrade (in fact, we’d already sold the variants as placeholders in one of the higher packages)… and two, we haven’t offered them as part of a concept sale in the first place. The Phoenix, Cutlass Blue, Super Hornet and so on were all hangar ready when we launched them. (I’d also say that these variant sales sort of dispel the myth that LTI is needed to sell ships. We’ve sold plenty of six-month and two-year ships and variants!)

And then of course the big question: should we offer future variants as concepts with LTI? Please, please sound off. I’ll be reading to see what you guys think. To take you into my head as I plan such things, my feeling is that it wouldn’t harm anyone to offer Retaliator variants or Avenger variants (though both are a ways off!) as concepts with LTI. They’re not something we ever promised, they’re not in the hangar yet. But I’m interested to see your thoughts, looking forward instead of reacting to an event. Do you feel that would lessen what you’ve already contributed? Why? (Not a rhetorical question, I genuinely want to understand.)

Several people have mentioned the M50 racing suit issue, where backers pointed out we’d promised it wouldn’t be available again (we had another similar issue recently, with the Xi’an ship subscriber flair, where on review, it was unquestionably the right thing to do to budget for an additional flair item.) I want to stress that the message there isn’t that we’ll always do what people want when they’re mad… it’s that we’ll always try to understand why you’re mad and react in the way we think is right. In this case, I don’t believe there’s really a promise not to offer the Gemini with LTI, or even not to offer variants with LTI at all (that is, beyond the early campaign quotes about LTI ending forever, which let’s face it are somewhat disingenuous: we’ve explained our need for a change in thinking there several times over. Shouldn’t we be quoting those posts, part and parcel?)

I think it’s important to give you guys a little more behind the screens, to try and get out a little of the philosophy we work under and live by here. So if you like long rambling Ben posts, you’re going to enjoy this! But if you just wanted to know our thoughts on the Gemini, you can stop reading now. :)

(Post too long, splitting!)
Posted:  May 13
I’m proud of our marketing. Now before you slice out that quote and rant about how out of touch I must be, let me explain. From my perspective, we have a pretty darned ethical sales crew. And I know that’s a unique perspective, seeing it on the inside instead of from where you’re sitting… and I hope I can get it across here in a way that makes sense. We’ve all heard the horror stories about marketing running games. Demanding that so-and-so feature be changed to appeal to more people or cut to release on time or that production schedules be changed to better fit with an imagined audience. We do absolutely none of that. Star Citizen is a game run by development. Marketing is necessary to fund the game, but we don’t ever put it in a situation where we’re detracting from Chris’ vision. We have a weekly meeting with production where they show us where individual ships and items are in the pipeline, and we build our sale plans around that. And when development timetables change (this is a constant in any project) we adapt to them rather than insist on things. So I’m proud of that, to begin with. 

But I’m also impressed with our marketing because I also know that our sales model is something that’s entirely ripe for abuse… and as far as I’m concerned, we don’t abuse it. One of the reasons our marketing team is so small is because we just don’t find people who appreciate how we think. Whether you can see it or not, we put Citizens first, and we care about putting out things that will have meaning for you rather than figuring out how to turn every piece of the game into dollars. It’s a reality that the game needs funding to exist… but we don’t abuse a captive audience to get that. I have seen so many pitches from supposed marketing experts who say we need to sell spaceship fuel that depletes or bullets that you run out of so you have to buy more, or a system where your current ships degrade and you have to pay a subscription fee to fix them or that we should just recolor every ship and sell it again. And there’s a reason those people aren’t here making our plans. 

Part of what makes Star Citizen great is that marketing isn’t some separate, monolithic, oppressive presence. The people working out our sales are the same ones who are designing our ships, the same ones who are making the game happen. And we all know there’s a responsibility there: we need the stats to be right, not what you want to see (okay even I laughed at that, but you get the point; it’s never bull numbers). We need the art to show you what the game looks like, not how cool we can spice it up. We need prose that describes how you’ll play and not what sounds best. I’m part of a marketing team that exists to make the game possible instead of to make money for investors… I don’t think that’s ever happened before, so I can certainly understand why it’d be hard for a lot of people to see it in action. Are we right 100% of the time? Hell no. Do we try the best we can to start out and do we own up to our mistakes when we make them? Yes, and how cool is that compared to so many other places?

Let me end with the standard proviso, something I think I’ve been yelling from the treetops for almost as long as Star Citizen has been around: LTI doesn’t matter. It’s a slight convenience that we created to reward our early backers. Insurance will be readily available in the game for in-game credits, the insurance you get on a six-month or two-year package will likely last longer than you’ll ever need it. And I think one of the things that makes is a great company is that we’re able to stand up and say that. It’d be a lot more profitable to just say ‘LTI IS SO VALUABLE YOU NEED TO BUY IT AT A PREMIUM RIGHT NOW!’ 

To close: I can tell you some great stories about how I’ve walked off of jobs in the past because of reprehensible practices and I can promise you I’d do the same here if I felt we were ever out to get backers. But integrity isn’t something you can sell with a backstory. Hopefully, you’ve come to know and trust me over the past two years. Certainly, I’m wrong sometimes… but I’m also glad to say that I think I’m never mean spirited or intentionally misleading and that I’ve never consciously tried to do bad things to anyone. My goal is always to do the best I can for all of you, not to pretend I’m perfect (or that I can remember everything said in the hundred novels worth of communication we’ve made since this thing started!) And as we go forward, I’m going to keep doing that. And I’m going to keep listening to you when you’re upset, I’m going to keep telling you why we make the choices we do… and I’m going to keep trying to make the parts of Star Citizen I have control over be the best they can possibly be. And I know the rest of the team feels the same way about their responsibilities. Together marketing, production, design, art and YOU are doing something that has never been attempted. And it's really neat. I just like thinking about that at the end of a rant, makes me happy. :)

(One final aside that seems comical now: I was on the fence about the Starfarer Gemini sale and expected backers to have a similar complaint... because we didn't let you know one week in advance. It came down to not knowing the art would be good enough to offer it until the last minute. So I'll ask this question: if you are uspet about the Gemini having LTI, would you have felt better if we'd announced that, the thinking and the price further in advance? Is that something we should do more often, or is this debate inevitable?)

Bearbeitet von MadMag
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zu Punkt 2: Es soll meines Wissens so laufen, dass die Versicherung genau so in Tagen abläuft, wie es momentan bei den durch REC gekauften Dingen passiert.




"Meines Wissens" stützt sich hierbei auf genau: was?

Link wäre äusserst hilfreich.


Ich bleibe bei meinem Statement dazu, dass dies noch nicht endgültig geklärt ist.

(Auch wenn es vielleicht den grössten Sinn macht, mit der Laufzeit so umzugehen, wie mit den REC...)

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