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Alle Inhalte von Sirch

  1. Hallo zusammen, spannende Neuigkeiten zum Thema Skins: Schnelle Übersetzung (DeepL, ohne Korrektur): Mit der Veröffentlichung von Alpha 3.9.1 und der Einführung der Invictus Launch Week (Star Citizen's Fleet Week) freuen wir uns, eine Reihe von Änderungen einzuführen, wie Sie Ihr Schiff zu Ihrem eigenen machen können. Viele von Ihnen werden sich wahrscheinlich noch an unsere Fragen und Antworten zur Schiffsanpassung erinnern, und wir möchten zu Beginn bestätigen, dass unsere langfristigen Ziele die gleichen bleiben. Während Sie schließlich in der Lage sein werden, sowohl Hersteller- als auch Aftermarket-Geschäfte im Spiel zu besuchen, um sich über eine Vielzahl von Anpassungsoptionen zu informieren, haben wir ein temporäres System eingerichtet, um den Wunsch zu stillen, das äußere Erscheinungsbild Ihres Schiffes zu verändern. Was bedeutet das also genau? Alle Schiffe werden mit ihrer Basis-Skin und der Möglichkeit zur Ausstattung mit zusätzlichen Skins über mobiGlas ausgeliefert. Wir werden dies in Alpha 3.9.1 für eine Vielzahl von Schiffen einführen, weitere werden folgen. Die Skins sind in der Tat austauschbar, d.h. wenn sie einmal angebracht sind, werden sie nicht dauerhaft auf dem Schiff befestigt, und Sie werden immer noch die Möglichkeit haben, Skins zu entfernen oder auszutauschen. Für die Flottenwoche finden Sie eine Vielzahl von Skins im Pfandlager, und wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass Sie diese Skins in einem kommenden Patch auch im Spiel für aUEC kaufen können. Mit der Zeit werden wir weiterhin neue Skins auf den Markt bringen, und es ist erwähnenswert, dass wir für die Zukunft eine Reihe exklusiver Skins planen, die nur im Spiel für aUEC erhältlich sind. Das ist wichtig für uns, weil es den Piloten da draußen, die ihren Lebensunterhalt unter den Stars verdienen, die Möglichkeit gibt, ihre hart verdiente Arbeit zu zeigen. Was die Preisgestaltung anbelangt, so werden die Häute, die außerhalb des Spiels mit echtem Geld verpfändet werden können, auf einem Prozentsatz der Schiffsrumpfkosten basieren, aber einem Plateau unterliegen, um zu verhindern, dass große Schiffe überteuerte Häute haben. Mit Blick auf die Zukunft werden wir mit dem schrittweisen Prozess der Migration älterer Farben auf dieses neue System beginnen, so dass zum Beispiel bereits veröffentlichte Häute wie die verschiedenen Aurora-Häute bald austauschbar und für Aurora-Besitzer nutzbar sein werden. Es ist auch erwähnenswert, dass einige Skins, wie z.B. der Valkyrie Liberator von CitizenCon 2948, nicht zur Verfügung gestellt werden, da diese als begrenzte und exklusive Skins gedacht waren. Wenn Sie diese derzeit besitzen, vertreten Sie sie mit Stolz! Wir freuen uns darauf, bald mehr Informationen zu teilen! Bis dahin sehen wir uns in der 'Verse! Übersetzt mit www.DeepL.com/Translator (kostenlose Version) Quelle: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/17610-Paints-And-You
  2. Wo nimmst Du 3.10 her? Ich kriege nur "3.9.1 PTU.5203423"
  3. PTU 3.9.1 gibt es kostenfrei im Download! Und 0 Contacts........ und kein einziges Schiff im PTU... nicht im Universe, nicht im Arena Commander Nicht nach erneutem copy Account, nicht nach User Ordner löschen......
  4. @PB_Avenger: schau mal bitte auf den folgenden screenshot. Hast Du an allen drei "Schrauben" (eingerahmt) gedreht?
  5. @Kenja-: die dürfte zu den "nicht gift-fähigen" Schiffe zählen
  6. Schafe züchten, Schafe zart und saftig machen, Schafe ausziehen, Schafe auf für das Mittag- und Abendessen vorbereiten! Tschuldigung, musste diese Vorlage einfach verwandeln!
  7. Hallo zusammen, CIG hat im Spectrum gepostet wann ein Account-Reset aus ihrer Sicht notwendig ist: [3.9.0 Live] Current Issues and Work-Arounds discussion May 2nd at 17:04 Greetings! We are continuing to investigate issues and have resolved a number of service outages that took place over the last couple days. Those outages may of left your account in a bad state, in which case you will need a character reset to restore (https://robertsspaceindustries.com/account/reset). Please use this tool if you are having one of the following issues: 16k7 error on login Character customizer crash Invisible character Missing mobiGlas All or most ships missing Please note, we are still investigating an issue with the wallet and general LTP where some items and/or money has a chance to not be restored on reset. If you are missing some items and money, but are otherwise able to play fine, please hold off on a reset for now. For resets, please be sure to logout of everything (including the launcher) and wait approximately 10 minutes before loading back into the game. Character resets have had their cooldown reduced to 12 hours. Thanks for your patience while we work through these issues! -Bair Player Experience Team Quelle
  8. Ich wollte schon länger den "Stadtplan" von NB posten. Nun denn:
  9. @OceanBlue: ja, leichter war es vorher. Ich mache die CJ mit ner Avenger Warlock (zugegeben.. nur beste Komponenten!) und schaffe sie aber. Sollte mit der Mis eigentlich kein Problem sein.
  10. @Alter.Zocker: meine Schiffsliste ist sauber, bei mir steht, bis auf eine Cutlass Red, nichts ungewöhnliches rum. Und die scheint das Monatsschiffchen für Subscriber zu sein.
  11. Account Reset war bei mir die Lösung. Geld auf Startkapital, alle InGame Käufe noch vorhanden.
  12. Hallo zusammen, unmittelbar nach dem aktuellen Patch konnte ich heute Nacht SC schon starten. Heute sieht das anders aus. Nach Klick auf "Universe" verzweigt SC ins customize meines Char. Das hatte ich gestern Nach schon gemacht. Nach kurzer Zeit erfolgt crash to desktop. Das Verhalten ist reproduzierbar, nach dem sechsten Versuch gebe ich auf. User Ordner löschen hat nichts gebracht. Wer das auch erlebt: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/community/issue-council/star-citizen-alpha-3/STARC-113097-3_9_0-Live_5125346_Crash_handler_at_Character_Creation_screen
  13. Im Spectrum stehen die Patch Notes für die neue Version (gestern Nacht) mit Veröffentlichungsdatum April 29th at 05:53 : Star Citizen Patch 3.9.0 Alpha Patch 3.9.0 has been released and is now available! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.9.0-LIVE.5125346. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE. UPDATE: 5125346 - Back-end services quick fix and new database wipe (LTP still on) Database Reset: YES Long Term Persistence: Enabled Known Issues Airlock doors at outposts may lack collision. The Cutlass "Best in Show" version has an opaque canopy. Note: We will be providing a Cutlass Black loaner. Duplicate, static trains may appear at Lorville or New Babbage. Ground vehicles can not be spawned at outpost ASOP terminals (still spawnable at Levski, Lorville, and New Babbage) Players can become stuck when jumping over some railings Ships can hitch or teleport at times when observing their motion For ECN alerts, the rescued Starfarer will sometimes circle endlessly after all waves are cleared The player can spawn with their prison suit still on after ending their sentence Being in a large party can cause party markers to fail to appear when inside a ship If a player crashes while transitioning into prison they will be unable to use their multitool Players can not see through the scope of the Arrowhead or P6-LR when crouched FOIP animations are not transmitting to others nearby Cargo boxes left behind after a ship explodes appear to blink in and out while the player is moving Player inner-thought and interaction system is off-set in wide screen resolutions Autopilot sometimes does not disengage after triggered by no-fly zone Heavy environmental suit armors block portions of the mobiGlas New Features Characters Added microTech clothing collection. Locations Added New Babbage Landing Zone - Interiors To serve as their corporate headquarters, microTech built New Babbage, a luxurious domed city with open spaces designed to inspire the creativity and productiveness of the people who work here. Drawn by the innovation and world-class amenities, other cutting edge companies and tech firms have opened up offices inside the city as well. From here, wealthy tech moguls work, relax, and party before heading out to weekend at some of the planet's beautiful winter destinations. Added Klescher automated prison Players who are directly killed by or die within a short distance of security forces or bounty hunters will now go to prison. In prison, all player inventory is inaccessible, and instead players are given a stock prison suit and a multi-tool with a mining attachment. Spare multi-tools can be found at the "commissary kiosk" should theirs be lost. Players can serve their time normally or contribute to society by working in the designated mining areas. Collected materials can be exchanged for "merits" to reduce your sentence using kiosks located near the mines. Once your sentence is complete, look for the "processing" section of the prison and interact with the kiosk. After being released, you will wake up at your last port. Added microTech Moons: Calliope, Clio, and Euterpe Added caves and cave missions to microTech and its moons. Added food to shops and stands throughout the verse. Gameplay New Criminal Mission: Hijacked Caterpillar Prisoner Transport Added mining laser sub-items Mining sub-items are consumable components which can be attached to advanced mining laser heads to provide temporary increased effectiveness. Sub-items can be activated within the cockpit using the interaction system while actively mining to briefly decrease the instability, lower resistance, increase the optimal window, and so on. While most have a duration to their effect, some are triggered instantly so they can be used in case of emergencies or as an immediate boost. Introduced a volatile mineable ore Quantainium is a widely available and highly unstable ore used in the production of quantum fuel. Once it is mined, care must be used in the speed and manner in which it is transported. Not only does it degrade over time, but any impact will cause it to deteriorate further. The more degraded the quantainium, the more unstable it is and the higher the risk of it exploding. When a dangerous threshold is crossed, the player will receive a visual/audio warning and will have the option to eject all cargo. Failing to eject risks the ship taking damage or being destroyed. Given the risk, successful delivery of quantainium will be a lucrative endeavor. Added two new surface harvestables Added in-hand weapon attachment swapping Players can now customize weapon attachments by interacting with the weapons themselves when held. Hold down F and click on "customize" on a held weapon that can use custom attachments. This will allow you to change weapon components such as sights, barrel attachments, and under barrel attachments. Added bindings for single axis first person zoom and first person zoom in/out toggle button Players can now exit ezHAB beds using basic (WASD) movement keys Added quick buy option with price to food items in shops New actor status system With the variety of extreme environments throughout the verse, players will have to factor in extreme hot and cold temperatures when planning their adventures. If you want to stay safe in these conditions, equip yourself with the new Caldera Pembroke and Novikov suits. If you're not equipped for the temperatures, you'll begin to suffer the negative effects of hyperthermia and hypothermia, eventually resulting in death. As with preparing your equipment for different temperatures, you have to prepare your body as well. We have also added "hunger" and thirst", which will be increasing constantly, so you'll need to stay topped up if you don't want to suffer the effects of dehydration or starvation. In addition, keeping yourself hydrated and well fed may have positive benefits to motor functions. You can use the commodities inventory to stow away store-able foods and drinks for the journey ahead. Hunger and thirst are persistent effects that carry over from session to session. A more detailed UI has been added to the player visor to track these various states and is visible when activating the personal inner-thought wheel (F+right click). Ships and Vehicles Added Esperia Prowler Named after the UPE military designation, the Prowler is a modernized version of the infamous Tevarin armored personnel carrier. Esperia’s astroengineers were given unmitigated access to study original versions of the ship recently discovered in the Kabal system to help meticulously reconstruct the vehicle. Now, the Prowler is the perfect fusion of two cultures: the elegance and effectiveness of the Tevarin war machine combined with the reliability of modern Human technology. Weapons and Items Added new ship weapon: Esperia Lightstrike Cannons An Esperia recreation of Tevarin historic technology, these energy cannons come in sizes 1 to 3 and are designed for medium to long ranges. Added new s hip weapon series: Esperia Deadbolt Cannons An Esperia recreation of Tevarin historic technology, the Deadbolt series are ballistic cannons ranging from size 4 to sized 6 and are designed for short range engagements during drops. Core Tech Added new contact list and party system flow via unification with Spectrum friend's list The in-game friend's list now uses your Spectrum friends and has been entirely reworked. The main menu now has a "Friends" tab and a "Notifications" tab. Friends can be added directly by using the "+Add" key and all friends/contact notifications will appear in the notifications tab until dismissed (note: crash recovery will also appear here). When creating a party, a new tab will appear showing party members and leader. The pre-3.9 in-game contacts list will be merged into your existing. Spectrum friend's list once 3.9 goes live, but for now PTU spectrum is where the PTU friend's list can be tested. Feature Updates Locations Updated geological aspects of various planetary bodies with new visuals and assets Default spawn location choices have been updated to only include major city locations (New Babbage, Area18, Lorville) Added size 1 gimbals to all shops that carry gimbals Sprint speed while your fists are raised has been increased to match unarmed sprint speed Adjusted atmosphere density for ArcCorp and Hurston Updated arrival radius distance for lagrange points - from 120km to 70km Placed comm arrays around planets and moons and reduced their monitoring radius to cover just those sectors Updated kiosk screens at Port Olisar, Lorville, Levski, Area18, and Grim HEX Increased the brightness of the exterior lights around Levski AI Updated ship AI behavior to include greater speed ranges and improved avoidance Gameplay Updated first person radial menu for personal inner-thought interaction system The updated Radial menu gives quick access to certain actions which are context specific, such as on foot or in a pilot seat. These actions include emotes, weapon customizations, helmet removal, and many more. Each action is also shown with its relevant keybind where applicable. The menu will save your most used actions as favorites on the main wheel and can be accessed by opening the Personal Thought menu by holding F and right clicking (interact + mouse2). Doubled the payout of all criminal missions Added infraction to immediately impound player ships that collide with ships with the right to be within a landing area Shifted the threshold to obtain lvl 4 and 5 crime stats Lowered the amount your character twitches while impacted by fire in combat Made murder and inmate murder against party members be automatically forgiven Crashing a ship with players aboard will no longer award the pilot with a homicide crime stat
  14. Achtung Area18: Ich bin sofort nach Austritt aus dem QS auf Area18 in der Carrack geplatzt! Scheint noch nicht sicher zu sein!
  15. Na das ging ja schnell! Star Citizen Alpha 3.9.0s PTU.5107460 Patch Notes Yesterday at 17:37 Star Citizen Patch 3.9.0s Alpha Patch 3.9.0s has been released to PTU, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.9.0-PTU.5107460. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\PTU. Database Reset: YES Long Term Persistence: Enabled Please monitor sc-testing-chat in spectrum for updates and testing instructions. USER.cfg settings: r_displaySessionInfo = 1 Bug Regression: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/190049/thread/volunteer-regression-3-9-0r Testing Focus Esperia Prowler Contact and Party System Update Caterpillar Prison Ship Mission New Babbage and microTech's Moons Personal Interaction System Mining: Volatile cargo and mining consumables Prison Systems Actor Status System Known Issues Duplicate, static trains may appear at Lorville or New Babbage. Ground vehicles can not be spawned at outpost ASOP terminals, but can still be spawned at New Babbage, Lorville, and Levski. Players can become stuck when jumping over some railings. Ships can hitch or teleport at times when observing their motion. For ECN alerts, the rescued Starfarer will sometimes circle endlessly after all waves are cleared. The player can spawn with their prison suit still on after ending their sentence. Being in a large party can cause party markers to fail to appear when inside a ship. If a player crashes while transitioning into prison they will be unable to use their multitool. Players can not see through the scope of the Arrowhead or P6-LR when crouched. FOIP animations are not transmitting to others nearby. Cargo boxes left behind after a ship explodes appear to blink in and out while the player is moving. Player inner-thought and interaction system is off-set in wide screen resolutions Autopilot sometimes does not disengage after triggered by no-fly zone. Heavy environmental suit armors block portions of the mobiGlas. Feature Updates Locations Added items to commissary vending machines in prison. Gameplay Made murder and inmate murder against party members be automatically forgiven. Crashing a ship with players aboard will no longer award the pilot with a homicide crime stat. Improved landing area checking for pad ramming infraction. Increased unlawful mission rewards by 50%. Weapons and Items Updated Hadonite merit value on the prison kiosks. Added Crypto Keys to Omega Pro Kiosk. Ships and Vehicles Lowered assisted gimbal slew speed. Removed roll from axis rotation lock for ships and changed label of lock rotation to "Lock yaw pitch movement". Bug Fixes Fixed an issue that was causing duplicate, static trains and elevators. Player should no longer get stuck on a loading screen when exiting prison or respawning. Criminal Database should now show the correct text when hacking prison record. Text popup while exiting the prisoner transport caterpillar should now be correct. Fixed multiple hairstyles showing up as bald while on the character customizer. Fixed missing server blades at the crash site for the Scavenge Relay mission from Clovus. Player should no longer be affected by strong wind while moving around on the two platforms at the Central Business District. Cargo boxes created from personal inventory should now be able to be sold at the commodities kiosk. Fixed an issue with the personal inventory that allowed players to duplicate commodities. Fixed multiple different sachet cubes food items having the same texture when being eaten. Players should no longer get into a state where VOIP group, party, ship, or proximity chat can be heard by everyone on the server. The Constantine Hurston recovery mission should now have a proper delivery destination tagged. Ships should no longer be immediately destroyed on spawn at Area18. Armistice Zone in Levski should now fully cover all locations including the hangars and Teach's Ship Shop. When setting a Cutlass Red ICU bed as a respawn point, the player should no longer be teleported back to the bed after a few seconds when leaving the bed after a respawn. Escaped prisoner Bounty Assignment missions should no longer be issued for prisoners that have left the server. Player should no longer be killed after being moved from their ship when pad ramming another player. Fixed an issues causing several URSA Rover vehicles to spawn on top of each other inside the garages above the Prison shafts. Technical Fixed 3 main thread deadlocks. Fixed 4 server crashes. Fixed 3 client crashes. Client crash fix for party leader launch into the PU.
  16. @Frankyb: auf NB hängen Stadtpläne an den unterschiedlichsten Orten aus. @dificiano: wie oben schon geschrieben aber nur "Rent Ship" Händler. Dieser befindet sich am NB Spaceport mit einer geringen Anzahl von unterschiedlichen Schiffen:
  17. @dificiano: Kauf vln Schiffen im PTU ist wirklich keine gute Idee. Das PTU ist viel zu schnell vorbei. In einigen Tagen ist die 3.9 im PU. Wir borgen Dif gerne unsere Schiffe, dann kannst Du in Ruhe ne Runde drehen. Ich poste hier immer die neuesten PTU Patch Notes. Den letzten kannst Du entnehmen, Area18 ist zu meiden. Ichbilde mir ein auf NB einen Schiffshändler gesehen zu haben. Ich glaube am Spaceport. Ob und welche Schiffe dort vorhanden sind, leider keine Ahnung. Du kannst überall, bis uf Area18 als Tourist auftauchen... Wir haben alle mal angefangen und haben nicht vergessen , wie froh und glücklich wir über dieses hilfreiche Forum waren. Wir versuchen zurück zu geben, was wir selbst genutzt haben. Fragen von neuen Citizens sind uns willkommen!
  18. @mindscout: dies ist das typische Verhalten von "Emergency Exit Seat" (Originalbelegung Shift + U) und nicht von Exit Seat.
  19. Star Citizen Patch 3.9.0q Alpha Patch 3.9.0q has been released to PTU, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.9.0-PTU.5076986. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\PTU. Database Reset: YES Long Term Persistence: Enabled Please monitor sc-testing-chat in spectrum for updates and testing instructions. USER.cfg settings: r_displaySessionInfo = 1 Note: We are investigating issues with desync, where one client sees something entirely different from another. PM videos with the above settings active to Baior-CIG showing any encountered desync. Bug Regression: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/190049/thread/volunteer-regression-3-9-0q Testing Focus Esperia Prowler Contact and Party System Update Caterpillar Prison Ship Mission New Babbage and microTech's Moons Personal Interaction System Mining: Volatile cargo and mining consumables Prison Systems Actor Status System Known Issues There's a chance the party leader will crash on party launch. There's a chance the player will wake up floating in space after getting out of prison. Levski's armistice zone does not cover hangar spaces or exterior areas it is meant to. The player is unable to logout in any of the Starfarer's crew beds. Mission givers can sometimes not speak or animate if a player accepts an invite mission. Server blades are missing from Clovus's downed relay mission. Criminal players killed by player bounty hunters do not end up in prison. Ships are immediately destroyed upon spawn at Area18. W/A: Avoid Area18 for now. The KC Trending shop keeper stands idly and doesn't not interact with the player. Karoby energy bars are missing from all locations. Unmanned turrets do not fire at the player if they have a crimestat. Its possible to get the contact notification window stuck behind the main menu. Being in a large party causes markers to not display correctly while inside a ship. Feature Updates Locations Reduced the time player ships are allowed to illegally linger over Grim HEX landing pads before being impounded. Gameplay Lowered the amount your character twitches while impacted by fire in combat. Updated mining consumables to have ship manufacturer branding. Balance pass on prison ore deposit merit rewards. Balance pass on mineable distributions inside prison caves. Weapons and Items Added Vanguard nose guns into the AC REC Rental Inventories. Ships and Vehicles Increased available deadzone range for vjoy by 20%. Set default vjoy deadzone to 4.5%. Restored relative mode optional setting for mouse control (not bound by default). Players can low lock the rotation of their ship using the Rshift key. Bug Fixes Price of Freedom mission should now give the correct mission rewards for completion. Ship AI should now spawn correctly for escort rescue missions. The terrain should no longer clip into the interior of the Hydroponics building at Rayari Kaltag Research Outpost on Calliope. Fixed missing sections of the bar counter at rest stop bars. Security ships should no longer approach a player who has already initiated quantum travel which was causing them to get an evasion crime stat. Prowler cockpit display should no longer be overly reflective with red light. Fixed various overly bright red lights throughout the Prowler. Prison suit loadout should no longer be saved after user exits PU and enters a Hangar module. Fixed an issue in Area18 where some some of the shelf items at Dumper's Depot could not be Interacted with. Exiting pilot's seat or exiting ship in atmosphere should no longer cause the ship to stop hovering and fall. Prison release audio message should no longer play after the character is released and nowhere near prison. Fixed an issue that could cause players to get stuck around the external geometry of derelict caterpillars. Fixed missing walkway segments around Grand Barter in Levski. The Prowler's QT effect should now properly fade in and out Fixed an issue preventing black boxes from spawning when reaching the objective for associated missions. Prison audio should no longer continue to be heard after release and no where near prison. Fixed instant auto-gimbal slew speed. Players should no longer be routed through a distant OM1 when setting long range QT routes. Players should no longer get stuck on loading screen when leaving prison. Players should no longer wake up with their prison suit still on after leaving prison. The side landing gears on the Prowler should no longer visibly clip through the floor when spawned or after landing. Ruto's mission terminal should now correctly function. Stowed knives should now properly be aligned when attached to leg armor. Players should now correctly be able to stow the prison shank. The Euterpe Starfarer space derelict should no longer be in the moons atmosphere, preventing use of EVA due to gravity. Fixed a collision issue inside comm arrays which was covering the majority of the hacking slot making it extremely difficult to put in. Ships at Grim HEX should now properly be impounded for blocking pads or landing without permission. Pad ramming infraction should now send the player to the correct location in Grim HEX. The landing pad on top of ArcCorp tower should now have proper collision. Duplicate trains should no longer appear in Lorville, New Babbage, and Area18. Technical Fixed 4 server crashes. Fixed 3 client crashes. Optimizations to reduce network stalls.
  20. Bestandteil von 3.9 ist auch das neue Spectrum-Contact-System. Ich habe hier eine kleine Erläuterung/Anleitung geschrieben:
  21. und hier die Patch Notes: Star Citizen Alpha 3.9.0p PTU.5061323 Patch Notes Yesterday at 19:15 Star Citizen Patch 3.9.0p Alpha Patch 3.9.0p has been released to PTU, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.9.0-PTU.5061323. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\PTU. Database Reset: NO Long Term Persistence: Enabled Please monitor sc-testing-chat in spectrum for updates and testing instructions. USER.cfg settings: r_displaySessionInfo = 1 Note: We are investigating issues with desync, where one client sees something entirely different from another. PM videos with the above settings active to Baior-CIG showing any encountered desync. Bug Regression: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/190049/thread/volunteer-regression-3-9-0p Testing Focus Esperia Prowler Contact and Party System Update Caterpillar Prison Ship Mission New Babbage and microTech's Moons Personal Interaction System Mining: Volatile cargo and mining consumables Prison Systems Actor Status System Known Issues Ships are immediately destroyed upon spawn at Area18. W/A: Avoid Area18 for now. Players can get stuck in a loading screen upon leaving prison or entering a second time. Prison suit loadouts are saved after the player exits prison. Prison suit loadouts can be saved if a user exits the PU and enters the hangar. The KC Trending shop keeper stands idly and doesn't not interact with the player. Karoby energy bars are missing from all locations. Changes to the character model do not always persist into the PU. An extra, static train may appear at Area18, Lorville, or New Babbage. Unmanned turrets do not fire at the player if they have a crimestat. Its possible to get the contact notification window stuck behind the main menu. Being in a large party causes markers to not display correctly while inside a ship. Feature Updates Bug Fixes Fixed an issue where inmate homicide infractions weren't applying inside the prison work mines. Players should no longer become invisible to others after riding on any transit system separately. Ground vehicles should now be able to be spawned from ASOP terminals. Display ships outside New Deal in Lorville should now have collision. Fixed an issue causing missiles & torpedo's to despawn before reaching their target if fired at a target that is over 1000 meters away. Prowler engine trails should no longer separate away from the thrusters. Prowler's Interior red fog should no longer clip outside of the ship when in motion. Synced Assassination mission timer should now correctly start upon engaging either target. Players ships should no longer be locked as read only on the VMA. Player reward should no longer be multiple small Uaec rewards when completing the Arlington Bounty. Fixed Carrack maneuvering thruster VFX continuing to play after the engines are off. Technical Fixed 4 client crashes. Fixed 4 server crashes.
  22. Hallo zusammen, anbei die Patch-Notes. ACHTUNG, achtet auf den Hinweis zu Area18!!!! Die Restrict-Area umfasst scheinbar ganz Area18. Wir können dort nicht ohne Explosion landen oder abheben! Ich würde dort nicht aufwachen wollen! Star Citizen Alpha 3.9.0 PTU.5047075 Patch Notes Star Citizen Patch 3.9.0 Alpha Patch 3.9.0 has been released to PTU, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.9.0-PTU.5047075. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\PTU. Database Reset: YES Long Term Persistence: Enabled Please monitor sc-testing-chat in spectrum for updates and testing instructions. USER.cfg settings: r_displaySessionInfo = 1 Testing Focus Esperia Prowler Contact and Party System Update Caterpillar Prison Ship Mission New Babbage and microTech's Moons Personal Interaction System Mining: Volatile cargo and mining consumables Prison Systems Actor Status System Known Issues Ships spawned at Area18 immediately explode. W/A: Avoid Area18. All ships are loadout locked and can't be customized. W/A: Ships can be customized in the hangar and persist into the universe. Missiles and Torpedoes launched beyond 1000 meters may not reach their target. Players can get stuck in a loading screen upon leaving prison or entering a second time. Prison suit loadouts are saved after the player exits prison. Prison suit loadouts can be saved if a user exits the PU and enters the hangar. The KC Trending shop keeper stands idly and doesn't not interact with the player. Karoby energy bars are missing from all locations. Ships outside of New Deal lack interaction prompts. Ground vehicles can not be spawned from ASOP terminals. Changes to the character model do not always persist into the PU. An extra, static train may appear at Area18, Lorville, or New Babbage. Unmanned turrets do not fire at the player if they have a crimestat. All Platinum bay outposts are missing ASOP terminals. Its possible to get the contact notification window stuck behind the main menu. Being in a large party causes markers to not display correctly while inside a ship. New Features Characters Added microTech clothing collection. Locations Added New Babbage Landing Zone - Interiors Enclosed to protect the inhabitants against the freezing elements, New Babbage is a major social and economic trading hub on microTech. Although it features microTech’s flagship store, the landing zone is a haven for smaller tech companies. Added Klescher automated prison Players who are directly killed by or die within a short distance of security forces or bounty hunters will now go to prison. In prison, all player inventory is inaccessible, and instead players are given a stock prison suit and a multi-tool with a mining attachment. Players can serve their time normally or contribute to society by mining crystals within the attached mining sections. Crystals can be exchanged for "merits" to reduce your sentence using kiosks located near the mines. Once your sentence is complete, look for the "processing" section of the prison and interact with the kiosk. You will wake up at your last port. Added microTech Moons: Calliope, Clio, and Euterpe Added caves and cave missions to microTech and its moons. Added food to shops and stands throughout the verse. Gameplay New Criminal Mission: Hijacked Caterpillar Prisoner Transport Added mining laser sub-items Sub-items are consumable components which attach to advanced mining laser heads and provide a temporary modifier for increased effectiveness. Sub-items can be activated within the cockpit using the interaction system while actively mining. With them you can, for a time, decide to use one to decrease the instability or lower resistance, increase the optimal window, and so on. While most have a duration, some of them have instant effect on the process so they can be used in case of emergencies or as an instant boost. Introduced a volatile mineable ore We have introduced Quantainium ore which is available throughout the universe. Quantainium is highly unstable and once mined the player will need to use care in how they transport it and how long they take to transport it. Any impact will cause it to degrade and the ore will also degrade over time. Once it degrades to a certain extent it will be in danger of exploding. When it becomes dangerous the player will receive a visual/audio warning and will have the option to eject all cargo. Failing to eject risks ship damage and destruction. Given the risk, successful delivery of quantainium will be a lucrative endeavor. Added two new surface harvestables Added in-hand weapon attachment swapping Players can now customize weapon attachments by interacting with the weapons themselves when held. Hold down F and click on "customize" on a held weapon that can use custom attachments. This will allow you to change weapon components such as sights, barrel attachments, and under barrel attachments. Added bindings for single axis first person zoom and first person zoom in/out toggle button Players can now exit ezHAB beds using basic (WASD) movement keys Added quick buy option with price to food items in shops New actor status system With the variety of extreme environments throughout the verse, players will have to factor in extreme hot and cold temperatures when planning their adventures. If you want to stay safe in these conditions, equip yourself with the new Caldera Pembroke and Novikov suits. If you're not equipped for the temperatures, you'll begin to suffer the negative effects of hyperthermia and hypothermia, eventually resulting in death. As with preparing your equipment for different temperatures, you have to prepare your body as well. We have also added "hunger" and thirst", which will be increasing constantly, so you'll need to stay topped up if you don't want to suffer the effects of dehydration or starvation. In addition, keeping yourself hydrated and well fed may have positive benefits to motor functions. You can use the commodities inventory to stow away store-able foods and drinks for the journey ahead. Hunger and thirst are persistent effects that carry over from session to session. A more detailed UI has been added to the player visor to track these various states and is visible when activating the personal inner-thought wheel (F+right click) Ships and Vehicles Added Esperia Prowler Named after the UEE military designation, the Prowler is a modernized version of the infamous Tevarin boarding craft from the First Tevarin War. With the recent discovery of the lost Tevarin planet in Kabal System, Esperia’s engineers were given unmitigated access to examine the preserved ships found in several of the caches, before meticulously recreating the design choices. The Prowler’s effectiveness as a rapid personnel deployment vehicle was mainly due to its silence. The boarding was constructed using a variety of techniques to minimize its signatures and get close to unsuspecting vessels before quickly deploying their boarders via EVA. Weapons and Items Added new ship weapon: Esperia Lightstrike Cannons An Esperia recreation of Tevarin historic technology, these energy cannons come in sizes 1 to 3 and are designed for medium to long ranges. Added new s hip weapon series: Esperia Deadbolt Cannons An Esperia recreation of Tevarin historic technology, the Deadbolt series are ballistic cannons ranging from size 4 to sized 6 and are designed for short range engagements during drops. Core Tech Added new contact list and party system flow via unification with Spectrum friend's list The in-game friend's list now uses your Spectrum friends and has been entirely reworked. The main menu now has a "Friends" tab and a "Notifications" tab. Friends can be added directly by using the "+Add" key and all friends/contact notifications will appear in the notifications tab until dismissed (note: crash recovery will also appear here). When creating a party, a new tab will appear showing party members and leader. The pre-3.9 in-game contacts list will be merged into your existing Spectrum friend's list once 3.9 goes live, but for now PTU spectrum is where the PTU friend's list can be tested. Feature Updates Locations Updated geological aspects of various planetary bodies with new visuals and assets Default spawn location choices have been updated to only include major city locations (New Babbage, Area18, Lorville) Added size 1 gimbals to all shops that carry gimbals Sprint speed while your fists are raised has been increased to match unarmed sprint speed Adjusted atmosphere density for ArcCorp and Hurston Updated arrival radius distance for lagrange points - from 120km to 70km Placed comm arrays around planets and moons and reduced their monitoring radius to cover just those sectors Updated kiosk screens at Port Olisar, Lorville, Levski, Area18, and Grim HEX Increased the brightness of the exterior lights around Levski. AI Updated ship AI behavior to include greater speed ranges and improved avoidance Gameplay Updated first person radial menu for personal inner-thought interaction system The updated Radial menu gives quick access to certain actions which are context specific, such as on foot or in a pilot seat. These actions include emotes, weapon customizations, helmet removal, and many more. Each action is also shown with its relevant keybind where applicable. The menu will save your most used actions as favorites on the main wheel and can be accessed by opening the Personal Thought menu by holding F and right clicking (interact + mouse2). Increased the payout of all criminal missions by 50% Added infraction to immediately impound player ships that collide with ships with the right to be within a landing area Shifted the threshold to obtain lvl 4 and 5 crime stats
  23. Alles gut, mein lieber @Obinotus! Ich weiß sehr gut, dass Du die Leistung anerkennst! Du hast mich nicht persönlich angegriffen, ich gehe jeden Tag mit konstruktiver Kritik um und nutze die darin enthaltenen Möglichkeiten zur Entwicklung. Die Videos sind aber alte Zöpfe, der sachliche Austausch dazu ist hier nicht das Thema und wurde schon vor einiger Zeit hier https://star-citizens.de/forums/topic/14561-hq-staffel-season-one-episode-1-settler-outlaws-hq-staffel-pilots-and-one-secret-mission-fateful-encounters/ https://star-citizens.de/forums/topic/15075-hq-staffel-video-season-one-episode-2-geheimnisse/ gemacht. Also bitte wieder das Thema von @underdoglover.
  24. @Obinotus: in aller Kürze und auch dann nicht weiter, weil es hier nicht um "meine" Videos geht. ALLEE Beteiligten haben damals ALLES gegeben und und es einfach SEHR GUT gemacht. Besser geht immer!
  25. @underdoglover: Ein Projekt mit unglaublicher Unterstützung, welches ich wegen des unglaublichen Aufwandes leider nie zu Ende bringen konnte... Zwei Teile von sieben geplanten Teilen, mit einem Drehbuch von knapp 120 Seiten. Die Vorbereitung hat viele Wochen gedauert, die Szenen der acht Teile sind alle fertig gedreht. Mit unglaublicher Beteiligung von vielen, vielen HQ-Forums-Usern. Nachträgliche eingesprochene Sprachsequenzen (von drei Teilen) liegen auch auf meinen Festplatten.. Tu allen einen Gefallen (Dir auch) und unterschätze das nicht! Gruß Sirch
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