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Imperium [BASE] - Die StarCitizenBase.com Fleet

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A International Fleet
Imperium [bASE]

The Imperium Fleet Needs You!


In the next 2 years while the game is nearing completion we would like to build one of the largest groups in the game. With a group this large we could accomplish much in the initial stages of release and carve out a place in space just for us.

What We Are Looking For:
We are looking for inspired players to make up all the professions that Star Citizen will offer. As the game draws closer we will nail down the officer positions if you show motivation and knowledge in your area of choice. If you want to do it we have positions for you!

What We Offer:
1. Mutual respect to everyone, member or ally. We will work together with our friends and allies to create an enjoyable experience in the Star Citizen Universe.
2. Community Impact.
3. Space Superiority. Through our established leadership channels and well trained military and mercenary units we will maintain the highest levels of readiness to combat and secure shipping lanes, making Imperium controlled space the safest place to do business.

Imperium Mission:
The Imperium Fleet's overall goal is Space Superiority. We plan at launch to take over an area in space to setup our operations and expand from there. By maintaining Space Superiority in fringe space, Imperium will offer ample combat for military oriented pilots and a safe, secure area for merchant pilots to do business in highly profitable areas.

We offer the following divisions:

Members will have access to our private forums that include many tools for success.

We have already built a great community and that's the first step!

Apply Today!


Bearbeitet von LightMonk
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Zunächst ersteinmal: Wow, tolles... wie soll ichs sagen... Logo.. nein... tolles Wallpaper, oder traditioneller ausgedrückt... tolles Poster! Sieht auf jeden Fall schick aus, so!

Wünsche euch viel Glück und ich hoffe auf schöne Spielstunden im Star Citizen-Universum!

Bearbeitet von Kefka
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  • 2 Wochen später...

yap, stimme zu: das wallpaper/poster sieht sehr gut aus, tolle farben und das schiff als schattenumriss sieht vor dem hintergrund ideal aus. schön dass es so viel abwechslung im universum gibt, und es so viele unterschiedliche gruppierungen gibt. da werde ich bestimmt auch mal vorbeischauen.

gruß, Monzta

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  • 4 Monate später...

After the ifestream we got a lot of new Members!
We are patiently waiting that the "Organisation" Feature on RSI goes life. ;)
Visit our StarCitizen FanSite on http://forums.starcitizenbase.com/

If you are interested to join an International Fleet then you can join us here: http://starcitizenbase.com/recruitment/index.php

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