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Bensday with Batgirl & Ben episode 33


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Ich kannte das bisher gar nicht aber sind ein paar interessante Infos dabei:





What are your thoughts on open development vs standard development? Do you think open development is beneficial long term and are there any downsides?
Different strokes for different folks. We love open development of course. It's player friendly. Making the game is the game. I think some people think they got their money's worth just seeing the development. I think there are plenty of cases where it's not the thing to do. I don't want to see the soup get made with Battlefront. I just want there to be Star Wars on my Xbox fully formed.


Could you explain in your own words what your idea of these Battlefield Upgrades are supposed to be (to clear up some confusion as to what they are)?
This is one of those things where I don't quite get where it's coming from. I think there is a percentage of the audience that is just trained to think every game developer is trying to screw them. It's a totally easy concept. It's a setup parts I put on my ship. I have a base Vanguard I'm gonna take the turret off, take the pod out, swap out the nose gun, I'm gonna swap out the wing mounts so it's a different hard point.
Nikki interrupts him. "The part that's confusing is, if I buy a Warden and then I buy a Harbinger. They're 2 different air frames right?" "Mhmm". "One has more armor than the other. Does the BFUK affect that aspect of the Warden to turn it into a Harbinger or just the pieces that you mention?" "No it includes the armor and stats." If you buy a Warden and get the Harbinger BFUK, then you basically have a Warden and a Harbinger. The only difference is appearance. Different colors and shaping.


With the reveal of the Endeavor concept at Dragon Con, will this ship sale involve battlefield upgrade kits (BFUK)?
With the Endeavor there is one base hull, no variants. There are pods that attach to the midsection. It's more like a Retaliator than a Vanguard. It's not so much the case that you buy an Endeavor chassis and turn it into a Hope(?) it's you buy the Endeavor chassis and say, "OK I want the Deep Space Observatory, I want the Overclocking Lab, I want the Ambulance Bay or I want 2 Operating Theaters. It's a LEGO system essentially."


Will there be a system that allows you to setup landing pads (like a FOB for Operation Pitchfork)?
You wouldn't build a base at launch but there should be plenty of them out there for you. In the future, yes that's something we want you to do. Nikki- To add to that, I know you guys have your own Operation Iron Hay Bail (a response to Operation Pitchfork I guess) are you building assets to allow things like that? Like, crowd oriented operations to be easier to organize and take place? "Yes."


Does the Vanguard still have the nacelle mount like shown in the concept model?
Yes. No change to those mounts. She mentions a second question in regards to the Retaliator's cargo capacity but said she wouldn't ask it because she knows CIG is still working on that.


Will the Starfarer pilot's have a poison pill of sorts, to contaminate the fuel so that it can't be used by pirates?
I don't think specifically to contaminate the fuel but you can dump it. You can set the ship to self destruct, you can dump your cargo, you can dump your fuel and ignite it. I don't think you specifically need to poison the fuel.


Will the Caterpillar be sold as variants like the Constellation or sold with modules like the Retaliator?
That one is TBD. I will tell you that we have a tech designer right now making some minor changes to the shaping and we actually have the pitch for the variants now but no details. Nikki- Will there be less nefarious variants of the Caterpillar like the Cutlass? The idea for all of them, like the Cutlass that's sold by Drake is they make perfect sense but they all have an ulterior purpose to them ;-)


Sometimes finding more than an hour to play SC can be difficult as real life needs come up. What is the range of time required to finish mission?
We don't really have an idea since we don't have any missions set up but it's going to be wide ranging. You could get an assignment to escort something that could take 3 hours or maybe across a system which might take 5 minutes.


Asking about who is the voice actor for Squadron 42. Mark Hamil? He went out there during your guys' performance capturing.
You mean Mark Hamil whose going to be in the Star Wars movie? Good detective work internet! He knows who the cast is but he won't say.


Regarding the Q-Drive, will we be able to pilot our own waypoints in order to make a round about approach to a destination?


Prowler is awaiting its concept designer. Can't tell you who it is yet. It's named after a cancelled Origin game.


As resources become available from Squadron 42, how quickly do you think production is going to start coming on board for the PU ships? (Since some ships get priority to be put in for Sq 42)
It's happening right now, each team has a manufacturer, new marching orders for which ships get done when.
That's all :D



Q: https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/3k73pp/bensday_with_batgirl_ben_episode_33_transcript/

Bearbeitet von Necromonger
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Hallo Necromomger

Netter Fund und Danke fürs posten.

Würdest du bitte die Farbe der Fragen ändern? Das ist nämlich die Stafffarbe. Wir wollen nicht das ältere Menschen wie ich nen mittleren Herzinfakt  bekommen bei soviel Stafffarbe.

Danke Dir



Ps: Im neuen Board haben wir vom Staff dann auch ne andere Farbe

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Hallo Necromomger

Netter Fund und Danke fürs posten.

Würdest du bitte die Farbe der Fragen ändern? Das ist nämlich die Stafffarbe. Wir wollen nicht das ältere Menschen wie ich nen mittleren Herzinfakt  bekommen bei soviel Stafffarbe.

Danke Dir



Ps: Im neuen Board haben wir vom Staff dann auch ne andere Farbe



upsi - umgemalt  :whistling:

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Meist sind da sehr interessante Fragen bei.

Ich habe "sie" auch erst vor kurzen entdeckt und bin sehr positiv überrascht welche Infos sie aus Ben rausquetscht.

Für Montags auf jeden Fall ein angenehmer Informations-Lückenfüller, auch wenns meist erst Dienstag hochgeladen ist.. :thumbsup:

Bearbeitet von Vicblau
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