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  1. http://uk.ign.com/videos/2014/09/12/star-citizen-m50-ship-reveal-galactic-gear-commercial
  2. so das müssten alle interessanten Bilder vom monatlichen Report sein
  3. und wer AMD bzw "Accelerated Mass Design" zu uncool findet kann ja im NVIDIA Style rumfliegen.... Was NVIDIA? Ich meine natürlich "New Visions Industrial Designs and Intelligent Aerodynamics" Immersion Baby Immersion
  4. Ben hat Stellung genommen.... Klingt sehr interessant was er da erzählt... Das könnte, wenn die Firmen mitmachen und die Werbung gut ist, das gesamte Free-to-Play Bezahl- Modell verändern.... Hey guys! To address some of the general comments about the 'AMD ship.'The Mustang Omega is the 'racer' variant of the ship, seen here with a 'racing team' skin (think modern day stock cars that are covered in logos.) The Mustang Omega is not exclusive to this AMD card pack; they'll be available alongside the standard Mustang Alpha (and other variants) when they're ready for Star Citizen! Note that you're seeing a concept model and not the finished ship, so details of the skin itself may change.As for advertising partners: as we've said before, we are not against the concept as long as it makes sense inside our universe. That is to say it would make sense to see a racing ship with a company's logo on it... or even to fly past a billboard during a race... but you'll never have a situation where you land on a pirate base and have to listen to a talk about the great taste of 7-Up before loading your ship. There's two (or more) ways to do that. One is to create ads for companies that might still exist in the 30th century and then a fictional ad campaign for them. So if McDonalds picks up a space billboard at a racetrack (not likely, just an example!), it has to advertise 30th century space food and not tell you to head on down to your local restaurant because the Filet o Fish is now on the dollar menu.For AMD, we suggested that first and they came back and said no rather than build a 900 year future history for AMD we should build a company into Star Citizen's fiction that could ALSO be named AMD and that might sponsor racing ships. We create fiction for the companies behind all our components (and beyond!) so it was entirely in our wheelhouse to create a backstory for "Accelerated Mass Design." https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/comment/3216350/#Comment_3216350
  5. mein Frage ist drangekommen Eric wusste keine Antwort drauf
  6. Wird das ganze dann per Livestream über twitch ausgestrahlt? so mit Zufallsgenerator und allem drum und dran?
  7. hab ich schon mal gesagt, dass das Spiel grafisch absolut genial ist? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXrs8aqiii8
  8. http://www.gfycat.com/GloomyIcyCapeghostfrog
  9. sieht nach der New Horizon Map aus... Bin mal gespannt ob sie das auf der Gamescom vorstellen
  10. und es geht weiter... mal schauen ob es davon auch was längeres gibt http://www.gfycat.com/HarshImmediateBluejay
  11. Number 2 http://www.gamespot.com/articles/aaa-vs-indie-an-interview-with-star-citizens-chris/1100-6421235/
  12. Der Typ wohnt in Australien. Und da er da nicht weg möchte, hat er eben das Jobangebot von CIG abgelehnt. Aber soviel ich mitbekommen habe steht er mit den Entwicklern noch in Kontakt. Aber die Sachen, die in dem Video vorkommen, gibt es alles schon mehr oder weniger im 12,4 Patch. Ist nur ne Frage wie man die Assets zusammenstellt. Und diese Schiffe die ihr am Himmel seht wurden mit diesem Programm erstellt. -> http://ship.shapewright.com/
  13. schaut mal was ich gerade gefunden habe http://www.gfycat.com/SatisfiedShadyAsianporcupine
  14. Es lohnt sich nur ein Schiff zu kaufen, wenn du Star Citizen vor dem Release mit Geld unterstützen willst. Dafür sind die Schiffsverkäufe da. LTI is gone aber das braucht man meines Erachtens nicht.... Und den Rest haben meine Vorredner schon beantwortet
  15. Anbei ein Link zu einem sehr interessanten Interview mit Chris Roberts von Gamespot das hier ist Teil 1 (nächste Woche kommt noch ein Teil 2) http://www.gamespot.com/articles/star-citizen-and-crowdfunding-an-interview-with-ch/1100-6421207/
  16. also 75% der Fragen hier kann man sich selber zusammenreimen und wurden schon beantwortet. Man könnte meinen ihr hättet noch nie was von Star Citizen gehört... Stellt doch mal richtig interessante Fragen.
  17. So es geht weiter mit den Informationen: Wingman's Hangover gibt es nicht mehr aber dafür eine Community Show die immer nach "Around the Verse" stattfinden wird. Anbei die Notizen die ich auf Reddit gefunden haben... (leider nur in Englisch, keine Zeit fürs übersetzten) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Game Related Stuff: Hangar Related · Asteroid hangar is basically done, updating other hangars for the room system right now · Hangars will be relatively similar after the update for now, more changes down the road, going outside, across the street to the bar, etc Arena Commander Status · Any plans to beef up AC ship durability to reduce one shot kills? They're continually working on that balance · How long until you can invite friends to a match? That's coming in V1, but unknown how far away that is · More multiplayer access is going to happen soon (fingers crossed). They're meeting about when to let more people in right now. · Lots of damage states are being worked on right now. · Helmet light reflection bug is being worked on Upcoming ship additions · Freelancer may get added before multicrew ships, as a one-person model. They may release it beforehand and lock the player to his seat. It would probably lose in combat, though, so they might not. · Sounded like other multicrew ships had a real chance soon. Cutlass and Constellation likely. PU Status · Is anything in the PU playable so far? Not really, other than Arena Commander. Connie Variants · No comment on connie variant names. Cygnus has been leaked, but might not be named that in the end. Avenger Variants · Only one planned is the two seater variant so far. But more might happen later. Other Ships Status · More ship models are starting to come in. They're being implemented in engine. Org Hangars · Org hangars are in development but not anytime soon Capships · Any chance of seeing the capships before SQ42? Maybe · Will we see vanduul ships soon? Once they're designed, yes · What is the largest ship you can insure? The Idris, most likely. Gladius · The picture of the cockpit from the other day is confirmed to be the Aegis Gladius cockpit New Merchandise · LOTS of new merchandise coming soon. · Dog tag keyrings, personalized on the back. · Playing cards · Towel. Towel will be black w/ white embroidery because "gamers don't like doing laundry". Originally was going to be white. · Pen and notepad · Two new tshirts (anvil aerospace and arena commander) · Physical models of constellation and other ships. · A second round of citizen cards is NOT happening. They are going to be unique to the very early backers. Customized dogtags will be available soon, though. Space Race · Space race is being worked on in the UK, they haven't seen the spec for it. They don't really know anything about it. Website Update · Fleet view will be in the next big update for orgs. Holoviewer will be in as well. Streamlining the whole package / addon ship / etc system for people so they're not confused. That's the priority for the web team right now. Cargo System · The cargo system is supposed to be in the background of the game, but cargo is always important and being interacted with. The cargo system is designed to be robust and reactive to players needs and making the persistent universe the way we've envisioned it. It's been fun and engaging so far to get a physical sense of what you're hauling through the universe. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Stream Silliness: · We're happy that Around the Verse gives people a chance to meet more devs than just Ben, Rob, and Eric all the time · Has James seen the first Indiana Jones movie yet? No, he hasn't. He is holding it right now and refuses to watch it. · James is not going to gamescom this year. · Talking about musical instruments ingame and how cool that'd be. No real comment on if that'll happen or not. · James has also not seen Clockwork Orange. · Will there be dwarf planets in the Sol system ingame? They basically said that'd be cool. · Of the three on there, Ben is the best pilot in Arena Commander · Has james seen Buffy? Yes. It's one of his favorite shows. He likes Angel more. · Around the Verse this week will feature Reaverboar. · Any news on the retaliator? It's awesome. · Will the Xian Scout have a blind spot directly ahead? No. If that turns out to be the case, they'll fix it. · There are women at the LA office. One is wearing short shorts in the background. (Confirmed: It's Sandi) · Mark Skelton is hot, and very huggable. · The crew just got paid. Hooray money! · Sandi noticed her pantsless web presence and talked to us for a while about merchandise. · If you want to be hired at CIG, create some cool stuff by yourself. Make a game, art, etc, and impress them. · Ben recounts tales of visiting Digital Anvil and meeting Eric and Chris at age 18. · Why does the cutlass have a fan that looks like it's from the 60s? It's Drake stuff, it's supposed to look old and beaten up. Plus sci-fi was cooler in the 60s. · Are we going to stream some dogfighting on here? Sure, why not. We'll do it next week · Any plans for spectator mode? Down the line, maybe not immediately, but yes. · James is posting Around the Verse at this very moment. · Squadron Battle is just random teams right now. · Mystery beard man appeared and has not introduced himself. (Mystery Beard Man is Reaverboar). He is also a tall leprechaun. · Ben Lesnick has been randomly recognized in public before, and it's weird. · ETA for Around the Verse is "not long". It's still being rendered on youtube right now. HD will not be ready at first because that's how Youtube works. · Reverse the Verse is a regular thing. It will be after the show every week. This week is unusual because the show went up late. · Subscribe to the twitch channel so you know when it starts. · "Console Wars is a good book and you should read it." - James · CIG book club would be fun. They're seriously talking about doing it. · Everyone at CIG really likes Ready Player One. · When will the Greycat 6000 SUX be added into the game? [Redacted] · How much will you guys play the PU when it's done? All our free time per week, which looks like about six hours right now. · Reaverboar burrito: Just meat and guacamole. Maybe cheese if you're feeling adventurous, with a pinch of lime juice to make it awful. · Ask us for autographs at Gamescom. We love giving autographs. · Around the Verse is still transcoding on Youtube. They had to make a last minute edit to remove Chris Roberts' phone number. · Are there going to be holodecks? Arena Commander is sort of one already. · Around the Verse should be live right now! Go check it out! That's it for this week's Reverse the Verse. · See you next week for more WingBen's HangBen.
  18. es wird immer besser... Jetzt fehlt nur noch Timeline und unser Sechseck und dann nimmt die Diskussion hier astronomische Ausmaße... im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. da ja jetzt das mit dem Erdinneren geklärt ist hab ich noch eine Frage an euch. Unterstützt ihr die These dass sich das Universum immer weiter ausdehnt und irgendwann die maximale Ausdehnung erreicht hat. Ab dann schrumpft das Universum wieder in sich zusammen, konzentriert sich wieder in einem Punkt und explodiert wieder in einem Urknall? Wenn alles rückwärts läuft müsste dann nicht auch die Zeit rückwärts laufen? Würden wir das überhaupt bemerken? http://www.helpster.de/zieht-sich-das-universum-zusammen-ein-erklaerungsansatz_183468
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