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Alle Inhalte von Hutos

  1. Jap, ich finde auch, dass das neue Konzept einfach super aussieht! Jedoch wie die anderen darüber gepostet haben, ist das Cockpit etwas unglücklich platziert da die Sicht nach oben komplett abgeschnitten ist. Vielleicht sollte man es etwas nach vorschieben, somit hat man auch mehr Ähnlichkeit mit der Anvil Carrack!
  2. by the way, Xue hat das Concept etwas umgearbeitet.. und ich muss sagen.. HAMMER!!!!
  3. ja.. leider ist es nur Fanmade.. :( Edit: Vielleicht sollte man auch Fanmade in den Titel reinmachen? Any Admin here??
  4. Jop, sehe ich auch so Obinotus. Wie gesagt, der Post auf RSI ist erst von Ende Februar und das hier ist sozusagen erstmal der erste Wurf! ^^ Eventuell wäre ja ein kleiner Kran noch sinnvoll, der beschädigte Schiffe in der Umgebung aufsammeln kann und auf die Reparaturplattform hebt.
  5. Hey Leute, durch Zufall habe ich erfahren, dass Xue (von IXM) noch an einem anderen, größerem Schiff als die Scimitar von The Next Great Starship arbeitet. Ich präsentiere euch echte österreichische Ingenieurskunst, die Anvil Aerospace - HYGEIA: Quelle: https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/236141/anvil-aerospace-hygeia-mobile-medical-and-repair-facility/p1 Um die IXM - Anvil Scimitar nicht zu vergessen, hier auch noch ein neues Video dazu, wie sie im Hangar vor sich hin strahlt! =)
  6. hm.. irgendwo haben sie auch gesagt, dass man das FPS-Modul auch im Coop bestreiten kann. Ob das nun auch im Singleplayer Mode geht, kA.
  7. Jop, der Download scheint zu funktionieren! Bin auch am laden! Mal schaun wie lange es dauert.. bei mir steht Patches Left: 13... oh mann..
  8. ja, in ein paar stunden erst... am besten einfach bis morgen früh warten.. Hey Everyone we are now looking at a couple more hours until the first PTU patch will be released. For clarity this is the patch to fix it for everyone who has already downloaded it on the PTU. If you have not done so by the release of this patch there will be a "fix all" patch later tonight to fix it for everyone. I hate sounding like a broken record but please believe me when I say we are very sorry, we hate that backers are unable to play, and we are working as hard as we can to fix it for everyone. Thank you all for your patience. Quelle: https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/comment/4560174/#Comment_4560174
  9. Nein NightFury, das ist bei uns allen gerade ein Fehler. CIG hat sich schon dazu geäußert und sie arbeiten daran: We are aware of an issue causing some to experience the launcher error Unable to Load Metafile when attempting to download the PTU DevOps is currently looking into the issue to have resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Quelle: https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/237912
  10. Was mich eigentlich aber interessier ist, was ist eigentlich mit dem Carnard und Ball Turret?? Gelten die jetzt auch als Gimballed?
  11. Eben, wenn es zu einem Strafe-Rund Tanz kommt haben alle die gleichen Vorraussetzungen bei fixed Weapons. Bei gimballed Weapons kann man trotz des strafens die waffen nochmals auf das Schiff ausrichten und somit eine größere Trefferquote erzielen.
  12. Hier die offizielen PTU 1.1 Patch-Notes von trance104-CIG: Hello everyone! The PTU patch download is ~31 gigs! Arena Commander Module Additions: Gameplay **Added Free Flight Multiplayer **Added Assisted Approach landing mode to Free Flight (engaged using N) **Added Automatic Approach landing mode to Free Flight (engaged using middle mouse button while Assisted Approach is active) **Added groundwork tech for new ship damage state system **Added the Rental Equipment Credits system Ships **Gladius is now combat ready **Added new ship damage state system to the Gladius Components **Redesigned ballistic weapons so they have their own loadouts which will allow them to automatically be attached with ammunition User Interface **Added identifier numbers to the end of non-unique Vanduul in Vanduul swarm **Added an altimeter for Assisted Approach mode to show ships how far away from the platform the ship is **Added Rental Equipment Credits to scoreboard (the total value of credits earned is not calculated until the match is over) **Added custom sensitivity curves to control options **Added backend support to allow the creation of subgroups within subgroups in control options **Added new error messages for when a client fails to connect to a match (these are currently not working and will show a blank error box) Environment **Added Simpod to hangar (replaces ship cockpit arena commander menu) **Added Xian ship miniature **Added Khartu-Al ship miniature Balance/Tweaks: Gameplay **Increased number of landing platforms in Free Flight to 8 **Changed friendly fire system - Pilots now receive "Infractions" for doing an amount of friendly fire damage in a short space of time. Too many of these causes them to be kicked from the game **Comstab is less aggressive in how quickly it decelerates the ship which will lead to some drift **Scoreboard is now bound to the tab key **Freelook is now bound right ctrl+tab **Crouch is now bound to ctrl **G-safe now limits based on ship velocities rather than set points Ships **Updated lighting system for 300 series **Aurora headlights system updated to use multiple light sources Components **Replaced Mass Driver Cannon fire sound with something more appropriate for a 60mm Ballistic (was laser) **Weapon mounts have been adjusted so that gimbaled mounts now hold weapons that are one size smaller than the mount. Fixed mounts still hold weapon sizes equal to the mount User Interface **Removed Arena Commander UI from all ship cockpits (available through Simpod and escape menu) **G-safe light deactivates when boost is held down **Self-destruct is now a customizable binding **Holotable now sorts items based on type, subtype (where applicable) and name **Holotable can now be interacted with after pressing F (no longer need to press tab) **Changed importing custom control setups so that it allows the entire default profile to be overridden based on forum feedback Fixes: Gameplay **Fixed an issue that was causing AI pilots to misjudge the position of a ship they were trying to avoid **Fixed final kill alert sound playing any time a ships is destroyed after a pilot reaches 13000 points in battle royale **Fixed a bug where calculated torque was occasionally incorrect causing instability in the ship **Fixed issue that was causing thrusters to twitch back and forth **Fixed Vanduul missiles skipping their flight phase in Coop Vanduul Swarm Ships **300 series have their starboard cooling components **350r will sometimes spawn with damaged components **Mustang Beta will no longer have one of the doors in the cabin float above it if it’s used Components **Fixed several shield generators having visible one sided geometry in the holotable User Interface **Fixed an issue that was causing the game client to steal mouse focus when loading into the hangar Other issues: **Fixed issue where character will sometimes spawn with the helmet on backwards Known Issues: Gameplay **Missiles do not despawn after they explode which causes the missile evaded message to be displayed even if the missile hits **Ships are not able to take off if a pilot reenters a seat after they land using automatic approach **Landing ships in Multiplayer Free Flight can cause network divergence issues **Some ships are not able to be exited or entered after landing them in Free Flight **Using HOMAS or TrackIR whilst using Target Focus causes the players head to shake and move uncontrollably **Opening the holotable multiple times can cause the game to crash **ESP is being overly aggressive Ships **All ships aside from the Hornet are missing ship trails when carrying a Core **350r mass is off center and causes the ship to be difficult to control **Aurora intakes aren't displaying paint **Aurora are not showing lateral G-force animations for the character **Some parts of the nose section for the Avenger are not taking damage **Entering the back seat of the Gladiator plays the animation for entering the front seat. **Gladius damage system isn't working correctly for parts of the ship that fall off **Gladius loses its armor textures when hit with a few missiles **Mustang mass is off center and causes the ship to be difficult to control **Mustangs are using the wrong maneuvering thrusters **M50 g-force animations are negatively affecting control of the ship **Elevator animation for the Constellation Taurus and Andromeda does not play correctly **Cutlass isn't attaching its Trireme thrusters for its default loadout **Cutlass Trireme thrusters are not able to be attached in the holotable (this will be left this way until they are ready for use) **Character is sunk into the seat when sitting in the Cutlass Blue and Red **Freelancer loading ramp has no collision **Freelancer Main Thrusters are missing **Retaliator is not loading in the hangar Components **User folder issues can cause weapon ammunition to go missing as well as other ship component malfunctions **Some ballistic weapons are missing ammunition from their default loadouts **MaxOx NN-13 Neutron Cannon - Misnamed as MaxOx NP-14 Neutron Cannon **Adjusted weapon tech setup that was preventing the 9-Series Longsword from animating when fired **Rattler Cluster missile second stage rockets will all use the same trajectory **Missiles aren't inheriting velocity from the ship that launches them **Seal Corporation damage effect displays incorrectly when equipped on an Aurora **Seal Corporation shield generators will not be visible when equipped to Hornets User Interface **Lag pips will drop out with increased distance depending on how quickly a ship is approaching their target (only happens within a few hundred meters) **Shield hardpoint in the holotable is too small for Mustangs and 300 series **Shield component on the Aurora ship status HUD is too large **Ship status HUD for Gladius will display damage incorrectly **Missiles have a small portion of the ship targeting UI on them after being launched **Multiple in game items and ships are missing text and are displaying their internal names **Paint objects in the holotable are placeholders **Loading back into a lobby will reset the ship selection to its default (sometimes this doesn’t happen visually but still happens on the backend) **Power throttle doesn't work Environment **There are several locations in the hangars where the character can fall out of the world Quelle: https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/237881
  13. Ahh, bin echt gespannt was die an den Hardpoints ändern werden! Ich hoffe eher auf ein Gewicht/Energie-System und dass man somit nicht mehr 6 Omniskys auf die Hornet knallen kann!
  14. Um die Rekrutierungsseite nicht in die Vergessenheit zu verdrängen, hier nochmal der Aufruf: Bei uns ist jeder österreichischer Raumpilot herzlich Willkommen! Scheut euch nicht uns auf unserer Bewerbungsseite zu besuchen: http://www.star-citizens.de/topic/2188-bewerbungen/ lg, Hutos
  15. Hallo Leute! Star Citizen News Radio on Air hat ein neues Format: Starbreaker, die Diskussions und News Sendung mit MakronJ und Hutos. Beginn: - Heute, 19:00 Uhr Themen: - REC - Rental Equipment Credits - Orion Mining - Shield Management Wo: - http://www.twitch.tv/scnr_onair Reinhören und im Chat mitdiskutieren! lg, Hutos
  16. Heyho, etwas spät aber doch, hier die Zusammenfassung von Reverse the Verse von letzter Woche. Leider auf Englsich, aber vielleicht findet sich ja jemand um die Wichtigsten Notes zu übersetzen! Reverse the 'Verse - Episode 35 Ben has "like 30 pages" to write for the site tomorrow (I believe this includes Jump Point). Alexis broke the microphone. REC controversy: we want feedback on it, nothing is final. CIG was let down by the reaction. CIG IS NOT TRYING TO SCREW YOU. No reason to fight about REC. As with anything, it will be adapting to meet the vision if it doesn't work correctly. CIG does not have ulterior motives for the things they do. Constructive criticism is awesome. We are not out to get you. If the REC system was a grand plan to screw you out of your money, it wouldn't be a good idea to ask for your feedback. Ben: People have been abused by gaming companies for the last 5 years or so with this stuff. Ben: It's frustrating because the things that need to make a working economy in the finished Star Citizen are also the things that other people abuse to say why you have to pay EA extra money to build another building in Sim City. Not trying to make people angry. Trying to make cool things. Similar to how AtV has been evolving: they try new things and if it works then great, if not then it gets dropped or changed. It should be possible at some point in the future for you to use large ships in AC without owning them in the PU. They are shooting a "re-enactment" of an Orion design meeting so you can see how things come together. Flyable Gladius is looking like a yes for 1.1 but not an absolute guarantee. "yesish" Reworked Cutlass will be done before the reworked Avenger. Ben's brother is a Hollywood reporter so he found out about the new Alien movie 15 minutes before anyone else and spread it around the office. Orion concept sale will be 10 days ending March 2nd. Will is super excited for the mini-game associated with the Orion concept sale. Jim Martin is doing the Hull C who did the Freelancer and the Defiant from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Jim Martin starts in sketches which are apparently really awesome. Ben is excited that the same guy who made his childhood spaceships is making his adult spaceships. CCU system is being reworked, eventually. Turbulent is extremely busy right now and REC has added to their workload. Turbulent to-do list includes (no particular order): CCU upgrade, continued re-work for the front page, community hub, organizations 2.0, star map. Star map is technically ready but is awaiting content. Unfortunately Turbulent was bogged down for 2 months with working on the VAT stuff, which took them away from other projects. Frustrating because they are amazing developers and unfortunately they got caught up on a "legal thing". James' birthday is March 3rd. Ben is giving him his old 3DS. Characters aging: CryEngine allows it so it will likely be done, however, it is not a priority for the initial launch as it will happen so slowly. You can also allow a character to retire as part of the Death of a Spaceman mechanic. Carl Sagan is awesome. FPS module will not have character customization... probably a few different models. Working on getting the system set up for creating many variations of clothing. Ken is the cutting edge of the locations (several locations ahead of the main work). Every 890 JUMP will have an 85x. V1.1 will include REC, tutorial, and will set the stage for the next two modules (FPS, Social). Very tight schedule for 1.1 but things are going well. Orion will be $325. There will be 1 or 2 ships added with 1.1, but ships aren't the main focus of this patch. Empire Report is a small part of slowly transitioning shows to be in-universe. Xi'An Scout has been moved from concept into production. On whether there will be voice acting or speech bubbles in PU: Leaning towards voice acting with speech bubbles as a backup. That said, Chris Roberts basically invented voiceovers in a video game. Wing Commander II was credited for years by Creative Labs for the reason SoundBlaster is still the standard for PC audio today. Everyone wanted to show off the introduction to Wing Commander II. Ben found something new recently in Wing Commander III which came out in 1994. Potatoes are delicious underground rocks. Working on referral bonus... maybe... someday. Modularity tools being built for environments. Once complete they will be able to make tons of environments quickly. Should be starting this process of pumping out environments in the next few months. Tons of artwork and assets done, just need the tools to be complete to start putting them together. Exciting times! Tell them in the forums what deep dive design posts you are interested in! CS swears a lot sometimes. Ken's favourite planetside environment so far is Arc Corp due to its grittiness. Ken worked at Blockbuster for a week, the store got held up at gunpoint (not when he was there), and he decided that that was enough of working for Blockbuster. Newest batch of AMD packages do not include SQ42 which is a contractual thing with AMD (unclear of exact reason). Chelsea's favourite ship is the Xi'An Scout. Alexis' favourite ship is the M50. Trevor has arrived. Hoodies were not initially popular. If you want a hoodie then tell them on the forums. It's possible they would do them in the future if enough people ask. Baseball cap, travel coffee mug, and more incoming! Chinese manufacturers sent them a ton of hats as examples... Ben decided to wear one: (Yes, the brim is leopard print) Looking at getting good mics for each of the studios so the spectrum part of AtV sounds better. Retaliator very close to hangar-ready but needs some things from the V1.1 branch. Star map is essentially technically done but is waiting for content. Ben proposes a new name for RSI Museum: "Origin Stories" Retaliator went for whiteboxing today where they generate the store renders. CIG is cautiously optimistic about the LEGO Hornet but it's really not up to them. Repair bot will follow you around like an R2D2. Sandi had a dream about getting into Star Citizen and dying constantly. Star Citizen HOTAS update from Sandi: Need to push that. There are some "funky red liners" in the deal... when it gets in the legal department it gets funky. The "mining spider" drone is still around and will be seen in Squadron 42. Quelle: Reddit Besonders dieser Note ist sehr interessant: V1.1 will include REC, tutorial, and will set the stage for the next two modules (FPS, Social). Das heißt, dass AC v1.1 die Basis für das FPS und Social Modul schaffen wird. Das heißt eventuell, dass der Patch 1.1 doch vor dem FPS Modul erscheint und nicht wie früher angekündigt, zur gleichen Zeit. Somit wird der Patch wahrscheinlich nicht mehr lange auf sich warten lassen!
  17. Weiß man wie es gestern ausgegangen ist? Gab es wieder so viele Server abstürze oder lief alles normal? War jemand dabei?
  18. Und CR hat schon wieder zugeschlagen: Quelle: https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/comment/4449786/#Comment_4449786
  19. Ich denke, dass es auch im Vanduul-Swarm Coop möglich sein wird, RECs zu verdienen, da dieser Modus auch Ranglisten basierend ist. Im Single-Player wirst du diese wahrscheinlich nicht verdienen können, da du ja nicht auf deren Servern spielst sondern lokal auf deinem Rechner.. denke ich mal..
  20. Chris Roberts hat vor ein paar Stunden ein Statement über die REC abgegeben: Quelle: https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/232661
  21. Besonders interessieren mich die FPS-Module News: - Battle Sphere und Gold Horizon Station (siehe FPS Demo Video) werden im FPS-Module sein. Das Social module wird auf dem Planeten/Stadt ArcCorp stattfinden. - Co-Op Modus wird im FPS Modul integriert.
  22. Notes: · Will, Ben, James, Chelsea, Alexis, Ryan, Megan, Jenny, Billy, Thomas and more are present for RtV. · Ryan's hat is fedorable. · Hoping to get the back seat of the Super Hornet usable soon (between 1.0 and 1.1). · We've seen what there is of the Starfarer. Second shot soon. · Co-op will be in FPS. · No additional items in the Voyager Direct store this week. · CIG is going to experiment with unlocking all the weapons in the PTU to allow you to play around with them, starting today or tomorrow. · Hull series are on schedule. · Orion Concept Sale Next Friday! ($325-350ish) They think... but only if the art that comes in is on point. Sale will be 7-10 days, not quantity limited, with LTI. · The characters wear clothes. · Currently exploring the limits of clothing customization in Austin. A lot of tech and logistics going on for clothing. · Dog Tags will probably be another 2-3 months. Lead time is huge. · Cool plans for streaming tech (streaming the game) to come down the line. · CIG is working with Warhorse Studios. · Soon you will be able to rent "ships and such" with REC, which will be outlined in the post tomorrow. · About Gladius and Avenger hardpoint sizes - they will be balanced over the next year or so. · Hour long RSI Museum episode tomorrow. · No updates on the Avenger variants. · All of the star systems have been named. · Quite a bit of space to move around in the Starfarer in the cabin. · CIG Germany is getting set up. They will be focused heavily on under-the-hood engine work. · One of the guys now working at CIG Germany helped on the early SC commercials and is now with CIG full time. · Certainly some love to the internals coming for the 300 series. · Gladius will be flight ready soon. Gladius and Retaliator are in the main branch that uses a lot of Squadron 42 tech... it will be branched back into the AC branch at V1.1. If they try to put them in (Gladius flyable and Retaliator in-hangar) right now it just breaks things. · The Drake Herald has been locked in and will be symmetrical for the base Herald. · Continuing to make progress on the new damage states. Fully implemented by SQ42. The new system really helps decrease the time to develop a ship. · No plans at the moment to move alpha access from being ship/package attached to account attached. · HOWEVER, they are looking at a new system to replace the CCUs so you will be able to upgrade to a new ship easier without losing alpha access. · Feedback council being formed to sort through all of the incoming feedback from the community. · Work being done now to decide what the clothes will look like, once they get further with that work things will come faster. · Chris gives feedback very quickly to artists on their creations. · Kilts will be possible to put in the game because they will have skirts for female characters... but are they fashionably acceptable? · Space kilts in zero gravity are apparently scary. · Orion was roughly twice the size of Constellation a couple weeks ago, but that was not the final ship and they asked for it to be widened. · Starfarer in SQ42 Episode 1 so it is a priority. · P52 and P72 getting love. P52 is being done by Elwin and is about 20% done. P72 will be based on the P52. · Space Crab Drawing Battle · James and Megan hope that pets will have clothes. · You might POSSIBLY be able to fly the P52 Merlin before the Constellation... but you might not want to. · With SQ42 they will share how they are making it and that they are making it and maybe tiny bits here and there but they want to keep most of it secret. · Revere the God of Facial Hair (hirsutemedes) and the God of Hot Dogs. · Battle Sphere and Gold Horizon station in FPS. ArcCorp in Social module. · Nothing new on Carrack or Merchantman. · The Banu race is with Foundry 42. · No news about flyable Scythe. · You will not be able to wander off on your own in Squdron 42. Military campaign. Think Wing Commander, not Privateer. You can choose to exit Squadron 42 and enter the PU though if you choose (this will be permanent). · Will and Jenny are daydreaming about fish clothes. · You can post bug reports in French, German, and Spanish. · PTU on schedule to go up tomorrow. · MISC Reliant is not far along. · Toast betrayed the Federation. · Every patch has tweaks to the flight model. Started with big tweaks, now refinements. · Design post on Mining next week! · AC Credits design post isn't counting as one of the stretch goal ones. · Deep dive design post tomorrow on AC Credits, known as REC. They will want lots of feedback on the system! Quelle: http://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/2voctl/notes_from_reverse_the_verse_episode_34/ Video: http://www.twitch.tv/cigcommunity/c/6102882
  23. Viel heiße Luft um nix! ^^ ..nur dass morgen eventuell PTU AC 1.0.3 zum Testen ist, aber sonst nix..
  24. Die Füße spielen leider schon mit den Pedalen rum! ^^ Dort Rolle ich das Schiff und hab gleichzeitig den Boost und Spacebrake auf den Wippen der Pedale! Das enzige was noch frei ist, wäre der Kopf.. oder.. ach lassen wir das mal..
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