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Zusammenfassung aller Fragen bis jetzt... (evt. für die Leute die Zeit haben das zu Übersetzten interessant)  Quelle: https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/193408/fps-info-rsi-and-reddit-summary-and-discussion#latest



Can you guys please describe what, if any, style of cover / peek system you'll be using? People often scoff at Call of Duty but COD4 had a very useful and intuitive lean / kneel / prone system that I liked that wasn't in later games.

There will be a cover system that allows for peaking, kneeling, leaning and peeking. Going prone sort of takes you out of cover. The cover system will be a fully automated system with smooth interpolation, so you couldn't even really tell you're entering cover at times. Since the mechanics are animation driven (your first person is doing exactly what your third person is doing), this makes balancing and making this feel good tricky - some some mechanics you may be used to in other games will work slightly different in the SC FPS.

Where has the greatest influence for play style come from?

Lots of places! Counter-Strike, Rainbow Six, Arma, Delta Force. The FPS Genre is broad, the most important thing for us was to define something truly new and unique, which is what the SC FPS does.

Are you guys planning any planetary conflict instances? Or will all of the FPS take place on stations and bigger ships?

Absolutely, the FPS Mechanics were designed in a sandbox theory, they can be used and played in any type of scenario. The possibilities are endless and we're certainly going to maximize its use!

I'm a big fan of the "Batllefield" saga. Can we expect to "feel" our weapons ? Like Recoil, dispersion of bullet based on the distance of your foe, sound of every part of the gun that make it "alive" and unique, or will it be something like laser shot, straight on the opponent, no recoil, etc

Thank you.

There is an insane mount of variables that go into how a gun is used in the SC FPS mechanics. Recoil, breathing, movement, how youre standing, are you alert, are you iron sighting, are you in cover, are your limbs damaged, are you in zerog, etc. the list goes on. it is a very advanced system with lots of possibilities!

Can you Rambo? (yes that is a verb)

Actually this is a very good question as it's a core theory of our mechanics. The mechanics are built specifically to discourage players from doing what we call "john ramboing". You absolutely can do it...................... but you'll probably die..... but hey if you want to go out in style!!!

How difficult will FPS be for newbies.....people who really don't like FPS?
I ask because it will be a part of SQ42 and the PU.
I need to practice but if it is like AC it will be impossible.

I won't lie, the FPS mechanics aren't the easiest but they aren't so hard that you can't pick it up and play. Thats why the FPS Module is important, so you can play the module without the risk of death that you would have in the PU! The skill ceiling is ridiculously high, so veteran FPS players will certainly have a lot to hold onto.

will there be Zero G combat ? and if so how will you maneuver around?

Zero G has lots of scenarios.
If you're in ZeroG inside a ship and you have a suit that has thrusters (or thruster attachment), you can move around but moving inside a ship with thrusters is difficult as movement isn't very smooth. You can also easily gain too much speed and slam into a wall, killing yourself.
If you're in ZeroG inside a ship without a suit that has thrusters you can use push/pull mechanics to move around the ship. Launching yourself from surfaces. the real danger here, of course, is floating off into the middle of a large room very slowly. This is the safest method of moving around a ship in ZeroG. you can also use your boots to walk along the walls/ceilings of most surfaces.
theres a whole lot of other conditionals with ZeroG too, especially if you're floating around in outer space! 

Will there be any hand to hand or melee combat?

Absolutely, this ranges from brawling to disarming someone with a knife and stealth kills!

Are you guys working on just the combat-weapons aspect of the FPS system or also the character animations/models?

A whole lot of everything! Characters are generally modeled by the other studios though.

Will there be an FPS "Battlezone" in the PU where people who want to purely focus on FPS can progress through missions? It's a space game and I'll be in my spaceship as much as the next guy, however things are getting so broad I thought it might become a possibility to be a full time marine for some players.

This is the purpose of the FPS Module itself, similar to Arena Commander, will be a place where you can access the mechanics of FPS and build your skill without the dangers of the PU.

In the game, will injuries/sleepiness/other modifiers affect character movement?

Haven't thought about sleepiness :) i mean, does that mean the in game character is awake for 12+ hours, is that our way of telling you you've played too much ;-) 
i don't know about that one, but injuries definitely do. they effect your aiming, ability to move in zerog, movement and more.

Movement and scale in FPS games tend to be "Fun" but unrealistic. This is generally not a problem but with VR/Oculus Rift, nausea becomes a major issue and things just look bad without the right human scaling.
Has Redacted taken into account VR needs from the initial design point like Oculus recommends, or will you be trying to shoehorn it in at a later point in development?

There'll always be some adapting for VR needs, but we built the mechanics to feel more like a VR simulator from the get go, so your head feels very independent of your body... your gun isn't glued to your face, for example.

Will there be vehicles integrated into the early FPS map(s)? Either mounted turrets, or running someone over in a Greycat.

Probably not the early versions but eventually definitely!

Will there be 1-shot kills, or are people damage-sponges in the FPS?

There certainly will be 1 shot kills but it all depends on your armor, weapon and ammo type.

Will you be able to damage a ships systems from the inside intentionally or non-intentionally?


Follow-Up: Would you be able to elaborate on how you see the details of that working?

There are various systems in a ship, gravity, power, oxygen, various hazards, your engine, shields, etc. - when you start playing with power in the ship, for example, you can accidentally overload a system and have to run and fix it! or you could... 'accidentally' throw a grenade into an unprotected gravity generator :P

For ship boarding, what have you all come up with for actually entering other ships e.g. cutting through the hull, forcing hatches, shooting out the windows, etc.?

you can cut through the hull, sneak on board through many mischievous techniques, blasting hatches, etc. entry points are very carefully chosen, however. essentially they're 'vulnerable' points of a ship/station. Windows are generally extremely fortified.

Will recoil be visible through movement of the gun/sight(insurgency) or will the bullets travel in random trajectories regardless of where the sights are pointing(battlefield)?

The recoil is visible through the movement of the gun. Where the gun barrel is pointing is where your shot is going to go.

With regard to ship customization. We can change weapons, power plants, engine, etc. Weapons aside, what FPS customization will there be? We know about the combat armor. What about backpacks or some kind of inventory system? Weapons customizing?

There will be both an inventory system and weapon customization.


The FPS module will be released early next year and receive continuous updates.





How will damage be handled in the FPS mode? Are we looking at personal shields or just body armor?

Generally just body armor but you can get gadgets to give you boosts.

On top of this, what sort of health mechanic do you plan to use? And if the player is wounded, will the experience slower movement and greater weapon sway etc?

Absolutely, your limb damage will have severe impacts on how the mechanics work - and it is limb specific too, not just an overall of 'oh youre kind of hurt'. For example, if your left arm is hurt but you throw grenades with your right, your right throw won't really be impacted.

Will the death of a spaceman mechanic be addressed in fps gameplay itself, making the players inherently more cautious? For instance, some games allow characters to heal automatically, while others allow med kits to restore all health. Will there be more realistic approaches? Med kits only restoring to a certain point (80%) or only taking effect temporarily (boosting health for 5 minutes) or minor gunshots tearing holes in space suits so the vacuum of space can kill?

You are absolutely correct on all points, maybe not the tearing holes in space suits part but on other systems yes. the mechanics are built to discourage players from going ballistic and be very cautious while playing.

Is it fair to say then that you could expect to see people playing the FPS more like splinter cell, with lots of quick ambush type firefights?

yep, the stronger armors (TITAN armor and Heavy Armor) may have longer, face to face combat.

What kind of modularity will weapons (Pistols, Rifles, ect) have? Can we customize them inside and out, or just externally? Extreme customization details like stacking different types of the same caliber rounds in a magazine, or adding a longer/heavier barrel?

There will be attachments for weapons and different ammo types, the amount of customization will vary based on the weapon.

Can you provide an example of the kind of gameplay experience you're looking for? Maybe a description of what an encounter between two players might be like in terms of lethality, weapons used, moves used, length of play, etc?

there are so many. lets just pull one randomly from the sky.
A Persistent Universe experience. I'm a stealthy, solo player. I find a wrecked ship, i know scavengers will be around soon. I find a crate and put myself in it. I let the scavengers take the crate and put me in their ship. When i'm on their ship, some time later, i get out of the crate. Very quietly, i rummage around and find some goodies i like. I steal those... now i can either - A) Jump out the airlock and call a ride or B) go to their engine room and self destruct their ship or C) quietly hunt and execute the entire staff and take their ship.... or Z) they could have scanned the crate properly before loading it, blasted it with their ship and me with it....

Can you give an insight on how the cover system will work? Will cover be destructible?

there will be some destruction but its not a key component as most of the environments are, well, solid metal :) cover has a smooth interpolation system that will allow players do all the various moves they would expect in cover (lean/peek/crouch/move in cover/etc.)

Couple of basic questions, feel free to go into as much detail as you can:
1) What kind of improvements can we expect for player movement, both animation wise and as far as controls/feel? What options will be available to us as far as movement goes (prone, lean, slide to cover, etc.)?

2) How much weapon customization can we expect, both for the initial FPS module release and the final full game release? Something as simple as changing optics and such, or crazy advanced like being able to change any component (stocks, barrels, triggers, etc), or add any components (optics, grips, lights, etc.) to any available rail/mount?

3) What sort of character damage model can we expect? Get shot and there's some sparks/blood depending on armor/health, or get shot and have chunks of armor fly off to reveal clothing/flesh underneath? If someone gets hit with a rocket, do they get thrown back and fall over or are we going to be scraping them off the walls?

4) And for my final, and critically important question, what are the chances of getting a futuristic, but still recognizable, version of the venerable 1911 to add to my collection? :)
Thanks again, and I can't wait to see what you have in store for us at PAX Australia


hey there!
1) Everything is animation driven. What your character looks like he is doing, you are seeing. This brings us interesting challenges but we're ironing them out as i write this! Movement will have walk/run/sprint/crouch/prone/slide(on knees)/sidle/cover/leaning/peeking/climbing/etc. The movement is designed to discourage players going ballistic though, so its not super fast paced like COD games.
2) The initial offering will have a little customization but more will come into play down the road. lots of attachments and ammo types!
3) I don't think the gore detail will go super far, but who knows, maybe one day! for now it will mostly be animation and particle/decal focused.
4) I'm sure there'll be the 'classic' weapons that can be found somewhere in the universe, i don't know about that weapon in particular though!


Hello team! Very excited about the fps side of SC. The space boarding, station assaults, how does the physics of chemical weapons type function in space, since the lack of air?
(we'll be needing to put the weapon inside an air filled space suit just like in Firefly?)

here are some changes based on your atmosphere but its limited! We don't want to make it overbearing, but things like oxygen, radiation, temperature and gravity impact a lot of systems.


Are you aware that fixed FoV, headbob and motion blur can in combination or individually cause significant motion sickness in a large portion of the gaming population? If so, are you taking steps to make these settings user configurable?
The locked visual scope combined with the animations in the hangar are causing a lot of people who don't normally get motion sick to get motion sick in the hangar module, I would hate for that to affect the FPS as well.

This is an interesting area we are still exploring, the big thing is how the game is animation driven, the camera is where your eyes physically are. The hud is on the helmet, not on your face. there is no different 'first person arms' like in other fps games. because of this, we have to dial things to very specific settings but are observing it carefully and figuring out what we can expose.


You still have not mentioned weapons currently in production. What kind of weapons should we expect? Ballistic, energy, rocker or any other weapon. You only mentioned melee so far.
Please give us a clue.

At PAX AU we will be showing off some different ballistic weapons, energy weapons, grenades, and gadgets!


What kind of gadgets will we have to work with?

tons, holograms, claymore like objects, personal healing, drills for doors/vents, shields, grenades, trip wires... the gadgets will really expand and offer a ton of ways to customize your strategy.



Hey there! Welcome! While mindlessly blasting away enemies can be fun, team-based and objective-based gameplay (think BF2142 titan mode) has always been much more rewarding to me in the long run. What plans (if any) do you currently have to support these aspects?

The FPS Module has tons of predefined game modes and levels that are designed around perfecting your skill on a mechanic in the game. There will be lots of scenarios that explore cooperative/team based mechanics. Of course, in the PU there will be almost endless possibilities. it is best to train yourself up in as many different situations as possible!

If an airlock is breached, will the vacuum in the ship begin pulling unrestrained items out of the airlock, including players?

you better believe it! This introduces many mechanics. If an attacking team doesn't want to deal with them, you can also latch onto a ship and create a tunnel between your ship and the enemies, which will allow for a smooth transition.

My main concern with the FPS module is that realism will trump gameplay. One of the concerning things to me and many other people is that the POV of your character seems to be bound by some arbitrary animation that causes you, when turning, to reset your torso, causing a odd stutter like feeling. I understand that a person would need to to reset ones body when turning however it yanks the player out of the immersion, by attempting to create immersion. My question is how are you balancing issues such as this, where the fun is quite obviously being trumped by a clunky albeit realistic mechanic? I think many people would appreciate a more conventional mechanic to a mechanic that is intrusive.

This is definitely introducing challenges, to us as designers its important to nail down the right mixture to where it feels fluid and non-existent. This will be an ongoing polish but it feels great right now and will only get better over time

Nice! I'm really looking forward to this part of Star Citizen. What kinds of unique weaponry will there be? Also, will there be an option to play in Third person as well?

Tons of weapons, ballistics, energy based, air based, radiation based, you name it! there won't be any third person though, the fps mechanics are very intense and tactical, third person gameplay allows players to look around corners and stuff without the danger of revealing themselves.

How will the transition from flying to FPS work?
I'm asking because ideally you want to fly with hotas and switch to KB/mouse for the FPS.
Also, will the FOV be adjustable?
Some of us play close to a huge screen and a small/wrong FOV will make you sick.

Generally if you are playing with a peripheral for flying you would just reach over to your mouse and keyboard when it comes time for FPS but you can certainly play fps with other peripherals, it just may not be the best input method available. The FOV is something dialed in for now but we'll explore options with it down the road. there are just many variables that come in to play with how the camera is set and how the hud is displayed that makes this tricky.

How has Star Citizen compared to other current or past project REDACTED has worked on? Are there are specific difficulties or challenges that you face on SC that you have not faced on other projects before?

The animation driven system is the most challenging aspect of the development. It means the first/third person are the same and what your character does is what you see. we've implemented many mechanics to counter-balance certain things and will continue to polish and smooth out kinks as a result of this system.

Will there things such as tear gas/smoke we can use when boarding a target vessel?

There'll be tons of gadgets, grenades and weapons for your boarding adventures. the anxiety of not knowing what an attacking force might have when they blast a hole in will be intense!

Can you tell us more about player's "health"? Is it going to be like in older FPS titles where you have a set amount of hit points (take 100 damage and you die)?
Is it going to be specific to body parts, like in Fallout for example?
Or is it going to be like in Arma/DayZ, where you don't take damage but "bleed out", so even if you're shot down and unconscious, someone can come to you and fix you up?
Basically, how difficult is it going to be to die? Does it happen with one sniper shot, with one shotgun blast, one stray bullet, or will dying be a lengthy process during which other players can drag you to safety, fix you up (or at least stabilize you) even after you're knocked out?

It's a mixture of all 3, your limbs all equal a total health but those limb states will have an impact on how quickly your overall health dwindles and bleeding out is a state that can happen if any limb is 'ruined', which can make you die rather quickly.

Will our sandbox FPS arena commander have a minimap? Does it show enemy all the time or only in certain situations? I'm not a fan of easy screen peaking or whatever to see your enemy.

No. There is a radar though where enemies will show up based on how much noise they are making or if they are visible.

Are you developing a special "netcode" for FPS, and how will this relate with the prediction-heavy code used in space combat?

yes the fps netcode is very different than the space combat. Prediction is a lot lower to ensure there is very little rubber banding.

Will artificial limbs/implants affect your proficiency in fps?? For example:
Artificial arm= decreased weapon recoil/increased reload speed etc...
Will we be able to opt to have "surgery" specifically to have an edge in fps?

They certainly will, but they will have negative side effects to them as well (such as being more prone to energy damage/emp effects)

1.) What kinds of FPS missions/events/etc will there be besides on board player ships?
2.) Will there be social hubs on stations or planets within the FPS module?

1) There will be lots of styles of gameplays and levels, like tdm style, seek and destroy, capture and hold, etc. they will vary depending on the style of the level. Scenarios is a special type of game mode, that allows players to really define what they want to do. 2) The FPS Module is like Arena Commander, its very specific maps/modes only, the FPS mechanics in the Persistent Universe is a lot different, which allows full freedom of players, exploration of social hubs/etc.

Will we see a parkour system for climbing over obstacles smoothly?

Its very limited, we don't want players to be these amazing gymanstic performers, it goes against the immersive feel of the world!

No Zero-G fun then?

There is tons of Zero-G fun! From thrusters to pushing and pulling your way around the environment and even walking along walls/ceilings

Will the bullets of the weapons go through the ship walls and affect the gravity of the ship in outer space?

Certain walls (that can be breached) have integrity levels that can be destroyed in various way - through weapon fire and other devices. if you breach the hull of a room, it decompresses and everything thats not bolted down will come flying out!

Ships have shields, but will there be man portable shields? (Wearable, or as portable, deployable cover.)

There absolutely will be portable shields!

What would you say is your biggest challenge in making an FPS for a new property like Star Citizen?

it has to be different, not for the sake of being different, but because the vision of Star Citizen is to introduce players to an immersive world that challenges everything they've known about playing in a game world.



Are there any plans for 'armored' suits or heavily cyberized options? 

Not quite 'Titanfall' sized but something you'd maybe bring one or two along with for a major boarding op? 

yes we actually have our own TITAN armor :) its a lot smaller though, about 8 feet talk, like minimech.

Can we expect a lot of First person animations like treating smaller injuries (Far Cry 2) and the Character playing randomly with his weapon if hes being idle for some time?

Yes you can. And since our animations are exactly the same for thirdperson and firstperson, you will be able to see when a friendly character is healing himself up so you can provide cover for him/her.

What will happen to the jump? Currently it only jumps two inches. Will it be removed entirely, increased to be usable again, or stay the same?

The jump will be a realistic height, but we haven't put much work into it yet. There will also be a climb system where you can pull yourself up ledges and such.

Will fps combat also allow some moves like beating, kicking, choking or throwing opponents?

There is a brawling system that has some mechanics like this but not overboard, we want it to be a last resort mechanic instead of a focus!

How are you handling aiming and accuracy? Is it common COD/BF model of inaccurate hipfire, ADS for slower movement and better accuracy, or is it like Counterstrike without ADS for the most part? Will shooting while moving have enough accuracy to be useful outside of suppressing/potshots, or will we stop moving every time we want to shoot with accuracy?

Where your weapon points is where your weapon shoots. The third person gun is what your gun will actually do, which makes not aiming down iron sights very risky business. you certainly can run down a hall shooting but you'll be insanely inaccurate. it is recommended to ADS and walk calm during your encounters.

What is the expected lethality of say a heavy sniper rifle vs say, a standard ORC Armored target? Will we see one-shot kills on head shots, or will it be more of an armor wear-down mechanic?

With the mixture of weapons, ammo types, attachments and armors, theres numerous variables to consider. Snipers will certainly have 'armor penetrating' guns and ammo for heavy armored players. with the right rifle and ammo, you can definitely 1 shot kill a heavy armored player in the head. However, the balance mechanics there will be intense (like it may not just be click and fire, there may be a warm up before the shot).

yes we actually have our own TITAN armor :) its a lot smaller though, about 8 feet talk, like minimech.

So, more along the lines of fallout-ish powered armor?

i'd say more like the maxx armor in planetside 2 :)

I've always thought the following scenario would be cool:
You're blown off your feet by a powerful weapon, armor cracked, your weapon flies from your hands, and you look dead from a distance and can't move for a few seconds, and if your enemy doesn't check your body and kill you with a follow-up, then you can crawl around wounded and try to survive once he/she moves away...

Any chance we might see mechanics of this sort?

yes there is serious limb damage implications that will effect all sorts of stuff like this. if your lower legs are ruined (and your not bleeding out) you'll be forced to crawl. If you damage your arms, your weapons will fall out of your hands, etc.

Firing high velocity projectiles can have some pretty serious negative affects inside of current aircraft, and probably spacecraft. Would such issues be something to be mindful of when boarding enemy ships in atmospheric and/or spaceflight in Star Citizen?

Ex: Stray projectiles blowing out windows, puncturing the hull? What about inadvertently hitting a critical ship system resulting in loss of control or an explosion? It's clear that you can intentionally cripple ships, I'm just wondering if we need to mind our aim?

Yes you probably don't want to be throwing grenades around all willy-nilly inside of a ship.

If we empty half of a gun's magazine and reload, will the magazine magically add its self back to the ammo pool, allowing two half magazines to become one full magazine, or will the game track your magazines, so you end up with a lot of partial mags if you spam reload after every time you shoot?

No magazines and clips do not magically refill themselves. If you put a half full magazine in your inventory the system going to remember the amount of bullets that are in there. You should pick good times to reload, and conserve your ammo.

In all FPS games I know, it occours that if you reload a gun and it's like 90% finished and you have to aboard that animation (for a quick melee attack or a weapons change) and go back to that weapon the reloading animation starts again all the way from the beginning. This is really annoying and quite unrealistic too, because why would you again change the mag if you just have done it and only need to cock the gun to be ready. 

So, will weapons reloading animations in SC be more dynamic than that or have some kind of checkpointsystem (old mag out, new mag in, cocked)?

If you take a mag out of your gun it is out of the gun, so if you are interrupted in between taking the mag out/putting a mag in, it will start with putting the mag in. magazines have physical spots on your body. We don't do bullet in the chamber for reloading (it is auto put in the magazine) for sanity sake.

If you are in a firefight, and you use in-game comms, will the enemy be able to hear you?

I personally would like to do this, but it is something we haven't gotten around to discussing yet. I'm sure it will come up very soon.

Will you have control over which magazine you reload with and will some be faster to access than others? IE if you have time you want to put a partial magazine in the least accessible of your magazine locations and bump up your full ones to the most accessible locations that way in a hurry you grab a full one rather than a partial.

I believe right now it picks whichever magazine has the most ammo in it.

Bearbeitet von Zenturio
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kann sein das das nicht vollständig ist... Ich habe selber den Überblick verloren... So viel Input auf den 3 verschiedenen Seiten die ständig aktualisiert werden... Falls euch was auffällt einfach noch dazuschreiben und posten.. 

Bis morgen wird es bestimmt nochmal so viele Antworten geben :-D


(falls ein Moderator die Lust hat das ganze besser lesbar zu machen hab ich nichts dagegen. Der Editor wiedersetzt sich mir. Besonders mit dem kursiven Text) ;-)

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