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Inhalte mit der höchsten Reputation am 01.12.2013 in allen Bereichen anzeigen

  1. Ich habe im RSI Forum etwas gefunden, was dabei helfen soll die Bildqualität und Performance im Hangar zu verbessern. Viele düften bereits FOV und MoitionBlur 0 kennen, aber die anderen Dinge waren mir auch teils unbekannt. Einfach mal testen: 1.Start the Hangar 2.Press ^ (left of 1) 3.Now you can copy one or all of the commands to the console: Switch with alt-tap to windows and copy with strg+c than back to the hangar and paste strg+v sys_spec_objectdetail = 6 sys_maxfps = 30 (nur wenn man nicht genug Performance hat) cl_fov 50 (Hier würde ich bei 16:10 Monitoren auf "75" - "80" gehen, auch wenn die Performance leidet) r_vsync = 0 r_MotionBlurShutterSpeed = 0 r_motionblur 1 r_sharpening 1.00 r_HDRBloomratio 0.04 r_gamma 1.042 i_mouse_accel = 0 i_mouse_smooth = 10 Diese Befehle werden nach jedem Hangarneustart wieder zurückgesetzt! Noch etwas zum Thema Kantenglättung und ständiger Grafikanpassung: To enable hardware MSAA: 1. Install 7zip 2. Right-click '\StarCitizen\CitizenClient\Data\GameData.pak' and select '7zip'->'Open archive' 3. Browse to '\Libs\Config\Profiles\default' 4. Right-click 'attributes.xml' and select 'Edit' 5. Find 'MSAAHWEnabled' and change the Value to "1" 6. Find 'MSAAHWSampleMode' and change the Value to "4" or "8" *. You may want to also find 'MotionBlur' and change the Value to "0" if you want it to stay off 7. Save and close; click 'Ok' to update the .pak 8. Delete the '\StarCitizen\CitizenClient\USER\Profiles\default' folder (it will be re-created with your new preferences encrypted inside) 9. Launch the Hangar and re-set your graphics options [Note]: You will get occasional lighting/shadow oddities with AA enabled Optional, but recommended: 1. Right-click '\StarCitizen\CitizenClient\Engine\Engine.pak' and select '7zip'->'Open archive' 2. Browse to '\Config\CVarGroups' 3. Right-click 'sys_spec_PostProcessing.cfg' and select 'Edit' 4. Change 'r_HDRBloomRatio' to have value 0.02 5. Change 'r_Sharpening' to have value 0 *. You may want to add 'r_AntialiasingMode=9' if you want additional post-process AA (It seems that hardware and software AA affect different objects) *. You may want to change 'r_MotionBlur' to have value 0 6. Save and close; click 'Ok' to update the .pak 7. Launch the Hangar to enjoy less hazy blinding light and cleaner texture transitions from having removed fake 'quality' from sharpening r_AntialiasingMode Values 1 : SMAA LOW (1xMSAAx0T) - Fast / For consoles FXAA32 : SMAA MEDIUM (1xMSAAx1T) - Default, quality/performance compromise3 : SMAA MGPU (2xMSAAx0T) - Crossfire/sli friendly mode4 : SMAA HIGH (2xMSAAx1T)5 : FXAA (1xMSAAx0T) - Fastest, alternative to SMAA LOW, for less sharp results6 : TXAA MEDIUM (2xMSAAx1T)7 : TXAA HIGH (4xMSAAx1T)8 : MSAA LOW (2xMSAA)9 : MSAA MEDIUM (4xMSAA)10 : MSAA HIGH (8xMSAA) - Recommended having sli/crossfire setup for using this mode Nebel im Deluxe Hangar löschen: Hello everyone, Hopefully this will be fixed in the future because in my opinion there is just way too much fog in the Deluxe hangar in the current configuration. I think the main reason a lot of people want the business hangar over the deluxe is due to the excessive amount of fog in the Deluxe. So, below is what I did to remove the fog from my hangar, and I've included some pictures as well. I will say that the hangar is a little darker after doing this change so you may have to tweak the settings to your liking. Here are some settings I adjust in the console on each load up when using the fog removal. r_ssdo 3 r_motionblur 0 r_HDRBloomRatio 0 r_Gamma 1.18 e_ShadowsMaxTexRes 4096 Always backup your files before you begin. 1) First backup your GameData.pak file located in ...\CitizenClient\Data directory. 2) Using 7-Zip, open the GameData.pak file and browse to GameLayers directory. 3) Right click on Business.lyr and select edit (this will open the Business.lyr file with notepad). 4) In notepad scroll down and look for the line shown below. < Variable Name="Fog color" Color="0.24680986,0.41515183,0.62534076" > 5) Starting with the line above, hightlight all the way down to the 2nd line listed below (< Spline......). < Variable Name="Volumetric fog: Shadow range" Value="0.1"> < Spline Keys="0:0.1:0,0.0673611:0.1:0,0.355556:0.1:36,1:0.1:0,"/ > 6) Right click on the highlighted text that you now have selected and click Copy. 7) Now following the same steps as above, you want to open the Deluxe.lyr file rather than the Business.lyr file and replace those same variables by pasting what you just copied out of the Business.lyr file. 8) Click save in notepad and close the file. 9) 7-Zip will ask if you want to update the file in the archive, you want to click OK. 10) Load up the game and enjoy a fog free Deluxe Hangar! Wenn man mehr Objekte (Schiffe und Einrichtung) hat als im Hangar angezeigt werden muss man folgendes machen: Geht zu: \CitizenClient\Data\game.cfg, und springt zur Zeite "hangar_maxships = 15". Jetzt die Zahl 15 z.B. auf 50 ändern und bei nächsten Start sollten alle erworbenen und im Hangar-Modul implementierten Schiffe angezeigt werden. Könnt ihr die Zeile nicht finden, einfach hinzufügen.
    1 Punkt
  2. Bei mir gibt es schon seid 4 Jahren keine Software mehr von den namhaften Publishern. Kein CoD, kein BF, nix von Ubisoft, einfach nuscht und GTA5 kommt mir auch nicht auf den PC. Ein gutes Schachspiel mit einem guten Schachpartner macht auch unendlich viel Spaß. Gruß Accipiter
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