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Inhalte mit der höchsten Reputation am 10.02.2014 in allen Bereichen anzeigen

  1. Hier aus dem RSI Forum - Falls ihr es noch nicht gesehen habt: Chris Roberts: I'm proud of the frequency and amount of information we share. I've backed a good number of other crowd funded projects, including pretty much all the high profile ones and I would challenge anyone to show me one that gives a more steady stream of updates and visual updates than Star Citizen does once the initial crowd funding phase is over. I would say Elite:Dangerous and Limit Theory are probably the best of the ones that I've backed as they have monthly updates that include video for LT and in conceptual imagery and occasional video for Elite. Behind this would probably be Broken Age, knocked only because the videos were't always monthly, but they were probably the most polished. But no one is close to us in terms of video (Over 200!), updates (at least 5-8 a week on RSI), conceptual art (we usually share at least 2-3 images per week and then there's a whole bunch more for subscribers in the Vault and Jump Point) or interaction with the community. I get it that most people are so excited for the game that even at this quantity it is not enough information on Star Citizen. Based on the forum and organization activity, even if we were a 24/7 operation in terms of sharing information with the community it would probably still not be enough! This is a high class problem to have One thing that I would like people to remember is that authoring the updates for the community is not trivial. We have some members of our staff, like Ben, Michael Morlan and David Ladyman that this is their main focus and responsibility. But anytime we do a behind the scene (BTS) piece, craft a lore / design post for the website or have a developer answer questions on a forum it is a commitment of someone's time that is important for the development of the game. I know it's easy for people to off handily throw out that it should only take a few minutes to update the community as we're sharing existing work but if you ask yourself honestly you will realize that's being unfair. To put it in context if you ever had to prepare a report for school, or a presentation for your boss and wanted to impress would you only spend a few minutes on it? Typically it will take between 1 and 1/2 day of a developers time to shoot a BTS piece and doesn't include the preparation of the assets to show which can take days (this isn't counting the time that someone like Michael Morlan has to put in editing and handling post after the raw material has been shot). Putting together a post with some pictures isn't quite as involved but can easily be half a day depending on the complexity. David Haddock doesn't write his posts in an hour and even an update with pictures or a poll can take hours once you factor in rounding up the art, formatting and getting sign off. Answering questions on a forum will take hours. I spent about two hours reading this current thread and will have probably invested about an hour in crafting this post. Having said all this I think you all should know we are committed to upping the game in terms of the quality of information shared this year. One of my edicts for 2014 was to have more actual information and BTS material for both our video content and our website. We're actively looking to hire up a few more people for the community communication side and one of the meetings we had at last week's summit was a BTS planning session where every studio working on the game mapped out various things they thought would be cool to share and when they could share them. We decided to move the format of Wingman's Hangar to be built round this - where we show a BTS piece as the center piece and then have hard questions from the forum themed to the BTS subject matter and also have an interview with one or more of the developers working on the feature. It just started and its got a way to go before its running well (does anyone remember the very first episode of WMH - that was pretty rough!) and it wasn't helped that the first feature was the Production Summit, which just ins't sexy or visually interesting (its why you'll never see a show on TV called "The Scheduler"!) Between employees and contractors we have about 170 people working on the project presently and we're going full steam ahead on all aspects - Space, Planetside, FPS Combat / Boarding, Squadron 42 and the Persistent Universe (which includes all the backend). We have over 10 conceptual artists working on fleshing out the visual look of the universe. There will be lots of content that will be coming down the pike. I don't believe there is a another crowd funded game, or even another PC game that will be able to compete with us in terms of content generation and ambition (thanks to all your generous support), so there will be plenty of stuff to see - just be patient. Development isn't always linear - sometimes you'll have a lot of stuff to show all at once and sometimes there will be a scarcity as you're working on areas that aren't so visual (backend server work which is a major focus right now falls into this category) or you're still developing a look and are not ready to show it publicly. But don't worry that we are deliberately holding stuff back - we're proud and excited by the work we're doing and keen to share it with you as soon as possible. There will be a 10 for the Chairman on Monday then a WMH with something a little more visual on Wednesday and the final round of the audition finals for TNGS on Friday. There is a lot of pretty amazing stuff in the hopper and I think as we ramp up the team to help us share our progress and the new formats settle in, I'm hoping you'll be happier. I'm not fooling myself though. I know it still wont be enough https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/comment/1909659/#Comment_1909659
    1 Punkt
  2. ...doch die Frage der Qualität hat bei Chris eben Vorrang und zum Glück eben kein bescheuerter Investor.
    1 Punkt
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