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31.07.2014 - 31.07.2014
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Patch Notes 12.5 Additions/ImprovementsAdded subscriber jukeboxAdding cockpit shaking and sounds from damage and impactsMissile sounds polished and improvedAdditional shield sounds added (power down, power up, taking damage)Added new Vanduul ship designated [REDACTED] by UEE Naval CommandAdded Victory/Defeat/Draw message on end of round scoreboardAdded voice over announcement to denote which team has won the roundAdded additional Hornet top bar warning lightsFreelancer bunk beds now interactableFreelancer bathroom and toilet now interactableRevised the Aurora interior to increase fidelityAdded Aurora warning indicator lightsBalancing 300iPower plant charge reducedThruster power drain decreasedShield HP increasedShield regen delay decreasedHull piece health increased AuroraShield HP reducedShield regen delay increasedShield changed from bubble shield to a front/rear shieldShield face power allocation rate reduced HornetThruster health increasedShield regen delay increasedHealth values for shield and ship parts modified to impart a sturdier feel Mantis Gatling GunDamage decreasedHeat per shot increased Bulldog RepeaterPower recharge rate has been decreasedRepeater fire rate increased Badger RepeaterIncreased rate of fire Behring M3ARate of fire decreasedDamage increased Omnisky VIDamage decreasedRate of fire decreasedBullet mass increased (to knock around ships with more force) MissilesDamage decreasedMissiles now properly deal damage to the shields instead of going straight to the hull Vanduul ScytheDecreased shield regenerationNetworking ImprovementsFixed issues that resulted in being kicked back to hangar during match loadPositional correction fixes to reduce rubberbandingFailed connection attempts to HubServer will now timeout after 10 secondsRemoved socket disconnections due to login timeoutsNetworked physics is now independent of frame rateReduced server load caused by console loggingCreation of http interface to capture server statisticsFixed players not connecting to matchmakerAdded a handshake system to guarantee the correct initialization of serversServer-to-server connection improvementsAdjusted ship network packet prioritiesFix for disconnections while in the hangarReworked network correction to use network sync’d packets and direct physics pushes instead of IFCS systemGreatly reduced hitching and performance issues associated with players joining or exiting a matchFixesMantis cannons no longer takes damage without overheatingPlayer can no longer zone into a match standing in the cockpitHelmet is no longer invisibleFixed 300i landing gear placementFixed rare crash when loading into Vanduul SwarmFixed crash when receiving connection errorFixed crash caused by players spawning on top of each other at beginning of mapCPU optimizations to improve client performanceGatling gun audio stops when no longer firingDestroying an asteroid no longer counts as a final killEnergy bolts now scale properly when fired to the sideWinning music no longer plays at match end for losing team. You get nothing, you lose, good day sir.Fixed ships in holotable no longer showing hologram modelNotifications, points, scoreboard and timer should now show in third personPlayer movement prevented when interacting with helmet standFriendly killed audio no longer plays Hostile Eliminated, Target Destroyed or Enemy downRemoved use icon on ladderCorrect game mode descriptions added in Arena Commander UIAdjusted bloom of objects on radarProjectiles scale properly when firing in decoupled modeParticle emitters now properly destroy themselves, reducing lagShip Energy system optimizationsFix for sound velocity/speed being calculated incorrectly if its position is changed multiple times per frame.Known issuesWeapon ammo shown as missile rack models in holotableGap in geometry can be seen between the engine and fuselage on 325a, and 315p shipsExiting the Freelancer variant starboard top bunk results in character becoming stuck in a falling stateAfter respawn a rare issue can occur where the character’s head shakes uncontrollablyAfter exiting a vehicle the third person camera can become slightly tiltedUnable to enter the Avenger shipAvenger ship missing wheelsArena Commander Menu lists the incorrect Hornet version7 Punkte
Hallo zusammen,12.5 sollte nachher (31.08.14) rauskommen. Post im RSI Forum von vorhin CIG Ben Lesnick wcloafPosted: 5:28AM Hey guys! I'm creating this as a sticky'd thread to report on the patching process tonight. There isn't a change to report at this time: the team is hard at work on getting the patch out tonight and things are continuing to look good. What's happening right now is that the public patch 12.5 is being built/uploaded to the servers. This process will take several hours. During those hours, QA will be running their own tests on the as-close-to-live-as-we-can-make-it version -- they download the same build from the internal CDN, patch just like you do and make sure it works. Ideally, they'll give the thumbs up and as soon as the public upload is complete we'll push the button and it will be available to everyone! Risks are that we could find some previously unseen fatal bug during this last round of testing. As I said earlier, things look good... but you never know with a game at this point in development, and we've certainly overhauled a lot of code with this one! If the worst happens, I'll let you know... if not, I'll update this thread in a couple of hours to let you know it's a go! Sehr frei übersetzt (Ben Lesnick): Hallo zusammen. Ich habe diesen angepinnten Post erstellt, um über den Patch Prozess heute Nacht zu berichten. Im Moment gibt es keine Statusänderung: Das Team arbeitet hart daran den Patch heute Nacht herauszubekommen - und es sieht weiterhin gut aus. Gerade im Moment wird der Patch auf die Server aufgespielt. Das wird ein paar Stunden dauern. Während dieser Zeit wird die Qualitätssicherung ihre eignen Tests an dieser "so nah wie möglich am Live Patch" Version machen. Sie laden die selbe Version wie ihr nachher von den Öffentlichen Servern von unseren internen Servern und wollen testen, ob er funktioniert. Im Idealfall heben sie den Daumen und wir werden, sobald der Patch auf den Servern ist, den Freigabeknopf drücken und der Patch ist dann für jeden verfügbar. Das Risiko ist jetzt noch, dass wir bisher noch ungesehene kritische Fehler in dieser letzten Testrunde sehen. Aber wie schon gesagt, es sieht gut aus... man weiß aber bei einem Spiel in dieser frühen Entwicklungsphase nie und wir haben eine Menge überarbeiteten Code reingepackt. Wenn das Schlimmste passieren sollte, werde ich Euch informieren - wenn nicht.... In ein paar Stunden werde ich diesen Thread aktualisieren um Euch zu sagen, dass es geklappt hat.5 Punkte
Weil hier ordentlich OT gespamt wird (wurde): Bitte Info-Threads (wie diesen) von OT freihalten. Edit: Hier wird alles rausgelöscht, was ohne informelle Inhalte zum aktuellen Patch daherkommt.4 Punkte
Hi an alle Star Citizen Fans und Unterstützer ! Ich habe mir diesen Thread ausgedacht um den Informationsfluss beim herauskommen eines neuen Patch´s zu beschleunigen. Also wenn ein neues Patch rausgebracht wird kann der Erste der es mitbekommt das hier eintragen! Bitte erst vergewissern das der Patch nicht schon eingetragen ist! Beim eintragen des Patches bitte das Datum und die Patchnummer mit reinschreiben! Wenn ihr das Thema dann Abonniert habt und euch die Abos per Mail zukommen last brauchen wir nicht immer die Kiste anschmeißen um zu sehen ob ein Update bereit steht! Danke für eure Zusammenarbeit! MicDerJaeger PS. wenn euch die Idee gefällt würde ich mich über ein Paar positive Bewertungen Freuen!! Danke!1 Punkt
ich werde in zukunft alle beiträge die nix mit dem thema zu tun haben sobald ich sie entdecke ausblenden. dann braucht auch niemand mehr negative bewertungen, die wieder zu neuen reaktionen führen, abzugeben und der thread bleibt sauber wie er soll. wenn ihr es mir einfach machen wollt, postet bitte ausschliesslich patchnotes. wenn jemand etwas anderes postet, sagt mir einfach bescheid. gruss Chase1 Punkt
Star Citizen Patch 12.4 413.42055 Fixes Players able to connect to Broken Moon Performance improvements when targeting enemies in single player Chainguns firing sounds and animations no longer cut out Matchmaking and server stability improved: Reduced rotational and positional errors of players in multiplayer Resolved issue with players returning to hangar in the middle of matches Bandwidth optimization improvements – a case where less is more Session token authorization added Improved sync between instance manager and matchmaker Improved matchmaking queue functionality Here are some of the crash fixes: Attempting to zone into a multiplayer match is fixed Choosing “Return to Hangar” is crushed During multiplayer matches – stability FTW No longer crashes when round ends After running out of map border – you die, but you don’t crash [Well your ship crashes, and explodes, but the game doesn’t crash or explode – Ed.] You can now alt-tab on the loading screen, without crashing Sounds no longer stutter on missile lock sounds Freelancer model no longer flickering Missing textures on the calendar are found Animation issues: Reintroduced y-bobbing on character movement Cleaned up freelancer bed animation Source file corruption issues are improved Metafile launcher errors are improved Balancing Balanced ballistic weapons ammo – no longer unlimited Additional Features Shield indicators added to ship model on HUD Added Control Mapping for the G940 HOTAS Improved weapon fire sounds that have more guts and punch The whoosh of other ships flying close by you The whizz of other players’ ordnance as they fire at you New explosions Improved sound mix Known Issues 300i right landing gear offset from ship Firing range no longer aims after entering a second time Higher latency connections can experience the following issues (after initial spawn or respawn): IFCS issues causing the ship to fly erratically or very slowly Character standing in the cockpit or offset from the seat and controls – restart client to reset Character experiencing an extreme head shake – restart client to reset Matchmaking can show stuck in queue and may require another attempt Can get kicked back to hangar on connection attempt Sometimes the helmet turns invisible when you pick it up We’re continuing our work with AMD, NVidia & Crytek to try and resolve the Crossfire/SLI issues and improve multiple GPU performance1 Punkt
Um unsere Gruppe hier auf SC-HQ erstellen zu können brauchen wir eine mindest Anzahl von Mitglieder (5 Stück). Daher suchen wir noch Mitglieder für unsere Organisation ASTRO Mining & Logistics - Star Citizen HEAD QUARTER Wir sind ASTR0 Mining & Logistics, eine führende intergalaktische Ressourcen und Transport Firma. Unser Ziel ist es, einen langfristigen ökonomischen Vorteil durch Entdeckung, den Erwerb, Entwicklung und Vermarktung von natürlichen Ressourcen, so wie auch zuverlässige Logistik zu schaffen. E-mail: info@astromining.de Internetseite: www.astromining.de-1 Punkte
Danke ... und den ersten Bugreport 12.5 habe ich im RSI Forum auch schon platzieren müssen-1 Punkte