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  1. Eine neue Woche hat begonnen: (Welche 2 Hangar-Sales das wohl am Samstag sein werden?) https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/194187/comm-link-schedule-week-of-october-27th/p1 Hey guys! Here's your Comm-Link schedule for the week of October 27th. Obviously the big deal this week is the PAX Australia presentation. Thanks to time zone madness, that happens at 3 AM Pacific time on Saturday morning... so it'll be a late night for the Community Team supporting that rollout! We are in the process of testing an Arena Commander release candidate, Star Citizen 13.2, with the goal of putting it out this week. It should offer a massive improvement in terms of control, and add some other important features. As always, it's too soon in the process to know for sure that it will pass QA... but we're hopeful! We'll also have a $59 million chairman letter for you. Chris is pretty busy with the demo preparations, but we'll try and get it from him before he flies off into the Australia time vortex Monday, October 27th - 10 for the Chairman Tuesday, October 28th - Fan Spotlight: Wallpapers - Spectrum Dispatch Wednesday, October 29th - TBA Thursday, October 30th - Reverse the Verse LIVE - 9 AM PDT, with special guests - Lore Builder Friday, October 31st - Herald Concept Sale Saturday, November 1st - PAX Australia Livestream - FPS Demo Footage - Introducing the FPS Team Video - [Redacted] Hangar Sale (x2) Fan Podcast Schedule Tuesday – • Guard Frequency - http://guardfrequency.com/ Wednesday – • Star Citizen Addicts Anonymous - http://youtube.com/StarCitizenAA • Fortnightly Frontier - http://www.youtube.com/FortnightlyFrontier Thursday – • Starcast - http://www.twitch.tv/geekdomo Friday - • The Base Friday Show - http://radio.starcitizenbase.com/ • Galactic Inquiry - http://www.twitch.tv/galacticinquiry (on hiatus) Saturday • Doctor Hawk Show - https://www.youtube.com/user/WraithAscendant • Beyond the Horizon - http://www.beyondthehorizonradio.com/
    1 Punkt
  2. Einige verwechseln da was, denn der Schritt, der neben den Schiffen ist zeigt nur an, welcher der nächste Schritt ist. Steht da Hangar ready, ist er noch nicht Hangar ready, sondern erbefindet sich in der Entwicklungshase, um Hangar ready zu werden.
    1 Punkt
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