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Inhalte mit der höchsten Reputation am 21.01.2016 in allen Bereichen anzeigen

  1. Star Citizen Alpha 2.1.1 Patch Notes Alpha Patch 2.1.1 has been released to the PTU, and is now available for player testing! This patch is primarily performance and crash fixes for Crusader and Arena Commander, as well as some ship balance changes. Your launcher should should show “2.1.1-313225-PTU” as the client version. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Cloud Imperium Games\StarCitizen\Test. Please review our list of 2.1.0 Known Issues, and take full advantage of our Issue Council area of the Community site to report any bugs you encounter, as well as contribute to other players submissions. Some important call-outs: A jet-pack looking item is appearing on the back of characters in Crusader. This will be removed shortly. Contents: Arena CommanderBalance/TweaksFixesPersistent UniverseAdditionsFixesArena Commander Module: Balance/Tweaks: Components Improved the overheat rate of the Revenant Gatling gun, so that it will go longer before overheating.Ships Slightly reduced the overall maneuverability of the Vanguard Warden.The Vanduul Glaive now has cruise speed of 1080.The Vanduul Scythe now has a cruise speed of 995.The Vanduul Glaive has received a significant increase to ship health. Fixes: Gameplay Fixed an issue where enemy Vanduul AI ships would spin out of control when killed and only despawn on hitting the simulation boundary.Fixed an issue where damaging or destroying a Vanguard Warden was not awarding points in Arena Commander.Fixed several error messages happening in Arena Commander when killing AI.Ships Fixed the position of the radar globe in the Vanguard Warden ship HUD.We are temporarily changing the Vanguard to use one shield at 6x current strength, to closer mimic its final function.This is temporary as the tech for the six-shield set up the Vanguard will have in its final iteration is not yet implemented in 2.1.Fixed an issue with the Cutlass Black and Retaliator turrets, where the weapons were misaligned and not correctly attached to the turret mounts.User Interface Fixed an issue where the central MFD information was offset from the ship HUD on the Vanguard Warden’s screen. Persistent Universe: Additions: Gameplay Increased the maximum player count in Crusader from 16 to 24.The maximum player ship count in the instance is still locked to 16 while we gather data. Fixes: Gameplay Fixed a bug that caused all doors in ArcCorp and Million Mile High club to break.Technical Fixed a number of server and client crashes.
    5 Punkte
  2. Hmm, die bräuchten mir nur ein Raumschiff stellen, da wo ich dann zerschelle isser...
    2 Punkte
  3. Ja, auf den neuen Hangar bin ich gespannt! Werden sie alle Bays auf die maximale Größe von "XL" anheben? Oder z.b. nur 1 oder mehr zusätzliche Räume quer hinter der aktuellen Halle platzieren? Hoffe, wir werden es mit 2.1.2 erleben... *träum*
    1 Punkt
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