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Alle Inhalte von ZAT0ICHI

  1. Mittwoch, August 17 2016 GAMESCOM LIVESTREAM #1 > läuft gerade
  2. Der Gamescom Free Fly 2016 ist damit eröffnet... Hier nun der Link für alle Interessierten: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/promotions/Gamescom-Free-Fly-2016
  3. Ich denke mir aber, ein detailgetreuer Nachbau wäre etwas zu aufwendig und zu teurer... Ich finde es doch Recht gelungen...
  4. Hier zwei Bilder von Landos Twitteraccount... http://imgur.com/a/85uqC
  5. So ähnlich geht es mir auch, ich habe bei ED fast alles erreicht nur fehlt mir im Spiel selbst die Dynamik oder ein klein bisschen Story aber was für mich noch wichtiger ist die Möglichkeit mit anderen Spielern das Spiel wie auch immer zu erleben, sollte sich mit dem Patch 2.3 nicht grundlegend am Spiel etwas verändern habe ich für ED nur wenig Hoffnung...
  6. Es gibt genug Platz im Universum für alle diese Spiele so Polygon... Hier nun der Englische Text: http://www.polygon.com/2016/8/12/12458040/no-mans-sky-star-citizen-elite-dangerous Reddit Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/4xj2ff/polygonno_mans_sky_star_citizen_and_elite/
  7. Und dies habe ich irgendwo im Netz gefunden... Ausführliches Interview mit Chris Roberts (in Deutsch) http://imgur.com/a/4QI30 Ich kann leider nicht genau sagen ob alles was im Video besprochen wurde auch in diesem Textauszug vorhanden ist...
  8. Wenn er und sein Team das wirklich hinbekommen, dann dann mir fehlen die Worte...
  9. Das habe ich soeben auf Reddit entdeckt... Ich finde den Entwurf sehr geil, was sagt ihr dazu... Quelle: https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/4rogwa/ui_pics_from_the_latest_fault_theyre_in_my/
  10. AMRS PyroBurst Plasma Shotgun Type: Ballistic Cannon Size: 3 Manufacturer: AMON & REESE CO. Whitley’s Guide Rating: _ _ _ _ _ Was haltet ihr von diesen Schätzchen...
  11. Ich habe auch nen Invite nur bin ich heute und morgen nicht da
  12. Vielen Dank für die Infos ich werde die Hornet heute anfangen zu bauen, wenn ich alle Teile habe....
  13. Noch 16 Kekse sind frei.... Also wär sich uns in Star Citizen oder in Elite Dangerous anschließen will....
  14. Danke für die tolle Arbeit.... Das Forum sieht echt klasse aus....
  15. Soweit wie ich weiß habe sie dieses Jahr einen größeren Messestand mit Intel zusammen.... Nur mich bekommt keiner auf die KidsCom aus dem Alter bin ich raus.... Ein Treffen im Gilden Brauhaus wäre echt super und sollte doch sicher zu Organisieren sein....
  16. Die neue Seite sieht sehr sehr gut aus....?

  17. Breaking News: Star Marine selectable in PTU 2.2 Updates to follow
  18. Star Citizen Alpha 2.2.0 PTU Playtest Invite Greetings everyone! If you’re receiving this email, you’ve been specifically invited to the Public Test Universe (PTU) to playtest Star Citizen Alpha 2.2.0, featuring the new Monitored Space/Hostility/Bounty system, EVA improvements, the Hangar-ready Xi'an Scout, the Flight-ready Aegis Sabre, 24-player maps, and Party System revamps! In order to get the best ship feedback possible during this round of PTU, we’ve included the Sabre on every accounts for this first wave of testing! IMPORTANT NOTE: IFCS/SCM mode frequently break where ships are stuck at 10m/s. This happens far more in Arena Commander than Crusader, and we'll have a fix for this ASAP. As a reminder, remember to submit all of your bug reports to https://robertsspaceindustries.com/community/issue-council/star-citizen-alpha! Testing Goals: Our biggest need is for playtesters to spend time inside the Aegis Sabre. Please note that it will NOT show up on the website, nor will it be in the Hangar (unless you own one). The Sabre will show up inside of Arena Commander or Crusader. We’d also like players to check out the new Monitored Space and Bounty systems as this is a major new game mechanic introducing true consequences on actions within the 'Verse! Last, but certainly not least, we need significant testing on the new improvements to the much-anticipated Party System improvements! Monitored Space System "Monitored Space” are large areas of the Crusader system that are being actively monitored by Crusader Industries. These areas are centered around any active Comm Arrays in Crusader, as well as Cryo-Astro and Port Olisar. By disabling the Comm Arrays, you can toggle Monitored Space off for that area. Likewise you can reactivate "Monitoring" by activating the local Comm Arrays. Comm Arrays will be active or disabled at-random when a instance is first brought up. Disabling a Comm Array has consequences, because no-one except a Criminal would ever want to go unnoticed by Crusader Industries. Players who are not currently considered a "Criminal" will receive missions for any Comm Arrays that need to be reactivated. Player character kills made in non-Monitored Space will go unnoticed by local authorities. Bounty System In an effort to improve security in the Crusader region while their local staffing is low, Crusader Industries has activated their "Bounty" system and encourages all pilots to hunt down any wanted criminals in their space. Destroying an empty ship, colliding with a landed ship (in Monitored space), or disabling a Comm Array gives the offending character 1 level of Wanted Criminal. However, these are not cumulative and will not take your character above 1 Criminal level. Killing a player character or destroying an occupied ship (in Monitored space) gives 1 Cumulative level of Criminal. Crusader Security AI will spawn and attack any Criminal (of any wanted level), that enters the area around Cry-Astro Station or Port Olisar. There are 5 Criminal levels available. At Level 5 point, a global bounty mission is posted to all characters on the server instructing them to hunt down and kill the character. Each Criminal level adds 30 seconds of "jail time" to your respawn. When a Criminal is killed, they will be locked into their spawn-bedroom for the duration of their penalty time. If you are killed while at Criminal Level 5, you will be kicked off the server!! There are only two ways to reduce your Criminal level. Waiting 10 minutes without committing a crime will naturally reduce the level by 1. There is a console in Security Post Kareah that you can "hack". Each hack you initiate and complete drops your wanted level by 1. However, each hack takes 1 minutes to complete, and other criminals can interrupt your hack by initiating their own. Our full Patch Notes are here: https://ptu.cloudimperiumgames.com/comm-link/15201-Star-Citizen-Alpha-220 Some very important Known Issues are here: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/faq/ptuknownissue This first round of testers is approximately 1,000 accounts from participating on Issue Council with one New Report and one Contribution, plus 5,000 accounts who have played more than five PTU builds in the last three months. For more information on how we select our PTU waves, check out the FAQ at: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/faq/PTU-Invites Thanks and see you in the ‘Verse! Cloud Imperium Games
  19. Drake Interplanetary Buccaneer - Reference Images Hier mal der Link: https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/318800/drake-interplanetary-buccaneer-reference-images/p1
  20. Star Citizen Alpha 2.1.1 Patch Notes Alpha Patch 2.1.1 has been released to the PTU, and is now available for player testing! This patch is primarily performance and crash fixes for Crusader and Arena Commander, as well as some ship balance changes. Your launcher should should show “2.1.1-313225-PTU” as the client version. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Cloud Imperium Games\StarCitizen\Test. Please review our list of 2.1.0 Known Issues, and take full advantage of our Issue Council area of the Community site to report any bugs you encounter, as well as contribute to other players submissions. Some important call-outs: A jet-pack looking item is appearing on the back of characters in Crusader. This will be removed shortly. Contents: Arena CommanderBalance/TweaksFixesPersistent UniverseAdditionsFixesArena Commander Module: Balance/Tweaks: Components Improved the overheat rate of the Revenant Gatling gun, so that it will go longer before overheating.Ships Slightly reduced the overall maneuverability of the Vanguard Warden.The Vanduul Glaive now has cruise speed of 1080.The Vanduul Scythe now has a cruise speed of 995.The Vanduul Glaive has received a significant increase to ship health. Fixes: Gameplay Fixed an issue where enemy Vanduul AI ships would spin out of control when killed and only despawn on hitting the simulation boundary.Fixed an issue where damaging or destroying a Vanguard Warden was not awarding points in Arena Commander.Fixed several error messages happening in Arena Commander when killing AI.Ships Fixed the position of the radar globe in the Vanguard Warden ship HUD.We are temporarily changing the Vanguard to use one shield at 6x current strength, to closer mimic its final function.This is temporary as the tech for the six-shield set up the Vanguard will have in its final iteration is not yet implemented in 2.1.Fixed an issue with the Cutlass Black and Retaliator turrets, where the weapons were misaligned and not correctly attached to the turret mounts.User Interface Fixed an issue where the central MFD information was offset from the ship HUD on the Vanguard Warden’s screen. Persistent Universe: Additions: Gameplay Increased the maximum player count in Crusader from 16 to 24.The maximum player ship count in the instance is still locked to 16 while we gather data. Fixes: Gameplay Fixed a bug that caused all doors in ArcCorp and Million Mile High club to break.Technical Fixed a number of server and client crashes.
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