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  1. Mal ein paar Infos aus dem RSI Forum zum Hardpoint System. Ich stell es mal hier rein, bevor es im RSI Forum wieder untergeht -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIG Matt Sherman So wanted to pop in and clarify things since, as many have picked up on, things have changed a little since the hardpoint sizing post that was made last year. First off though, a little bit of context for what prompted the change to the current system that I described in the Q&A post today. When the hardpoint sizing post was originally made, we had not fully begun the current pass of resizing the physical volume on a number of our weapons to give them a comparable size progression to match their potency. The biggest thing that happened with this was when we started to line up the updated weapon sizes onto the hardpoints with the originally posted system, we ended up with the inverse of the problem we wanted to solve: Large base hardpoints with disproportionately small weapons attached. Things just looked off. Now, to how we decided to resolve this. The original system was [Base Size] - [Modifiers] = [Remaining Size Slots]. From there, the [Remaining Size Slots] would be divided among the total number of hardpoints the mount would have after modifiers. For a more direct example, with the original system, it would require a Size 6 base size to install a Gimbaled (-1 Modifier), Twin-Link (-1 Modifier), Size 2 Guns. That was a much bigger power trade-off than we were happy with. -- Hardpoint Modifier List -- Manned Turret ( 1 Size ) Gimbal ( 1 Size ) Twin-Link ( 1 Size, +1 Weapon ) -- Which weapon can I mount on a hardpoint? -- Hardpoint Size - Twin-Link (1) - Gimbal (1) - Manned Turret (1) = Weapon Size Size 6 Hardpoint - Twin-Link (1) - Gimbal (1) - Manned Turret (1) = Size 3 Weapons Allowed As an example of starting at the ships hardpoint, you'll take the listed hardpoint size, subtract size for any modifiers, and you will be left with the allowed weapon size for that hardpoint. The Hornet's Canard turret functions this way, allowing Gimbal, Twin-Link Size 1 weapons onto its base Size 3 hardpoint. -- What hardpoint size do I need for a weapon? -- Weapon Size + Twin Link (1) + Gimbal (1) + Manned Turret (1) = Hardpoint Size BEHR Laser S1 + Twin Link + Gimbal + Manned Turret = Hardpoint Size 4 Now, for an example of starting with a weapon, and seeing what size hardpoint is needed for the desired modifiers, we go the other way around. If you have a Tarantula-Mk3, a Size 3 Ballistic Cannon, and want to mount this as a Twin-Link, Gimbaled Manned Turret, you'll take the base Size 3, add modifiers ( +1 for Twin, +1 for Gimbal, +1 for Manned Turret), to arrived at a required hardpoint of Size 6. So, onto the revised system that was described with the Buccaneer post today. Now, instead of dividing the [Remaining Size Slots], that value becomes the [Resultant Hardpoint Size]. So now, that same Gimbal, Twin-Link Size 2 setup would only require a Size 4 base hardpoint to function. The Gimbal and the Twin-Link each impose their own (-1) modifier against the total size, but instead of dividing the rest up, you treat that value as the max allowed size. We currently have this active and in-place on a few ships and hardpoints, though not all. There's still going to be some other turrets and hardpoints that haven't been fully updated to reflect this new system, but we feel it's something that will scale the potency of the hardpoints more sensibly than the original plan while keeping the relative size of the weapons installed looking right for the ship they're mounted to. I hope this clears up some of the confusion with the hardpoints allowances described in the post, and gives everyone a better idea of where things will be trending moving forwards. Quelle: https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/comment/6712171/#Comment_6712171
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  2. Erklärung der Bezeichnungen in der obigen Tabelle: Kommandoebene Mitarbeiter Offiziere Leitende Offiziere Koordinationsoffiziere Brücken Offiziere Security Raumstation Security Observer Alpha Squad Watchman Beta Squad Engager Delta Squad Search & Corden (keine Ahnung was Corden sein soll) Gamma Squad Stations Fighters Jump Patrol Alpha Wing Shadow Team Beta Wing Sector Hunter Delta Wing White Star Gamma Wing Stations Defensiv Energy Distribution Station Gunners Perimeter Defence Economic Station Manger Private Rooms Warehouse Commercial Space Bookkeeper Station Supply Logistic Elements Resource Extraction Equipment Transportation Repair Engineer Medical Diseases Treatment Medical Operations Epidemic Treatment First Aid Exploration & Research Offensive Technology Research Defense Technology Research Biology Technology Research Alien Technology Research Station Tournament Capture the Core Racing Sataball Team Sleep Fight
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