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Inhalte mit der höchsten Reputation am 05.02.2015 in allen Bereichen anzeigen

  1. Wie ich soeben feststellen konnte steht der Arena Commander Patch 1.0.2 zum Download bereit.... Patch Notes 1.0.2(leider nur in Englisch) ● Additions:○ Ships■ Added paint skin hardpoint to all Aurora ships■ Added BEHR Laser Cannon S1s to the wingtopweapon hardpoints ofthe Aurora LN■ Added audio to several usable locations in the Redeemer ○ Components■ Added Tarantula870ballistic gun■ Added a ‘shields’ section to the holotable■ Added new parameters that allow for creation of different brands ofshields■ Added different behavioral styles for shield generators using newparameters■ Added 8 new Seal Corporation shield generators. These will fall into oneof two behavioral styles:■ Increased reduction against direct weapon fire with reduced splashabsorption■ Increased splash absorption with reduced direct fire absorption ○ Gameplay■ Players are now given a warning message for persistently attackingallies ○ Art■ Added three paint skins for Auroras ● Balance/Tweaks:○ Ships■ Aurora LN fuel regeneration increased■ Mustang Gamma and Omega have had their handling improved toreduce their drift■ Mustang Gamma and Omega have had their thrust generationincreased■ Removed empty weapon mounts from the Mustang Beta■ Tweaked Rattler Cluster missile so that second stage rockets willdetonate at separate time intervals if they miss ○ Components■ Amount of ammunition for the Tigerstreik ammo box has beenincreased■ Tweaked second stage rockets for Rattler Cluster missile so that theydon’t all run out of fuel at the same time ○ Other Tweaks■ AI are more likely to fire a missile after acquiring a lock■ pp_rebindkeys can no longer access files anywhere on a computersystem. Mappings XMLs can be placed inStarcitizen/CitizenClient/USER/Controls/Mappings ● Fixes:○ Ships■ Fixed an issue that was causing the 325a to occasionally load into amatch without ammo■ 350r is able to have a Talon Stalker Twin Rack mounted on it in theholotable■ Fixed graphical gaps in 350r wings■ Corrected thruster color for Avenger■ Audio for Avenger seat turning around plays correctly■ Entering the seat of the Gladiator will no longer swap to the rear viewcamera■ Fixed some of the issues that causes Hornets to leave their landinggear down■ Hornet Canard Turret texture no longer pops in and out with distance■ Fixed an issue that was preventing Mustangs from taking damage overa majority of the ship hull■ Removed reflections from Cutlass Black buttons■ Fixed an issue where shooting some ships with a pistol would causegraphical issues with damage states ○ Components■ Fixed an issue that was preventing the Rattler from delaying its secondstage ○ Gameplay■ Fixed an issue that was preventing the system from kicking playerspersistently attacking allies■ Fixed an issue that prevented the recovery animation from playing aftersuffering a redout■ Fixed an issue where using HOMAS or TrackIR whilst using TargetFocus causes the players head to shake and move uncontrollably■ Fixed an instance where the repsawn widow would overlay thescoreboard at the end of a race ○ User Interface■ Fixed an issue that would prevent preset controls from appearing in thecontrol list■ Fixed some issues where the mouse cursor would hide behind the clientwindow when an error was given■ Kicking a player from the lobby will no longer cause lobby errors■ Fixed an issue that would cause character names to duplicate whenmoving around and readying up in a lobby■ Fixed wheel alignment for Greycat Buggy in the holotable ○ Art■ The Herald in the Plentiful Salvage snow globe now has texture for itscockpit glass■ Updated keyboard control image to remove zoom from bracket [] keys■ Deluxe hangar ceiling fans will no longer flicker when viewed fromground level■ Fixed some graphical flickering in the Self Land hangar■ Fixed some graphical issues in the VFG Industrial hangar ● Known Issues:○ Ships■ 350r will sometimes spawn with damaged components■ Weapons mounted to the upper hardpoints for Auroras other than theLN will not be able to recharge or vent heat■ Avenger decelerates much faster than it accelerates■ Tigerstreik cannot be reattached to the Avenger (restarting the gameclient will fix this)■ Mustang Beta can have one of the doors in the cabin float above it if it’sused■ Back seat of the Super Hornet cannot be exited■ All ships aside from the Hornet are missing ship trails when carrying aCore■ Several ships are having radar visibility issues due to the helmetblocking the view■ Freelancer loading ramp has no collision ○ Components■ User folder issues can cause weapon ammunition to go missing as wellas other ship component malfunctions■ Rattler Cluster missile second stage rockets will all use the sametrajectory■ Missiles aren’t inheriting velocity from the ship that launches them■ Seal Corperation damage effect displays incorrectly when equipped onan Aurora ○ User Interface■ Shield hardpoint in the holotable is too small for Mustangs and 300series■ Shield component on the Aurora ship status HUDis too large■ Missiles have a small portion of the ship targeting UI on them afterbeing launched■ Paint objects in the holotable are placeholder■ Multiple in game items are missing text and are displaying their internalnames■ Multiple players persistently moving around in a lobby will cause theirship selections to overlap■ Loading back into a lobby will reset the ship selection to its default(sometimes this doesn’t happen visually but still happens on thebackend)■ Ship selection resets to default the 2nd time a player loads into a gamemode in the same lobby ○ Other Issues■ Character will sometimes spawn with the helmet on backwards■ Aurora intakes aren’t displaying paint
    3 Punkte
  2. endlich ist es da und es ist genial.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEAyDNWaCto
    2 Punkte
  3. Der Staff des HQ informiert Unsere Gemeinschaft wächst. Das begrüssen wir natürlich sehr. Als mittlerweile größte Fanseite für Star Citizen im deutschsprachigen Raum freut es uns, unseren Usern eine Plattform zu geben, auf der sie gemeinsam das "Fan sein" ausleben können. Da wir stetig weiter wachsen kommen allerdings auch ganz banale Dinge auf uns zu. Um es den Membern des HQ so angenehm wie möglich zu machen haben wir uns entschlossen es wie auf anderen Seiten im Internet zu handhaben und uns ein paar Regeln aufzuerlegen. Diese Regeln gelten ab sofort und sind immer einzusehen unter folgendem Link. Wie ihr sehen werdet sind es nicht all zu viele und sie dienen der Gemeinschaft als Orientierung und den Moderatoren und Administratoren als Anleitung, für ein niveauvolles, nettes Miteinander. Euer HQ Staff
    1 Punkt
  4. ich frag mich, wann die im letzten Jahr versprochene Gladius in den AC kommt, aber Schilde waren wohl wichtiger, muss ja Geld reinkommen
    1 Punkt
  5. RTV kommt morgen um 10 PST
    1 Punkt
  6. Hier die neuste Vault Concept Gallery..... um alle Bilder zu sehen klick aufs Bild..... Link entfernt -> Forenregel 2f Wiz
    1 Punkt
  7. 1 Punkt
  8. Meine Fresse ... steckt da eine Detailarbeit drin. Ich bewundere die Jungs immer mehr, die ganzen virtuellen Schneider, Flugzeugbauer, Architekten usw.
    1 Punkt
  9. nice, für die Rotorblätter würde ich aber auch die Farbe der Hülle wählen. So sieht es wenigstens nicht so aus als wären 4 Löcher drin.
    1 Punkt
  10. Och Mist. Hab so schöne Upvote-Gifs auf der Platte und komm grade nur mit dem Handy rein. Muss ich später halt nachreichen Ansonsten Danke für's posten. Wurde Zeit. Wenn jetzt noch einige Schläfer-Mods gegen aktive ausgetauscht werden, die die Regeln umsetzen, wär's perfekt. Vielleicht teilt man statt Supermods wie wir sie derzeit haben erstmal einige für einzelne Bereiche im Forum ein. via Tapatalk
    1 Punkt
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