Hiya. Dies ist eine englische Kurzgeschichte an der ich arbeite. Wie sieht es mit euch aus? Lest Ihr auch englische Geschichten? Wenn Ihr auf deutsch lest, habt Ihr es gern wenn englische Begriffe durch deutsche ersetzt werden? Ich versuche gerade herauszufinden in welchem Format ich besser schreiben und veröffentlichen sollte. Deutsch, Dinglisch oder English. RSI ist Handy feindlich, also copy and paste is nich. Wie gesagt gesagt, bin dran interessiert was meine Zielgruppe denkt (also Ihr). Hier nun ein kleiner Spoiler meines Geschreibsel....
The UEES Pulsar in orbit over Vega II.
09:39pm onboard-time.
Location: Briefing Room.
Commodore Peter Halcyon (CO), Lt.Col. Aila Mezavi (CSG), Major Helmut 'Kraftwerk' Muller (Attack Wing), Major Daniel T. DiMuzio (1st Wing, Nighthawk Squadron, 2. Fleet), Cpt. Sandra 'Wolf' Lipton (Bomber Wing), 1st Lt. Jamie 'Falcon' Chester (Scout Wing), Cmd Victor Talmar (Utility Command).
Halcyon: "Any status reports?"
Mezavi: "We're picking up more and more UEEN signatures, moving towards our position. Polaris, Javelins and Geminis, very slow but constant."
Falcon: "Confirmitive! Long range scans and SWAC's data, have picked up a large destroyer fleet with support. 8 Javelins, and 19 Polaris so far."
The colonel sipped at his tea while looking into the round.
Halcyon: "Major DiMuzio, which you all met today, is part of a larger operation called Specter Orange. The Pulsar will act as the tip of the spear... and as forward operating base for the first wave."
Mezavi: "First wave, Sir?"
Halcyon: "When we left Killian, my first orders were, to bring us into position over Aremis, period. This afternoon, however, I've received a security key."
Stands up, goes over to his desk and activates the big screen with his console.
The screen shows several high classified files popping up and a map with marked positions behind the frontier.
Halcyon: "Our orders are to attack and bind large enemy forces in this sector of the Virgil system. As you all know, we were one of the first who received the new Sabre class fighters, as well as Ghosts and stealth upgrades for other ships. How's the status?"
Kraftwerk: "Operational status of the Sabre wing is 100%! We have reduced further 0.6% signature output since the last tests in Killian. All 7 maschines are combat ready, 9 Hornet Ghosts as well."
Wolf: "We've converted four Retaliators with the new material, as well as eight Gladiators."
Falcon: "11 Gladius Rouqe are combat ready, Sir."
Halcyon: "Good... Major DiMuzio?"
DiMuzio: "The Operational status of 15 Eclipse Bomber, is combat ready. Crews and staff are on high alert down at Camp Manheim."
*astonished mumbling arises*
Halcyon: "Once we have cleared an area from potenzial enemy swac- and scout-units, Major DiMuzio will lead the first attack against the enemy, supported by our stealth elements. His callsign will be 'Nighthawk One'."
Kraftwerk: "Enemy activity so far, Sir?"
Halcyon: "Plenty! Intelligence tells us that there're several capships drawn together in this area."
Halcyon uses his console to zoom further down on one of the files. It reveals Virgil-3, as well as the asteroid belt of the system.
Halcyon: "High Command has a Task Force ready, who will join the fight, after our first strike.
Colonel Mezavi will have tactical command over our squadrons."
Mezavi: "Aye, Sir!"
Halcyon: "I exspect to see the very best of you. Good luck, folks. You're dismissed.."