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  1. Auszug aus einem Interview mit Chris und Co. zu einem Bar Citizen. Original Link: https://www.asiaone.com/digital/scepticism-around-project-100-star-citizen-developers-know-whats-been-said-bad-publicity-fraud-chris-roberts Link zur Diskussion im Spectrum: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/3/thread/we-are-looking-to-get-server- Die wichtige Stelle habe ich markiert und wer keinen Bock zum lesen hat. Dort steht, das sie Server Meshing für Ende 2023 planen. Na Klasse, ist doch nur noch 1 Jahr, gäääähn. Und wie das mit geplanten Dingen bie CIG so ist, kann man sicher noch großzügig was draufrechnen. Ganz ehrlich habe ich mit mitte 2023 mit ersten Test gerechnet und damit auch auf Pyro, aber so langsam macht sich bei mir Frustration breit. Immer diese endlose Verzögerung und dabei reden wir nicht von Quartalen, sondern von Jahren. Da muss sich doch der ein oder andere langjährige Unterstützer fragen ob er Star Citizen noch erlebt. Da bezahlt man die ganze Entwicklung und muss dann für ein junges Bürschen die Kisten in den Laderaum tragen, selber fliegen is nich wegen Rheuma und Arthritis, TS u. DIscord geht auch nicht mehr, Kopfhörer drückt aufs Hörgerät. Arrrr. Roberts replied that they're trying to get the game to beta but "it's just that huge" and they're still "building tech right now". There are just a few ducks to get in the row before they're ready to go into beta. Read Also 'You want to make sure that all 500 mounts feel relevant': World of Warcraft's dragonriding won't make traditional flying obsolete "We can say that we are looking to get server meshing in by the end of next year," he shared. But first, Chin said that the big milestone the team is aiming for is to "hit persistence". Simply put, it's to create a persistent universe through the persistent entity streaming technology. The developers understand the frustration of the fans, though, and how they wish they could get their hands on the exciting features that have been promised. However, the constant enemy that CIG can't beat is time, it seems. Throughout the interview, it was brought up several times that they're pushing the technological boundaries for this game and how it takes time to build "complex new systems that have never been built before". "We can't change time. We can't make things go faster than they're going to take," said Chin. "We're in the same boat as those people; we're just as as eager to play this full game as they are." And, he added, a lot of these controversies go as far back as five years ago "so none of that happens anymore".
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