Im Forum bei RSI gefunden: I am a Gamestar subscriber since 1997 and I always found their articles readworthy and accurate. Until yesterday, when the latest issue (May 2014) arrived in my mail, and I read what they wrote about Star Citizen. Clearly the author of the article didn't spend more than a few hours with his "research" on the matter; otherwise I can't think of any explanation why he'd think that: - Star Citizen is a "Free to play" game - CIG won't sell game licenses and the only way to get the game "with base / standard equipment" would be to spend $903 and buy everything currently available in both stores (this is no joke, he seriously tallied up anything from both store, pledge and VD, to come to this number) - the only way to get other ships than the Aurora is to buy them on the website or in an ingame real-cash store (e.g. SWTOR's cartel market) - pledge ships won't have any insurance, unless they cost more than $1000 - only ships with a higher price than $1000 will have LTI - "while most people hate free-2-play games and [real-cash] ingame stores, CIG will succeed in combining both" Wieso Gamestar so einen Scheiss schreibt? Sie haben schon etliche Fehlmeldungen und Falschinformationen von SC verbreitet. Viele haben schon die Abos gekündigt und schreiben da auch nicht mehr im Forum. Ich denke da wird jemand wohl dafür bezahlt worden sein und das nennt man nicht "unabhängiger serösen Journalismus" sondern "korrupte Scheisse bringen". Na EA euch geht wohl der Arsch auf Grundeis?