Danke für die Agenda! Kannst du ein wenig beschreiben ob und in welchem Detailgrad während der Office Tour vertrauliche Information beantwortet werden? Sprich macht es allgemein überhaupt Sinn nach sowas zu fragen, und kann man in FFM (Brian) auch außerhalb des Themengebiets "studio, technology, engine and tools" Fragen stellen?
Der umfänglichen NDA nach zu urteilen sollten vertrauliche Information kein Problem darstellen. Andererseits werden wir wohl weiter in der "User"-Rolle oder gar "Fan"-Rolle dort antreten. Sprich das Marketing-Layer wird eingeschaltet bleiben
Meine brennensten Fragen würden folgende Themen adressieren:
Studio Frankfurt
How do you and your employees like Frankfurt?
How is your studio and the employees organized? Project structure, etc.?
Sharing some experience about applied dev framework (Scrum / Kanban) and used tools (LY, Jira, etc.)?
[more specific question on the fly]
How look the big picture of the future netcode concept?
What are the challenges to develop and optimize it?
Will the cooperation with amazon (lumberyard / AWS) help?
Low-level API (Vulkan)
Please tell us some more details about your API-decision?
Will StarCitizen support Explicit-Multi-Adapter (unlinked mode)?
Short review about the switch to LY?
Any plans to cooperate with Amazon in further cloud(AWS) or STB(FireTV) technology?
Any plans to offer Star Citizen to the casual gamers by using a cloud gaming service like geforce-now or gamefly?
UE and Unity includes Simultaneous-Multi-Projection. Will LY also have it? Will SC use it?
LY is a 3.8 fork of CE. CE 3.8 introduced OpenGL-Support (Linux). Will LY in the future capable to deploy a Linux-Client with OpenGL/Vulkan-API?
Gameplay (mechanics, balance, mods)
How will Star Citizen be played beside dogfight and shooter?
Will be there something like sandbox tasks (independent of official quests)?
Is there anything planed like a platform for community-based content? So fans could develop stations, ships, weapons, quests, etc. to customize the game?
What mechanics are planed for the Endgame-Content in Star Citizen? Endless Vanduul-raids, Dogfight-ladder/season, building a starbase, etc.?
Have you found the miracle to prevent inflation in the PU?
SQ42: Release, Market, Target group, system requirements
What kind of market entry strategy is planed? Community driven word-of-mouth, above-the-line marketing campaign or publisher cooperation?
What changed your mind last year in terms of SQ42? It looks that anything blocks communication and presentation?
SQ42 will be a cutting-edge pc-game. That´s great! But is this also a risk to sales success?
EOY 2017 Microsoft will bring the "Project Scorpio" and tries to focus on "PC Gaming" market. Will SQ42 support the "new XBOX", and will it gonna be part of this game line up like Star Wars: Battlefront 2?
Nochmal vielen Dank, dass du diese Tour ermöglichst und organisierst
Bis bald!