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PTU Patch Notes (ab 3.2.1)

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Hallo zusammen,

nicht jeder nimmt am PTU teil, nicht jeder hat sofort Zugang.


Und trotzdem könnte es ja sein, dass gerade bei diesen Citizens ein Interesse an den Neuerungen besteht.


Aus diesem Grund werde ich hier ab PTU 3.2.1 die jeweiligen Patch Notes darstellen.


Viel Spaß beim Lesen und bei der Vorfreude auf künftige PU-Versionen!


Herzlichen Gruß



Eine ganz ausgezeichnete Anleitung von @Aynareth zum Thema Wie komme ich ans PTU findet Ihr hier: https://star-citizens.de/forums/topic/15377-frischlings-we-mit-der-hq-staffel/?tab=comments#comment-291917


Auch an dieser Stelle nochmals lieben Dank für Deine tolle Arbeit, liebe @Aynareth !!!



P.S. die derzeit aktuelle Version der Patch Notes ist immer oben, die davor liegenden darunter!




Patch Notes aus Spectrum:



Der PTU-Patch 3.2.1h / PTU 834 470 wurde am 25.07.2018 ins PU überführt.

Neue Patch Notes gibt es erst wieder mit Start der nächsten PTU Phase!


Star Citizen Alpha 3.2.1h PTU.834470 Patch Notes

Yesterday at 19:15

Star Citizen Patch 3.2.1h

Alpha Patch 3.2.1h has been released to the PTU, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: PTU-834470.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizenPTU\LIVE. 

USER.cfg settings:
r_displayinfo = 3


Testing Focus

  • Turret combat against AI and players.

Feature Updates

Ships and Vehicles
  • Reduced and smoothed the effect of aim assist on remote turrets.

Bug Fixes

  • Grenades should no longer land at the player's feet when thrown.
  • Fixed issues with Hornet gimbals and turret alignment.
  • Targeting should now be functional on the Starfarer's turrets.
  • The right hand on legacy armors should now have proper culling.
  • Remote turret cameras should now have proper UI.
  • Fixed a shader issue that caused client performance to dip significantly when first loading into the PU.




Star Citizen Alpha 3.2.1g PTU.832719 Patch Notes

July 19th at 19:06

Star Citizen Patch 3.2.1g

Alpha Patch 3.2.1g has been released to the PTU, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: PTU-832719.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizenPTU\LIVE. 

Major Known Issues:
  • Hornet ball turrets do not align with other weapons and cause reticle aim to break when using gimbals. W/A: Remove the ball turret and/or replace with a flashfire mount.
  • There is no way to disable turret aim assist or gyro-stabilization when a target is selected. W/A: Temporarily hold interaction mode to disable them if needed for out of combat movement.
USER.cfg settings:
r_displayinfo = 3


Testing Focus

  • Turret combat against AI and players.

Feature Updates

Bug Fixes

  • Updated the aim position on turrets to avoid it attempting to point into the direction the ship is traveling from and avoid gyro-stabilization activating when not targeting a ship.
  • The turret guns on the Caterpillar should now have proper weapon size restrictions.
  • Lead pips should once again activate properly.



Star Citizen Patch 3.2.1f

Alpha Patch 3.2.1f has been released to PTU and is now available to test!  Patch should now show: PTU-830734

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizenPTU\LIVE.

Testing Focus

  • Turret combat against AI and players.


Feature Updates

Ships and Vehicles

  • Ship cannons or cannon type weapons are now semi-automatic fire.

Bug Fixes

  • 600i should no longer run out of power while flying in atmosphere.
  • The Ursa Rover should no longer run out of power while shooting.
  • The Hurricane turret should now be able to fire while the shields are recharging.
  • Fixed weapon groups on 350r so semi-auto weapons are not grouped with full auto.
  • The Freelancer should now be able to fire its weapons while recharging its shields.
  • Altered the weapon groups on the Buccaneer to avoid mixing semi-auto with auto.
  • Altered power on the Scythe/Glaive so they can fire their size 5 weapons more reliably.
  • The Reclaimer should no longer quickly overheat when in combat scenarios.
  • The Avenger should now be able to fire while the shields are recharging.
  • The Mustang series should no longer overheat quickly or get stuck in an overheat loop.
  • The default weapons of the Super Hornet should now be able to be fired without losing power.
  • The heat sink component should no longer be visible on the VMA.
  • The bridge of the Caterpillar should no longer be stuck in a low light state.
  • Star Marine control terminals should once again work normally.
  • Party member AR markers should no longer be reflected.
  • Fixed an issue where the Starfarer rear turret gunners didn’t have the ability to control their radar.
  • All port slots should no longer be duplicated in the VMA.
  • Manned turrets should now properly stabilize when their parent ship is moving in the vertical.
  • The aim reticle should no longer remain stationary for Cutlass turrets.
  • Fix for erratic turret motion and over aggressive target snapping.
  • The Starfarer and Constellation series turrets should now properly function.
  • Players should no longer become stuck in the turret seat on occasion.
  • Turrets should now work regardless of zone, including around planetary bodies.
  • Stagger fire mode should now function on turrets.



Der Star Citizen Patch 3.2.1e wurde zwar ausgerollt, war heute aber ca 7 Stunden nicht spielbar. Der Launcher ließ einen nicht rein.


Auf den PTU Web Seiten wird der "e" übersprungen und es wechselt somit von "d" nach "f" ohne Patch Notes!



Star Citizen Patch 3.2.1d

Alpha Patch 3.2.1d has been released to PTU and is now available to test!  Patch should now show: PTU-827813

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizenPTU\LIVE.

Major Known Issues:

  • A performance hit occurs at first PU load that can stall the game for several seconds.

Testing Focus

  • Combat versus AI opponents.


Feature Updates


  • Reduced the accuracy of AI turrets for the Cutlass, Starfarer, and Constellation.
  • Scaled insurance expedite cost to be proportionate with ship values and changed refuel/repair costs to be a portion of the ship claim expedite cost.
  • Removed EMPs from GrimHex Dumper’s Depot as they are not able to be fitted on ships.

Ships and Vehicles

  • Reduced the firing arc of the Gladius nose gun to be in line with other ships and prevent AI from firing sideways at players.
  • Updated Reclaimer manned turret dashboard UI to render to texture (RTT).

Star Marine

  • Removed watermelons from Echo 11 due their destruction causing a client crash.

Bug Fixes

  • The AR marker for party members should no longer be inaccurate if that member quantum travels away.
  • The UEC/REC wallet should now update properly from account to game (recopy, subtract 100k from in-game wallet to check).


  • Fixed a client crash.



Star Citizen Patch 3.2.1c

Alpha Patch 3.2.1c has been released to PTU and is now available to test!  Patch should now show: PTU-823435

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizenPTU\LIVE.

Testing Focus

  • Combat versus AI in the persistent universe.


Feature Updates


  • Updated UI sounds for the mining system.

Ships and Vehicles

  • Updated Cutlass seating position to avoid strut obstruction.
  • Overclock state is now calculated based on power variables.

Bug Fixes

  • Players should now be able to equip more than one of the same weapon onto ship turrets.
  • Sniper rifles should no longer replay muzzle flash VFX when coming out of ADS.
  • Grenades will now travel in the direction the player is throwing.
  • After switching channels in visor/mobiGlas chat messages and notifications should no longer be duplicated.
  • AI should no longer spawn motionless into swarm modes of Arena Commander.


  • Fixed a client crash.
  • Fixed a server crash.
  • When disconnected from the game, the player entity should no longer get stuck inside the server.



Star Citizen Patch 3.2.1b

Alpha Patch 3.2.1b has been released to PTU and is now available to test!  Patch should now show: PTU-820844

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizenPTU\LIVE.

Testing Focus

  • ESP changes.
  • Mission frequency.


Feature Updates


  • Reduces recoil and spread on Devastator, Demeco, and Custodian.

Ships and Vehicles

  • Further tuning to ESP stickiness and strength.

Bug Fixes

  • CryAstro should now properly restock ammunition.
  • Players should no longer travel backwards when jumping to a close destination.
  • Disabling the quantum drive during an interdiction should no longer cause the VFX to stick.
  • The countermeasure UI should now show properly after returning from scanner mode.
  • REC rented ships should no longer show up on commodity kiosks.
  • Players should no longer spawn into Star Marine with their primary weapon at their side.
  • Grenades should no longer travel in the direction of the map origin.



Star Citizen Patch 3.2.1a

Alpha Patch 3.2.1a has been released to PTU and is now available to test!  Patch should now show: PTU-819037

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizenPTU\LIVE.

Testing Focus

  • ESP with fixed weapons
  • UEC transactions


Feature Updates


  • Reduced the mission spawn timers to increase the frequency and availability of missions.


  • Tweaked stamina consumption and regeneration.
  • Disabled radar in Star Marine until signatures and occlusion issues can be addressed.


  • Adjusted heat values on the Blade’s weapons so the S3 plasma cannon overheats slower and the S2 is capable of overheating.
  • Enabled UI prompts when an item is underpowered and removed MFD power throttle smoothing.
  • Updated to a new algorithm for ESP.
  • Reduced light levels on the bridge of the 600i.


  • Fixed a server crash.
  • Fixed 2 client crashes.

Bug Fixes

  • Increasing the mineable threshold to prevent rocks from being highlighted as fracturable when they are extractable.
  • Explosive ammunition (Delta rockets and Combine cannon) should do damage again.
  • MISC and Drake ships should no longer trigger quantum fuel low audio when thrusters are overheating.
  • The Avenger’s pilot seat should now properly highlight when selected in interaction mode.
  • Calibration progress audio should no longer persist for the slave ship after the master ship finishes calibrating.
  • Overclocked components should now properly have overheat effects.
  • Grenades should no longer travel toward map origin when thrown.
  • Wearing specific kinds of helmets should no longer cause distant objects to appear blurry.
  • The Nox should no longer have opaque glass.
  • The player should no longer pass out too quickly from spamming crouch.
  • The mining arm on the Prospector should retract when attempting to quantum travel.
  • Turning on the scanning UI while attempting to calibrate should no longer result in nav points getting stuck on screen and the UIs stacking.
  • The mG UI should no longer be offset when entering the pilot seat with a primary weapon drawn.
  • Shield MFDs should now show the correct values for face redistribution.
  • Fixed placeholder text on the Condemnation distortion scattergun.
  • Fix for sprinting interrupt of reload.





Star Citizen Patch 3.2.1

Alpha Patch 3.2.1 has been released to PTU and is now available to test!  Patch should now show: PTU-808574

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizenPTU\LIVE.

Testing Focus

  • Play as normal.


Feature Updates


  • Adjusted the R97 shotgun price to be more consistent with other weapons.


  • Fixed 2 server crashes.
  • Fixed an issue that caused shopping services to crash.
  • Fixed an occasional disconnect issue (20009/30009).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where players could get trapped while while hacking a control point in Star Marine.
  • The extraction SCU throughput should no longer remain after the rock has been fully extracted.
  • Fixed the lack of weapon sway when ADSing and fixed holding breath to have a noticeable effect.
  • Fix for the lack of friction on the lift preventing vehicle traction on the 600i.
  • Refueling should now properly charge and refund you if you interrupt services.
  • The character should no longer vanish when trying on clothing and armor.
  • Weapon fire audio should no longer continue after the gun overheats and shuts down.
  • The Starfarer should have its catwalk railing back.
  • The Starfarer should no longer be stuck in auxiliary lighting after the ship is powered on.



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Overclocked components should now properly have overheat effects.


Yay und neeeii... 


Durch das Overclocking war es mir aktuell möglich mit meiner Mustang B auch mal schwerere Gefechte zu überleben (Waffe schießt gefühlt doppelt so schnell und Schilde halten 50% mehr aus).


Allerdings fand ichs auch blöd das es keine Einbusungen gab, somit hatte man immer das Gefühl als würde man ohne Overclock mit angezogener Handbremse rumheizen.


Mal schaun was noch draus wird. cool wärs ja wenn man eine Komponente overclocken kann ohne kompromisse dafür eine andere halt runterschrauben muss.  und wenn man alle übertacktet geht der Prozessor oder Kühler kaputt und die angeschlossenen Komponenten danach auch. Auser man kauft sich nen besseren Kühler der dann mehr energie braucht - Also dann nen besseren Generator, aber dann glühen wohl die Leitungen im Schiffgehäuse ^^.


ach ich schweif ab. CIG wird schon wissen was wir wollen ^^

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Vielen Dank für die Einträge, aber anscheinend wird die Persistenz immer noch etwas Stiefmütterlich behandelt. 


Ich hasse es, wenn ich im Schiff ordnungsgemäß auslogge und das nächste mal dann trotzdem wieder in PO aufwache.


Somit hoffe ich das sie es in 3.3 dann endlich gebacken bekommen und spiel derweil was anderes.

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Hallo zusammen,


Der Star Citizen Patch 3.2.1e wurde zwar ausgerollt, war heute aber ca 7 Stunden nicht spielbar.

Der Launcher ließ einen nicht rein.


Auf den PTU Web Seiten wird "e" übersprungen und es wechselt somit von "d" nach "f".


Für "e" gibt es keine Patch Notes, die für "f" findet Ihr im ersten Post.


Herzlichen Gruß


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@Catulus: warum willst Du es auf einen neuen Rechner ziehen? Es installiert sich doch in einem neuen Ordner, parallel zum PU. 




Und wenn Du vorher den Live Ordner des PU in den Ordner StarCitizenPTU kopierst, ist der mit dem PTU-Launcher angestoßene Verify nur zwischen 4 und 8 GB groß.


Und wenn das PTU zu Ende ist, kopierst Du den Live Ordner aus dem StarCitizenPTU in den StarCitizen Ordner. Dann ist der download für das neue PU auch nur noch Kinderkram!

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Dank dem tollen Hinweis von @Hurricane, kann ich Euch die Patch Notes für 832 719 nun im ersten Post darstellen.


Im PTU Launcher sind/waren sie immer noch nicht drin, Hurricae hat sie aber im Spectrum gefunden!


Dank Hurricane!

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Hallo zusammen,


ich lade gerade den PTU Patch auf 834 470.


Das müsste PTU 3.2.1h sein.


Herzlichen Gruß



@dstar: danke für den Hinweis in der ChatBox!

@Hurricane: Dank Deines Hinweises vom g Patch in Bezug auf die Patch Notes konnte ich den ersten Post ergänzen. Dankeschön!

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