Zur Zeit kommt es wohl häufiger vor, das versucht wird Accounts zu knacken.
Hier nochmals ein Hinweis zur Benutzung der 2Phasen-Authentifizierung
Will "Soulcrusher" Leverett@WLeverett_CIG
Two Factor Authentication and You!
Yesterday at 21:48
Team !
We've seen an increase in account phishing attempts, and we thought it'd be a great time to remind you about Two Factor Authentication available at https://robertsspaceindustries.com/account/security.
I strongly encourage you to use mobile-based authentication over email-based security. Email-based auth is better than nothing, but mobile-based 2FA is your best defense.
This will help secure your account and keep you safe from unwanted intrusions. I encourage you to sign up today if you've not done it already!
Hit us up in this thread if you have any questions or concerns!
Will "Soulcrusher" Leverett
Avocado Enthusiast