Maxxx Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2015 Teilen Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2015 Neuer Sneak Peek: @STARMEDIC, ich will dir ja wirklich nicht zu nahe treten, aber hast du in letzter Zeit deine Augen mal untersuchen lassen? .... Was nicht?? .... Ok, dann ist genau jetzt ein guter Zeitpunkt dafür 1 Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen Mehr Optionen zum Teilen...
chueche Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2015 Teilen Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2015 Hey, nichts gegen Stuntcarracer, das Spiel war seiner Zeit weit voraus und das Handling und die Grafik waren genial. Wenn ich nur an das Schadensmodell denke... Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen Mehr Optionen zum Teilen...
Hell-G Geschrieben 2. November 2015 Teilen Geschrieben 2. November 2015 (bearbeitet) Hmm, ich hab ja damals auch Elite "gebacken" aber.... ich fand das damals sooo langweilig. Ich versuch das jetzt übrigens neutral zu sagen (ohne SC rosarote Brille) Alles in dem Spiel dauert sooo lange. Sogar beim Kurve fliegen wenn man käpft und dann immer den kleinen grünen Punkt in der Mitte behalten... boah nee! Auch wenn das Cockpit, die Sonnen und einige andere Sachen echt super hübsch aussehen... ich mag auch die Musik und den Sound im allgemeinen aber das Spiel hat ein massives Content Problem. Und alles was ich bis jetzt von Horizons gesehen habe, haut mich jetzt auch nicht wirklich vom Hocker. Trotz all der Neuerungen - Ich glaube das ED Universum bekommen die Devs einfach nicht mehr zu richtigem Leben erweckt.Dafür fehlt einfach das ... keine Ahnung... das richtige Feeling. Diese Fraktionskriege, die irgendwie nur in Texten erwähnt werden.Man hat einfach nicht das Gefühl teil von etwas zu sein... aber vielleicht geht es auch nur mir so... Und die neuen Planeten in ED Horizons sind auch echt mal NICHT hübsch. Ja schoon cool, dass sie prozedurale Generierung haben.Aber das sind auch nur einfach leblose Voxel Brocken mit random 08/15 Gegnern darauf und hier und da mal ner zufällig gespawnten Basis^^ "Der Weltraum... Unendliche Weiten... das sind die Abenteuer von Elite Dangerous. " Für Einzelspieler mit Explorerdrang super aber für alles andere halt so garnicht, Jetzt dürfen die ED Fans mich gerne verbrennen. Bearbeitet 2. November 2015 von Hell-G 2 Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen Mehr Optionen zum Teilen...
Rhaven Geschrieben 2. November 2015 Teilen Geschrieben 2. November 2015 @ Hell-GSeh ich genau so. Ich werd dem Ding mit Horizons noch eine Chance geben, aber die Hoffnung hält sich in Grenzen. Ich hab ja nichts dagegen, dass man im Weltraum lange Wege hat – aber am Endes des Weges sollte dann halt mehr sein als ein paar bunte Kugeln, die denen in den letzten 100 Systemen verdächtig ähnlich sehen. Die Konzeptbilder und Trailer waren bis jetzt leider immer das Spannendste an Elite. Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen Mehr Optionen zum Teilen...
Maxxx Geschrieben 5. November 2015 Teilen Geschrieben 5. November 2015 (bearbeitet) Keiner verbrennt hier irgend jemanden Und eigentlich müssten alle froh sein, dass nicht nur an einer Space Sim gearbeitet wird. Das alles "lange" dauert in ED stimmt sicher, wobei ich nicht denke dass bei SC alles "schnell" gehen wird. Die "kleinen" Jäger in ED sind zb. wenn im richtigen Bereich geflogen nicht viel träger als eine ähnlich große Super Hornet. Die großen Schiffe sind sehr träge, ja. Das wird bei SC aber nicht viel anders sein. Ich hoffe einige von euch werden von Star Citizen nicht allzu sehr enttäuscht werden, ich bin absolut überzeugt davon das es um einiges besser wird als Elite, aber es wird genauso wie dieses ein Spiel bleiben. Ob das SC Universum am ende ein wirklich lebendigeres sein wird als das von Elite wird sich in 1-2 Jahren auch erst mal zeigen müssen Wenn das Clan-System, an dem sie bereits arbeiten, in Elite endlich kommt wird das in Sachen Lebendigkeit sicher einen ordentlichen Schub bringen.Eigene System-Fraktionen haben ja ca. 40 Clans bereits bekommen.Wer ein belebtes ED sehen will, einfach mal im Open nach Amarak, Alrai, Orrere oder 78 Ursae Majoris fliegen. Wer es am Abend zwischen 18 und 0 Uhr in Amarak und Orrere leben zwei mal hintereinander zur Station und wieder weg schafft, dem gratuliere ich schon mal von Herzen Die beta 1.5 kommt übrigens am 9.11.15. Die beta Horizons am 24.11.15. Das first Person in Elite soll in Session 3 kommen, also Mitte bis Ende 2016. lg Zusammenfassung Q&A mit David Braben von vorgestern, aus dem ED Forum. QuelleWhen is the Beta for Horizons?The beta will be done in 2 stages. The beta for 1.5 will start week commencing 9th of November and then 2.0 beta will be on the 24th.Will you be able to hire NPC wingmen?Yes, with the ship launched fighters and multi-crew you will be able to have them as NPC. At some point in Season 2.Will there be a planetary map?Yes, soon, it will be a schematic map.Will rings cast shadows on the planet's surface?Yes it is coming but they don't know when, but they very much want to do it.Will we see the orrery map in Season 2?I hope so, my guess is it will happen in Season 2 but probably towards the back end.Are we going to see a system in place for larger groups to organise?They are already making moves in the direction with the player groups, such as Fuel Rats and The Code, and player minor factions. They will continue to move more into that direction, but it will not be done in the same way as most games.What kind of equipment can we craft?Some very simple things in 2.0, but the main details will come laterTier 2/persistent NPCs?They absolutely want to add them in, they will be gradually introduced. (probably more later on in the season *my addition*)Will Occulus DK2 work with the SRV?Yes it will.Do you think motion sickness will be a problem?You have to be careful because if you flip the SRV or crash it and it spins out of control, then you will probably feel quite sick. Otherwise probably not.How about a shark teeth paintjob for the Anaconda?David Braben really wants it, he will ask why there isn't one alreadyWhat about the Asp Scout?It's like a cut down version of the Asp, more like the one from Frontier or the Original Elite. The shape is different to the current one, without the fins.Bounty hunting, Trade and Piracy are still the same as at release when will they be updated?That's not true. They are constantly being improved upon and although the fact that you can pirate hasn't changed, the way you do it, they way you come across other ships, same with bounty hunting, it's got richer and richer and the variation you encounter has got richer. We've brought in new professions and those have each been improved, we saw in the last updates some big changes to mining, which I think improve it and a lot of people have been very positive about that. So I think with all of these things, it's getting better and it's getting better by degrees. The thing that is going to change more throughout Season 2 is the stories behind and why you are doing things like the Bounty Hunting.How is the turret controlled by the HOTAS?The controls are a separate configuration. Do it however you like, you can map the SRV to a stick, but as with all the things we have a beta coming and you can use that to feedback.Will the list of astronomical objects increase i.e Comets, accretion disks around black holes?Not all black holes have accretion discs, they would need another star feeding the accretion disc, but it is something I would love to do. They will be added over time and they are on a list. Comets are in the simulations, but getting them to look good and interact with gameplay is the most important thing and so they will come. Medium size asteroids "potatoes" are in Season 2, you can see them with 1.5 just not be able to go down to them without Horizons*warning troll question* Elite Dangerous it is MMORPG?The problem is different people mean different things by saying MMOs. I think we're massive by most measures, all have instancing the question is where do you set the number. We have 32 plus NPCs, we could go higher with less NPCs and if everyone had great reliable connections, even higher if we were on LAN. If that's what you want it to be then it is.Do you consider support for Force Feedback joysticks?Actually that would be a really good thing to do, yes we should do it.Did you ever imagine/hope Elite would look like it does now in 1984?Yes. As with any game before it's made is perfect in your head, it's the practical things that restrain you. We're getting ever closer, is it perfect? Of course not, but it will always get better.Are the planetary outposts/starports procedurally generated?There's quite a range of outposts and starports. They're quite big and there's quite a lot of variation between them. The land around the starports changes the feel of them and so it feels like even more variation than in space stations. With all of this there isn't intimate variations, but they are laid out in lots of different variations. It's not just starports there are also things like secret bases you can discover.*Question David asked himself* Can I attack them in single player?Of course you can, if you have a deep ravine you can come in in your SRV under the gun turrets and then you only have the smaller defenses to worry about. You can take out a generator, see all the lights go down and it takes out the guns (not all bases will only have one generator), then you can call your ship in go in the ship and then do the next stage...Is there a plan to improve the seamless experience by improving the transition phases?Yes, the transition phases have actually been reducing. Some people we know experience long transitions, it's to do partly with where they are in the world and partly to do with their connections and how many people are in the session. The transitions as you come in from space is seamless. In theory the Hyperspace transitions are relatively seamless but as it's pulling in data as well as network that can be slower for some people.Will missions on Bulletin Boards be given by NPCs made using the character creator?No to start with, but using the CC for NPCs is definitely going to happen.The Keelback what kind of ship is it?It's a Lakon ship and more to come on that The idea is based on a Type 6 but it has more weaponry.How are the DDF's near god like powers coming along?I know, it's something I do feel bad about, the idea is that the underlying control over the background sim the DDF people would have some kind of control over that. I don't have a good answer for that so it's a straight apology at some point there will be something to do with that but I can't say when, so I'm sorry.Will you consider introducing a setting to tone down the head bobbing in the SRV?If you are the one doing the movement then it feels more natural than watching a stream of someone doing it. I wouldn't get too worried about it (*my addition* if it really is bad for some people then I'm sure someone will take it on board)We have rumours of a high end Fer De Lance can you confirm or deny?*David was completely non plussed as I believe the person who asked this question was just confused by the ship description*One word comment on Thargoids?Well...Will capital ships be adjusted to make them more fun to play with?I agree we're not making enough of them. There is more to come.When will we see asteroid stations?They will come, we don't have a time for them, hopefully at the back end of Season 2, but no guarantee.Will we have more CG to expand the human bubble?I really think that these are exciting, so yes.Are you going to play Star Citizen?Yes, I'm looking forward to playing Star CitizenIs it possible to conquer planetary bases?There's lots of missions and things you can do to get things from then, but we won't have you having your own planetary bases, not yet anyway.Will we see NPC SRVs and NPC ships around the planet's surface?NPC SRVs are planned but unlikely for Season 2, ships yes.Will we see game API in Season 2?I know they're looking at it. Obviously we're worried about cheating and apps that will dial our servers and make them go slowly, but it's certainly something that they are looking at.Could it be possible to add a credit transfer feature, maybe when a commander reaches a certain rank?There is already a transfer feature in buying gold or platinum for example and then dropping it for another commander to pick up. It's quite easy to transfer hundreds of thousands of credits in a short time, so that's why we haven't thought about it as a priority. It just has that air of exploit around it if you can do it in large amounts.Any plans on increasing the 32 player cap?We could increase it very easily, but it's the experience. There's a lot of data being exchanged and we're constantly reviewing it.*Troll question* Jettison all cargo why?Well, you don't have to do it.Will passenger gameplay be added in Season 2 or after?Passenger gameplay is planned, but I can't remember when it's scheduled for *me: aaarrrrgggghhhh, biggest tease of the night*Can you tell us anything about the Cutter and Corvette?They are both a bit bigger than the Anaconda, a bit longer and they are more capable, have bigger hardpoints, and they're more expensive and yes they both do fit through the docking slot but it's a bit tight.What will explorer's encounter on planet's surfaces 20,000Ly from Sol?There will be things to collect and other things to find, but I don't want to spoil anything. You will find more exotic things further away than you will closer.Will see missions transition between space and the planet's surface?We have talked about it, there are complexities, it is certainly something that we are looking at.Will another specialised internal slot be added to the Planetary Approach Suite and will the Srv take up an internal slot?The PAS will be able to be put into every ship. The SRV takes up 4t of Cargo Space.what rank is needed for the Federal Corvette?I don't knowWill there be a multi source lighting?It's on the list, yes it is something that we should sort. It might only come in, in High and Ultra.How will commander faces be visible to others?You will be able to see them as long as the canopy is intact.Will there be more differentiation between systems and stations i.e a poor system with a run down station?More of this is coming, I'm not sure when, I don't think it's in 2.0What types of SRV will be released over the course of season 2?I don't know off hand, but the first ones will be similar variants of the current ones, but other will follow. They will do different things.Ship Naming was a kick starter promise, when will we be able to do this?Was it, oh dear. It's something that everyone wants, we will do it.Are there things related to the Thargoids coming in Season 2?There are things related to the Thargoids coming in Season 2.Is there a bookmarking or visited systems history coming?Ummmmm, I don't know, sorry.Model kits from the ED ship range?We do have models coming, but there's not kits.Are there any plans to include some kind of glactipedia?That would be lovely, but it's a lot of work to collate and keep it up to date. We have some things in house, but it's something we're looking at doing and bringing the story more to the forefront of the game.Nvidia VR SLI?Not 100% sure, but I think that it runs fine, I was using the Vive on a 980Will we see an equivalent to the large cities under domes we saw in Frontier?There are ever bigger settlements coming, there are things in 2.0. Big cities will not be in 2.0 but they are coming.Will we be able to deploy our SRV inside stations?Currently you can't because of the way you press down to select to deploy the SrV, so you can't do that because of Station Services menu, but aside from driving around you pad and driving off the side there's nothing useful to do.How will the instancing of Orbital Cruise down to the planet's surface work?I better not answer that question as I will get it wrong as I'm not sure where it's making the transition, but there is also the issue of not everyone being able to get down to the planet's surface. There is instancing on the surface.Can you tell us about walking around our ships and sleeping quarters?No I'm afraid I can't, not happening in Season 2. We do have rough layouts of the ships.Other non Thargoid species?YesWhen will we see the Krait?I want to see the Krait as well.*couldn't hear this question properly but I think it was* Why can you not share exploration data in a wing?I though we were already doing this, so I'll talk to the designers.When will there be more CQC maps?There are more coming, I think, and then there's more coming later.Any update on the SC frame rate drop?I will ask after the stream. Hmm, ich hab ja damals auch Elite "gebacken" aber.... ich fand das damals sooo langweilig. Ich versuch das jetzt übrigens neutral zu sagen (ohne SC rosarote Brille) Alles in dem Spiel dauert sooo lange. Sogar beim Kurve fliegen wenn man käpft und dann immer den kleinen grünen Punkt in der Mitte behalten... boah nee! Auch wenn das Cockpit, die Sonnen und einige andere Sachen echt super hübsch aussehen... ich mag auch die Musik und den Sound im allgemeinen aber das Spiel hat ein massives Content Problem. Und alles was ich bis jetzt von Horizons gesehen habe, haut mich jetzt auch nicht wirklich vom Hocker. Trotz all der Neuerungen - Ich glaube das ED Universum bekommen die Devs einfach nicht mehr zu richtigem Leben erweckt.Dafür fehlt einfach das ... keine Ahnung... das richtige Feeling. Diese Fraktionskriege, die irgendwie nur in Texten erwähnt werden.Man hat einfach nicht das Gefühl teil von etwas zu sein... aber vielleicht geht es auch nur mir so... Und die neuen Planeten in ED Horizons sind auch echt mal NICHT hübsch. Ja schoon cool, dass sie prozedurale Generierung haben.Aber das sind auch nur einfach leblose Voxel Brocken mit random 08/15 Gegnern darauf und hier und da mal ner zufällig gespawnten Basis^^ "Der Weltraum... Unendliche Weiten... das sind die Abenteuer von Elite Dangerous. " Für Einzelspieler mit Explorerdrang super aber für alles andere halt so garnicht, Jetzt dürfen die ED Fans mich gerne verbrennen. edit.Video von einer gelandeten Cutter: Und die Corvette: Bearbeitet 13. November 2015 von Maxxx 1 Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen Mehr Optionen zum Teilen...
Maxxx Geschrieben 13. November 2015 Teilen Geschrieben 13. November 2015 Beta 1.5 "Ships" ist raus! Patch Notes: NEW CONTENT/FEATURES (1.5)- Added Asp Scout- Added Viper MkIV- Added Federal Corvette- Added Imperial Cutter- Added Keelback- PC/Mac: Added Bobbleheads!!!- Added Imperial Fighter to CQC- Added new missions- Don't die missions- Don't get scanned missions- Multi-stage missions- Missions can be received in space- Assassination variants- Contact missions- Unique cargo missions - you have to deliver what you are given- Timed window missions- Added new open space scenarios:- Search and rescue scenarios- Wrecked ships scenarios- New deep space salvage scenarios- Distress call scenarios- Alliance vip escort- PC/Mac: Updated French, German and Russian translations- Added more player group sponsored minor faction descriptions- Master Chefs rare good added- Renamed various planets- Local emergency rescue NPCs addedSTABILITY FIXES- Xbox One - Show gamertag for Xbox One players who have 'discovered by' tags- Swap the order that some conditionals are checked in to fix an error that can happen when searching certain systems names- Added sanity check when selling commodities- Don't crash when we try to eject all cargo and we either: have no cargo hatch, or the cargo hatch is shutting down- Fix crash trying to xtract the cargo canister's root physics skeleton before it is loaded- Fix an error than can happen when your squad leader is joining and leaving matchmaking in rapid succession- Xbox One: Fix some errors suspending and resuming a CQC match- Make sure that th stellar manager on the server shuts down correctly- Fix potential crash when spawning NPCs- Fix crashes reported for missing D3D buffers- Fix crash caused in Alliance space where the music track was given the wrong action name- Stellar system evolution shouldn't create negative mass- Fixed a softlock that can happen if a player joins a CQC game while it is in the game initialisation state- Avoid softlock loading into CQC if the ship object isn't ready yet- Made CQC handle the player being logged out while playing- Fix crash when using multiple mining lasers- Fixed a memory leak in audio occlusion- Fix memory leak on ship destructionGENERAL TWEAKS & FIXES- Added a hitcheck box to the capital ship laser turret turntable so that there is something to hit for the energy weapons. Also fixed the hitcheck so that everything is aligned to the barrels- Changed the seats in the Imperial Clipper to be the white imperial ones- Add shadow distance override for cockpits where it's been missing- Capped a few holes in the FDL hitcheck that was causing lasers and bullets to sometime go through the ship without hitting it- Added Front LandingGear Doors to the Viper so you cannot see the LandingGear appear/disappear anymore- The Eagle's rear landing gears no longer intersect with the landing pads- Fix the galaxy map search returning systems that dont end in -0 when a search ends with -0. Also when an array of results is returned, make sure that we start iterating at the first element in the array- Galaxy search - Make sure that when we are searching a region for a name match that the name matches the name of the region, otherwise it will end up looking through every star in a region without it being able to match anything- Paint job tweaks and improvements- Shipyard no longer shows 'filler text' during flicker animation on first visit- Added NPC Police paintjobs to the Anaconda ship, so that the police forces in the game now all has the same livery when they respond to situations- Added Keyboard toggle for orbit lines- Fix the cancel binding causing you being unable to select that binding again until reloading the bindings menu- Commodities market 'Demand' field can’t fit 8 or more digits fixed- Having a extremely large amount of credits causes errors when buying commodities fixed- Unable to return to the sort on categories in outfitting for modules when you have scrolled down the menu to the Back option fixed- Resolved an issue with disappearing ship icon in the Functions panel- Fixed geometry hole in the cockpit chair near the camera- Now that the Mac client has a BORDERLESS mode, accept this setting if it is found in the display config. file- Give 'out of range' message for the mining laser- Changed damage types and made sure outfitting has the correct stats too for the plasma accelerator- Vulture decal placement fixes- Updated in conjunction with dirt and tweak edits to improve panel definition and wear and tear on Fer-de-Lance- Fixed missing damage section on Anaconda- Got rid of faint white border from Alliance logo- Made more space for digits in confirmation popup when discarding cargo- Increased brightness and placement of hyperjump lens flare and removed unneeded drive bone to prevent an error- Moved shader preparation option out of the graphics quality group as it is not affected by the quality preset- Don't save if we're dead. Saving our ship in this state makes no sense and the server already knows all it needs to know from an earlier commander/death request- Fix AIs not spawning close to stations- Increased the width of the textField containing the module name to the maximum width to avoid text cutting- Added icon for new 'IllegalSalvage' mission icon- Adjusted a couple of the Anaconda loadouts to make sure all Anaconda's have turrets of some sort- Removed back button from New Commander Screen- The CQC outfitting hangar now has the name Attilius Orbital on the back wall- Fixed the 'Friends' text header disappears after opening a friend's Gamercard- Added NPC stranded behaviour - they need refueling!- Improvements to NPC traders- Those spawned near stations (who will normally dock with that station) now pick their starting cargo from that station's imported goods, rather than a random station's exported goods- If spawning docked they pick from that station's exports to take away with them. When buying cargo after docking they also use the station's exports- Added 'terrorist' NPC archetype- Fixes some hitcheck which was letting ships clip through heatsink rings on the front of the O'Neill station- Added oculus reset to F12 to controller configs where they were missing- CQC: Scorecard - Added an extra column for 'Game Mode'- specific scores- Fixed hitcheck so you can hit targeted weapons on the Fer-de-Lance- Re-Exported Eagle to fix broken hardpoints. Also fixed wrong material applied to hardpoint doors- Increased text size of 'viewing' text on CQC death screen- When Attempting to Change Loadout on Death in CQC an Option Was already selected fixed- Stop spurious button audio in powerplay UI- Powerplay rating tab: highlight the current rating you are in white on the right hand list of ratings- Shortened the text field in wing panel slightly to prevent cutting off of wing locations- Art fix for Eagle LOD issues- Extended text field so that ship's stats description fits in German- Hitcheck tweaks to the Anaconda, Federation Gunship, Type 7 and Type 9 to make sure a small railgun can fire from every hardpoint- Swapped hit layouts around for Cobra's small hardpoints- Moved the Small hard point from the underside to the side, so the hardpoints can fire without shooting into them on the Federal Assault Ship- Fixed landing gear clipping on Type 9- Tweaks to Hangar cameras, decals and baked greebels on Anaconda- New chatter tables added for new scenarios- Search and rescue NPCs added- Landing gear no longer disappears before landing gear doors close on Vulture- Cash reward for routing a capital ship is now 150000 instead of 50000 to bring it in line with other increases in combat bonds- "Unable to complete Transaction" screen stuck on Commodities market fixed- Fix for Top/Boost speed in the Shipyard being higher than expected- Reversed text on baked texture on Fed Gunship fixed- Decals made to be more intergrated with the hull to follow contours on Federal Dropship- 'Back' button in Galactic Powers menu functions as 'Exit' when clicked with the mouse fixed- The powerplay GUI will sometimes load up another power when clicking back instead of exiting galactic power standing screen fixed- Added "back" buttons to the news and standings pages of the powerplay menus- Galaxy map view is not centred when opening the map the first time fixed- 'Surge detected' text transposing onto canisters- 'None' Filter for Economy in Show by colour in the galaxy map does not work fixed- Added a minimum number of visible stars to galaxy map for edge case where none are displayed- Player does not see own name in Squad list when the Squad Leader is selecting a game fixed- Adjusted animation on large gimbal so it doesn't rotate as far to avoid the large cannon clipping through the floor- Toggling between Economical and Fastest Route on Galaxy Map doesnt change the plotted route fixed- Added in loadouts for the Bounty Hunter Viper MkIV and added in a crime scanner to one of the standard Viper loadouts- Added in loadouts for military Viper MkIV's and Asp Scout's, also fixed missing Class 5-E drive text- Updated the Alliance Viper military loadout to have mediums on it's mediums- Added NPC loadouts for Miner Asp Scouts and Keelback- Stop dancing stars near stars with the lensing effect- Add dynamic overrides for menu group GUI labels. When in supercruise, the GUI now says "Disable supercruise" rather than "Enable...".- Added NPC loadouts for Smuggler Asp Scouts and Keelbacks- Fix for the CQC stats screen showing 0% progress once the player's hit Elite, should show 100% for a warm sense of completeness- Rename duplicate authored system Khan to prevent conflict with generated system of the same name- Removed translated ship names that shouldn't be translated- Xbox One: Selecting current location on Galaxy Map isn't saved upon closing map fixed- HIP and HD numbers in Galaxy map should not have commas in them- Inconsistent Galaxy Map search method in Powerplay fixed- Xbox One: Opening galaxy/system map with radial menu causes target panel to open when map is closed fixed- Xbox One: Closing the system map with the B button brings up the galaxy map or vice-versa fixed- Make sure that not having a microphone doesn't stop you using voice comms completely (i.e. listening)- Add some significant events from recent history to various system descriptions in the galaxy map- Superpower reputation progress bars added (plus minor redesign to improve layout)- The icon for pledging to a power is still visible on the Power Standing screen after leaving the power fixed- Fixed physics issue on the Viper- Fix wing beacons disappearing after after 150s. Also fix wing beacons not appearing on the radar- Fix for being allowed to attack ships that have bounty before scanning them enough to see it- Updated damage decals for ships- If the player gets into a conflict zone where the factions aren't hostile to each other, don't allow the player to join a faction and show "ceasefire" where we would show "choose faction"- Fixed a problem in old planets that makes the normal map to be misaligned for one frame- If two NPCs in an interdiction finish with one of the objects not live, don't try to make an FSD wake since we can't cache that ship- Xbox One: If QoS times out after joining a friend's game (which shouldn't normally happen), neaten up the error message flow- Two Zero-length vector fixes for velocity during interdiction - could have been causing odd directions- Assigned a proper shipyard hologram for the Imperial Eagle- Xbox One: Fix a matchmaking issue where players that had previously failed QoS with one game may be kicked out of another game they later joined successfully- Fixed some issues with localised number formatting- When the game is paused and we take a high-res screenshot, don't unpause it again afterwards- Xbox One: Disable Friends menu options when we have no network, because the FriendsManagementScreen will just kick us out anyway- Fix an issue with entering the reference frame of a space station while on the surface of Lave 2 by shrinking the station's reference frame size- Wing beacons are now visible whenever the caster is in the same system and you can't see their ship- Removed gamepad references from control schemes so that they'll show up when a gamepad isn't plugged in- Fix the required SKU for the Cobra GamesCom paint job- Stop AI ships blowing themselves up due to overheating when firing weapons- Galaxy Map Info panel is consistently blank, regardless of selection fixed- Xbox One: If you pause the game while on Outfitting screen and Open Help -> controller focus remains on Outfitting under the help UI- CQC - Text Chat - Squad chat is labeled as Wing chat in team matches fixed- Make empire/federation faction skill have a minimum of 0.01 and a maximum of 0.2 (if there is any) so that faction ranking is slightly easier- Modified the way that containment radius is calculated so that for small moons close to their parent they don't end up with a containment radius intersecting their parents surface- Fix incorrect game miode being shown in comms panel- NPC's constantly flying into asteroids in resource extraction sites improvements- If a squad invite for CQC gets declined the person who invited them is not informed fixed- Add some additional checks to ensure that permits are loaded in correctly- Stagger the creation of ring cells within a ring, to avoid creating many cells in the same frame- Reduce memory overhead from cached asteroid physics- When choosing targets for AI hyperspacing, check that targets aren't blocked by a body- Cockpit was being attached slightly out of place causing the exterior cockpit chair to be in view from normal player camera in the Vulture- Pioneer rank decal is listed as Starblazer fixed- Ensure that the AI ambient spawner always generates enough NPC archetypes to satisfy the ideal number- Moved chat box to the bottom right corner to not obscure main menu descriptions- Fix for billboard asteroids not converging on the Oculus Rift and having different orientations in any 3D mode when stereo rendering is not enabled from the start of the game session- Render the bottom of the planet rings for bodies in system map - you can move to see this side with HMDS- If we are overriding the cargo of a ship, change the allocations of illegal/legal/stolen so that all cargo allocation is either legal or stolen- Stop NPC ships from using paint jobs from wrong ship types- "Target acquired" message stays when attempting to scoop new cargo fixed- Miner NPCs spawn with a random mix of minerals from the asteroid field they're in; if they're not in an asteroid field, pick minerals from the station lists, rather than just random commodities as before- Added more chatter lines for ambushed pilots to stop repetition- Robigo system listed as "Terraforming", but it's actually Extraction fixed- Reduce the shadow depth bias settings for Medium/Ultra inside the cockpit to fix the gaps showing at the cockpit glass struts- Check we have an available pad before trying to spawn capital ship fighters- Make sure massacre mission branches have reasonable timeouts- Add training video section to front end- System map should show distance from entry point for planets (similar to starports)- Classified Camera Toggle control input remains after selecting the "Empty" controls scheme fixed- Mass Lock cockpit indicator not turned off on entering new system fixed- OSX: Fix for mouse click detection and cursor positioning issue when using Retina resolutions- Fix NPC pirate wings not accepting dropped cargo to stop their attack- Missions now check in advance that the player's ship is eligible to dock at all stations/outposts required for multi-stage missions- Wrong Economy information for Devakak system fixed- Fix an issue where dark side lighting on planets wasn't working in supercruise- Player cannot pay fine when Black Market is accessed fixed- Added a small amount of weapon drain to the plasma repeater to stop people leaving it on 0 pips for extended periods of time- Disable local chat in CQC. Also show a more specific error message when blocking a direct message to a followee- Corrected animation error on viper underside hard point doors- Stop NPCs from trying to flee as a result of scanning when they are on the shared docking path- Fixed a pop between the deploy and stow also fixed the intersection between the medium Pulselaserburst Turret and the ship- Mirrored the location of the tiny hardpoints on the Hauler so that they're the right way around- If we don't have mic focus (because the party app does), then show all channels as muted- Raised Top Hardpoint bone to prevent the gun shooting through the hull on the Imperial Eagle- Restructured front end training menus- Fixed Custom Decals not showing on LODs on Python- Fix some framerate sensitivity issues that caused partial frames of weapon recharge between shots to be ignored, resulting in lower than intended fire rates at low frame rates- Give auto-bounties to powerplay pirates, the same as normal pirates- Capped holes between Exterior hull and cockpit on Vulture- The galaxy map, system map and powerplay screens are now closed when the player receives damage or hostiles appear- Fix "repair paintwork" not working- Make target time and target time range contract elements stop you from accepting a mission if the time range is going to be over within 10 minutes- Massacre missions cannot be given by system owners now- Hide Refinery tab if the refinery doesn't exist- Changed message given to players trying to fit a shield generator that can't support the hull mass of the ship- Chaff and Heatsinks will no longer be launched when deploying hardpoints by pressing one of the fire buttons if they are assigned to one of the active fire groups- Don't snow nav/proximity warnings when your landing gear is down - you're probably trying to "hit" something intentionally- Elite/Founder missions are now only available at the Founders World- System Map: Removed long description line from system UI data- Xbox One: Kick user out of voice comms (with dialog prompt) when entering CQC- There was an area below the galaxy map popup where rolling over a star/planet wasn't possible. This is now fixed- Positioning of star map popup is smarter and more flexible. Popup will stay contained to the screen bounds- Xbox One: Change message to not use (possibly truncated) name when we can't find a chat target- Made the system map rollover more forgiving - smaller objects no longer require precision mouse movements to see the popup- In mining, player unable to eject minerals from the refinery hopper fixed- Fixed missing doors on Federal Dropship- Added tabs to system map - System, Info, Points of Interest- Fixed tiny hardpoint placement and tweaked hitcheck on Federal Assault Ship- Turning off 'Show star names' in galaxy map doesn't clear existing labels fixed- System map popup positioning tweaked - now avoids overlapping other bodies in the same row- Option added to disable head look focus mode on Comms and Info panels- Adjusting position of Skirmish tutorial to bring it out of the planets pull- SMAA workaround while core issue is investigated- Moved tiny hardpoint bones so that the assets don't clip through the hull- Made the matchmaking lobby check to make sure the server is updating it correctly and disconnect if it is not- Set the hit sphere to the correct cargo hatch under the anaconda- Don't let players choose a decline button on a mission branch if the message is no longer relevant- Added a vent button to the refinery hopper- If we accept a CQC invite while loading into CQC, don't return to the main menu- Cockpit shadow fix for the Federal Gunship- Rebalance of shield cell heat gain- The heatsink projectile now simulates physics properly, and is susceptible to collisions and gravity- Hull reinforcement health increased- Modules now have boot up times- OSX: Added support for up to 8 mouse buttons- Server optimisation for StellarForge lookups - reduces system lookup times when hyperspacing- Stop shadow casting spotlights from remaining after the owning activity has been destroyed- Do allow remaining hopper items to be moved to bins after we've filled a canister. This fixes a bug where remaining items would get stuck in the hopper even though there's an empty bin available- Significant improvements to blocked-shot testing for turrets, mostly aimed at settlements but will help elsewhere- Small chance of spawning rescuer AI when player runs out of fuel in supercruise if in sufficiently populated system, not an anarchy, if player is ffriendly with controlling faction. Spawned AI acts like a hunter passive, so it will approach the player and then drop out, waiting for the player to follow- Render the radar in world space as FOR shifts now are frequent avoiding relative positioning issuesNew Audio:- Audio for Imperial Fighter- Audio for Federal Corvette- Audio for Imperial Cutter- Audio for Keelback- Audio for CobraMKIV- Audio for ViperMKIV- Audio for Asp Scout- Audio has been added to new damage model decals- Adding LFE thump to cockpit breaches and FSD transitions- CytoScrambler Laser has a sound!!Audio Fixes:- Weapons: Fixed Collector drone GUI "blip" sound triggering on all ships in the area. Now they only trigger on the drone owner's ship.- Weapons: Improvements to missile mix- Weapons: Missile explosion tweaks.- Weapons: Improved Capital/Station Broadside Guns.- Weapons: removed the falloff of volume over time when firing multi-cannons continuously.- Physics: Raised the volume of cannon/plasma/railgun impacts on other ships that the player causes.- Ships: Mix tweaks to Eagle, PG_Eagle Empire Eagle and Dropship to improve volume consistency across all ships.- Ships: Fixed some clicks in Dropship drives.- Ships: Fixes to Asp orientation.- Ships: Fixes to Diamondback's boost.- Ships: Fixed missing sound on Federal Dropship Boost.- Ships: Improvements to occlusion on ships.- Ships: Empire Eagle landing gear tweaks.- Ships: Added boost fail volume curves, so not too loud when game is quiet.- Ships: Added missing "Clunk" on other ships docking/undocking at stations.- Music: Enabled streaming on some music – memory optimisation .- Music: Fixed a possible problem with music being faded out in the CQC menu.- GUI: Fixed behaviour of docking offense and heat alarms, to avoid getting stuck on.- GUI: Evened out the volumes on the rank up anims.- GUI: Updates to CQC GUI.- GUI: Tweak to CQC results stingers.- GUI: loads of menu GUI tweaks.- GUI: Fixed missing scanner sounds when losing a regaining line of sight.- Voice: Added new CQC voice line "Enemy has the lead".- Voice: Changed CQC welcome announcement wording.- Set up occlusion on non-player ship impacts.- Fixed joypad rumble to not rumble on nearby ships landing.- Used our Pooled Audio Object system in a lot more places. Reduces voice count and improves performance.- Plugged some holes in Pooled Audio Object system.- Fixed some minor bugs in Soundbank Management.- Optimised memory assignments for soundbanks. Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen Mehr Optionen zum Teilen...
Seebo Geschrieben 13. November 2015 Teilen Geschrieben 13. November 2015 Ist das auch mit der stink normalen Version spielbar ? Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen Mehr Optionen zum Teilen...
Maxxx Geschrieben 14. November 2015 Teilen Geschrieben 14. November 2015 Für die Beta brauchst du Alpha oder Beta Zugang. Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen Mehr Optionen zum Teilen...
Maxxx Geschrieben 27. November 2015 Teilen Geschrieben 27. November 2015 Die Horizons Beta wird am 30.11 zum Download bereit stehen.Für Horizons haben sich die System Voraussetzungen geändert. Nun wird ein 64Bit OS, ein quad Core, 6Gb Ram und eine DX 11 fähige GPU vorausgesetzt! Session 1 (ED 1.5) wird weiterhin mit 32Bit OS, dual Core, 2Gb Ram und DX 9 GPU spielbar bleiben.Lg Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen Mehr Optionen zum Teilen...
T-Rocc Geschrieben 1. Dezember 2015 Teilen Geschrieben 1. Dezember 2015 Bin gespannt wie ein Pflitzebogen, gerade am runterladen der 2.0 Beta. Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen Mehr Optionen zum Teilen...
Maxxx Geschrieben 1. Dezember 2015 Teilen Geschrieben 1. Dezember 2015 Bin gestern bereits einige Runden mit dem Buggy durch die Gegend gedüst. Macht schon Spass!Der Handel zwischen Stationen und Planeten/Mond Basen ist recht langwierig, da muss dann der Profit wirklich passen.Werde mir das heute Abend mal genauer ansehen Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen Mehr Optionen zum Teilen...
Carpentarius Geschrieben 17. März 2017 Teilen Geschrieben 17. März 2017 Ich aktivier den Thread mal wieder zum Leben! Bin jetzt auch mal auf Elite Dangerous gestoßen, hatte bislang aber sowas von garnichts damit am Hut. Ich überlege ob ich mir das für zwischendurch zulegen soll? Ist das überhaupt was für zwischendurch? Hab ja nur 1-2mal pro Woche zeit, wenn überhaupt, das ich was anstarte. Bin aber mal von den ganzen Trailern begeistert, nur etwas verschreckt von einigen Kommentaren hier, mit langeweile und Einsteigerfeindlichkeit... Haben wir hier im Forum noch ein paar "Aktive" ED zocker, bzw könnt ihr mir bei der Entscheidung etwas helfen? LG Stefan Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen Mehr Optionen zum Teilen...
Gast Geschrieben 17. März 2017 Teilen Geschrieben 17. März 2017 Wenn man alles machen will, ist Elite schon sehr zeitaufwändig. Böse Zungem sagen "grinden" dazu. Aber in welchem Spiel ist das anders? Wenn man Material braucht muss man "arbeiten" und etwas tun. Wie bei jedem MMO. Elite ist aber geil Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen Mehr Optionen zum Teilen...
RockOut Geschrieben 17. März 2017 Teilen Geschrieben 17. März 2017 Ich finde es sehr langatmig. Es dauert ewig bis man mal auf einem Mond gelandet ist. Man braucht auch viele Stunden um einigermaßen Credits zu erwirtschaften um sich andere Schiffe oder Asrüstung leisten zu können. Aber es ist relativ realistisch. Man kann nur auf Monden landen , nicht auf Planeten mit Atmosphäre. Ich habe mich oft über übermächtige NPCs geärgert die dich grundlos abschießen. Im online Modus kann dir dass dann auch mit Mitspielern passieren. Bum und weg....2 Std Gameplay umsonst. Elite ist ein cooles Spiel, man muss es aber suchten und sich wirklich darauf einlassen. Dann macht es auch Spaß. Ich finde es ist nichts für nebenbei. 1 Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen Mehr Optionen zum Teilen...
Carpentarius Geschrieben 17. März 2017 Teilen Geschrieben 17. März 2017 Danke für die Antworten! Ich werd mir das noch gut überlegen und ein wenig reinlesen. Ich bekomm auch schon das gefühl das es für 1-2 Abende zu je 3 Std zu wenig ist. Vielleicht teste ichs mal aus wenn es sehr günstig ist. Auf jeden Fall Danke und schönen Abend noch LG Stefan Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen Mehr Optionen zum Teilen...
B.J. Geschrieben 17. März 2017 Teilen Geschrieben 17. März 2017 Danke für die Antworten! Ich werd mir das noch gut überlegen und ein wenig reinlesen. Ich bekomm auch schon das gefühl das es für 1-2 Abende zu je 3 Std zu wenig ist. Vielleicht teste ichs mal aus wenn es sehr günstig ist. Auf jeden Fall Danke und schönen Abend noch [emoji6] LG Stefan Lass Dich nicht verschrecken, denn für Elite braucht man auch nicht mehr Zeit als für jedes andere MMO. Star Citizen wird da nicht anders werden und wer glaubt, dass Geld verdienen und Kämpfe im fertigen SC so schnell bleibt ist sicherlich schief gewickelt. Aber zurück zu Elite. Du startest dort mit einem kleinen Schiff und arbeitest Dich langsam hoch. Die großen Schiffe zu verdienen dauert entsprechend, das ist richtig, aber was wäre Elite für ein Spiel wenn es schneller ginge. Lukrative Handelsrouten wollen erst einmal gefunden, Rohstoffe entdeckt werden. Legt man sich mit einem 20.000 Credits Schiff mit einem 2 Mio. Credits Schiff an, darf man sich nicht wundern, wenn man in der Suppe landet ... aber auch da dürfte SC nicht anders werden. In jedem Fall verfügt Elite über ein Flugmodell, was (besonders mit dem Joystick oder einem HOTAS-System) einen heiden Spaß macht. Außerdem finde ich es interessant, dass es keinen "Sicherheitsgurt" gibt und man bei Fehlern auch schon mal ordentlich bezahlen muss. Ein Konzept, mit dem die jüngeren Spieler nicht mehr wirklich vertraut sind ... man kann in Elite wirklich verlieren und zwar ordentlich. Jeder, der beim Landeanflug in einer Raumstation schon mal den Hotkey für die Schub-Umkehr mit dem für den Nachbrenner verwechselt hat oder schlicht mit zu viel Schub hinein geflogen ist und zusehen musste wie die Rückwand trotz vollem Gegenschub immer näher kommt, weiß wovon ich rede. ;-) Kurz; Elite hat einen gehobener Schwierigkeitsgrad und fordert eine gewisse Frust-Toleranz, macht aber viel Spaß wenn man sich darauf einlässt. Vor allem ist es im Moment aber die einzig existierende Spacesim die nicht mehr im Alpha- oder Early-Access-Status ist. 2 Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen Mehr Optionen zum Teilen...
Carpentarius Geschrieben 17. März 2017 Teilen Geschrieben 17. März 2017 Danke B.J. Du hast mich jetzt echt motiviert es mir doch mal anzuschauen! Und für 24,99 bekommt man ja doch echt was geboten LG Stefan Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen Mehr Optionen zum Teilen...
RockOut Geschrieben 17. März 2017 Teilen Geschrieben 17. März 2017 Welche Nicknames habt ihr in Elite ? Ich bin dort auch Rockout. Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen Mehr Optionen zum Teilen...
White Wolf Geschrieben 17. März 2017 Teilen Geschrieben 17. März 2017 Jetzt hat mich B.J. doch mal genötigt, hier was zu schreiben... :-) Ja, Elite ist definitiv was für einen Fan. Mich findest du dort unter Ben Wolf Romach [UGC] - darfst mich gerne in die friendlist aufnehmen. Ich möchte dir gleich die deutsche Community ans Herz legen - sehr nette Leute, sehr hilfsbereit und informative Seite. Wenn du mehr der PvE Spieler bist, bietet sich die Elitedangerous Gruppe an. Wir sehen uns ingame - fly save 2 Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen Mehr Optionen zum Teilen...
Carpentarius Geschrieben 18. März 2017 Teilen Geschrieben 18. März 2017 Gut, dann ist es klar. Ich werds mir morgen mal runterladen. Vielleicht komm ich dann noch dazu das ich es starte und meine sticks kalibriere. Eventuell noch ein bisschen umschauen. die Comunity Page werd ich auf jeden Fall aufsuchen! Danke Leute! Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen Mehr Optionen zum Teilen...
Frankyb Geschrieben 18. März 2017 Teilen Geschrieben 18. März 2017 Und bitte vergesst nicht die Wichtigste Regel in Elite. Fliege nur die Schiffe.....die Du dir auch leisten kannst zu verlieren. Ich habe es nur zu oft erlebt....das Spieler sich Hochgespielt hatten auf eine z.b. Annaconda....aber als der Schadensfall eintrat.....nicht genügend Geld mehr hatten um die Versicherung zu zahlen. Das ende vom Lied war....sie mussten wieder mit dem Anfängerschiff fliegen. 1 Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen Mehr Optionen zum Teilen...
Lanthan Geschrieben 18. März 2017 Teilen Geschrieben 18. März 2017 Gibt es eigentlich eine Story in ED oder ist das einfach eine offene Welt in der man für sein Auskommen sorgen muss? Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen Mehr Optionen zum Teilen...
Frankyb Geschrieben 18. März 2017 Teilen Geschrieben 18. März 2017 vor 21 Minuten schrieb Lanthan: Gibt es eigentlich eine Story in ED oder ist das einfach eine offene Welt in der man für sein Auskommen sorgen muss? Eine eigentliche Story gibt es dort nicht. Zwar tut sich was in Sachen " Außerirdische " aber in weit das gehen wird........Keine Ahnung bislang Daher heißt es.....sich selber ein ziel suchen und darauf hinarbeiten. Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen Mehr Optionen zum Teilen...
KaffeRausch Geschrieben 18. März 2017 Teilen Geschrieben 18. März 2017 (bearbeitet) Bei dem Spiel ist wohl Joystick Pflicht? Mit der Maus kann ich nur Hoch/Runter und Links/rechts Rollen. diese Steuerung ist ja Scheiße. Kein Links und rechts... Bearbeitet 18. März 2017 von KaffeRausch Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen Mehr Optionen zum Teilen...
Lanthan Geschrieben 18. März 2017 Teilen Geschrieben 18. März 2017 Eine eigentliche Story gibt es dort nicht. Zwar tut sich was in Sachen " Außerirdische " aber in weit das gehen wird........Keine Ahnung bislang Daher heißt es.....sich selber ein ziel suchen und darauf hinarbeiten. Hört sich schon mal spannend an. Was ist eigentlich mit dieser riesigen Space Qualle? Ist das nur was fürs Auge, oder hat die auch ne kleine Story? Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen Mehr Optionen zum Teilen...
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